Tier V western Allies is a complete shit fest of plane cycling

I know
That’s my only loss as yanks

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As soon as Tiger II cycling is limited you may have a reasonable argument.


Honestly if the devs give the US a good tier 5 tanks and, properly place the tank destroyers where they should be (rank 3) and give the US vehicles the proper AP ammunition, then US rank 3 would probably be decently fun to play. Only god knows if that will ever happen though.


Probably Tier IIIs are sent to Tier V to fill the queue :rofl:


US straight up shouldn’t see German tier V until appropriate vehicles and small arms are added
Or move German and Slav giga stuff like Stgs and KTH and AS44 IS2 to tier 6 and block that off from 3 4 and 5


I’d argue that things like the M2 Carbine, 1919 and the P-47 should stay at rank 5, but so long as you don’t play them you get hard-locked to tier 4 max and you play those things at your own risk. Japan should be similar but for rank 4 with weapons like the Sig 1920 and Type 2.


Yeah those are the only things the yanks get that should be Tier V, I agree completely
Other than the P-47 since the Germans get that at Tier III

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Well it and the Ju 188 should both go up, but that is another issue.


Had a Kraut team to that to me once on Normandy. Genuinely could not tell if it was 1 player or 3 players all spit swapping- I mean hot swapping their planes to just constantly ram us with suicide rocket and bombing runs one after another after another after another after another

That match genuinely sucked, and anyone who burns their money just to play as only vehicles in an Infantry game deserve to be scammed and screwed by Gaijin at every turn

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The frick are we supposed to do other than have our busted CAS loudouts? Use 75mm cannons to take out Tiger’s? Nah. Here hold this 500lb’er

Besides, ain’t the BF110 got 250kg bombs?

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You’d only have to buy one slot to do that, right?

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“I found funny that the P 51 D 5 is br III”

As an American player, I agree. I think it’s a bit stupid, should be BR IV and sit with the A20G-25

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I’m going to say the game is vehicle cycling. People have five slots with tanks and planes, and here we go. This is COH but from a different angle.

ye I agree about the soviets, but honestly I dont know what could be done about that, they have the same problem in war thunder

The easy solution here, that won’t piss off everyone and will go a long way to reducing the spam, is to disallow spawning in two vehicle squads back-to-back. Your plane crashed/got shot down? Your tank got blown up? You have to play an infantry squad, and not suicide it, before you can spawn another vehicle. Solves spam, solves some people never being able to use the vehicle slots, stops revenge bombing spawns. Neat and tidy.


you talking about the Bf 110 with the 37 cannon and the rockets? yeah except destroying heavy tanks is way harder than the retard proof 500lb bomb


All they have to do, is adjust br fairly between factions.

It’s not really hard, everyone knows that pps and mp40 are close equivalents, they just have to put them at same br.

And lower ZK and mp35…

And lower some Shermans that clearly are no match compared to IS2 or KT…

Simply use cold hard stats to define br.

But yes. Enlisted having a war thunder system, I’m not surprised and even expected the same flaws would come with.


Just shoot their engine deck from above with the APC on the 3.7 BK
Hell the 108s are pretty spazzy in blowing tanks up too

Yes its easier with the 500lb bomb but there’s a reason the P-47 is Tier V/Level 27
And the 110 can do everything it can do at Tier III/Level 4 but has to try slightly harder T_T poor german plz unnerstan

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I always thought of MoWAS2 but from purely the fps perspective myself
CoH is a good one too

those rounds are HE, I have seen people destroying shermans with bullets from the BF 110, but I have never been able to do that, before the merge, the only way I ever where able to destroy a Sherman with that plane was a direct hit with a rocket, and still, did not guarantee a kill