Thoughts on Tiger?

I’m personally quite hyped on getting Tiger (haha another tiger fanboy german technical superiority “insert insult”). I’m mainly interested in it’s cannon, not sure if it’s better than Panther’s or no, mainly looking towards something to reliably destroy Jumbos. Soon unlocking Panther, so getting near my goal atm. On the armour side, the numbers are higher on Tiger’s, tho I’ve head Panther is actually somewhat better? Need opinion to see if it’s actually worth the hype…

Panther’s gun has better pen and can pen the Jumbo frontally anywhere, Tiger’s gun can only pen the Jumbo’s MG port. However, the Tiger’s gun is better at dealing with infantry. As for armour, Panther’s front hull is stronger, but the Tiger has better armor all around.

And the tiger should have a greater window of angling until an overmatch can happen

caracals are better, they’re my favourite big cat

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so with Panther, you should mainly focus on sniping tanks, and with Tiger advance together with infantry?

No you should stay with infantry regardless, unless its D-day or Ver-Sur-Mer where you can be a filthy grey zone camper. The Panther is just better against tanks, the Tiger is just better against Infantry.


yeah I mainly avoid abusing greyzones, u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶I̶’̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶m̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ ̶K̶r̶u̶p̶p̶ ̶s̶t̶e̶e̶l̶, so Panther it is for now ig


Laughs in P-47

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Oh I see you are a man of culture as well?

You’ll always find me Camping on top of the Omaha Cliffs with my Panther, Tent and Campfire at the Ready, Tea is a at 5 and Dinner at 7, there’s a Seat for everyone.


May I introduce you to my friends HVAR and AN-M64A1?


What’s for dinner tho that’s the bigger question

Since when? i can’t say how many time i try to pen a Jumbo from the front with my fully upgraded Panther and nothing, the only real damage is to the MG port or a lucky turret hit.

And no im not a noob i can destroy heavys tanks with stuarts/pumas so is not a skill issue.

But yeah the Tiger is a beast fighting infantry. Is funny to see people running away when they see you and you can drive backwards with it! not like the Panther… you better go on foot and push it yourself to move faster.

Since the Panther was added. Just shoot the front of the hull, even though the marker says yellow basically always a pen. a Jumbo should take no more than 3 shots from a Panther depending in RNG.

yes, it’s funny to watch the American players scream when they see a tiger. Oh no, it’s a great and terrible tiger, we lost!!! But these poor fellows do not understand that the panther is better. )))

The panther cannon can’t. Yesterday I took a screenshot in WT to show how “easy” the penetration is at 200 meters (it feels like in Enlisted the penetration is a little less for everyone).

Panther at very close range can punch a jumbo into the hull (up to 20 meters) and can do so if standing on elevated ground so that the inclination of the jumbo’s hull is less.
The Tiger’s projectile penetration is slightly better than the Pz4’s 160 vs. 140 or so, but the projectile does noticeably more damage.
The panther also has better frontal armor (both turret and hull), but is weak on the sides.
The Tiger is also a bit slower and worse at climbing hills, it seemed to me.
Overall it’s a great alternative, I like the increased shell damage and better perimeter armor. You might want to think about what to use

Its a sidegrade.

The panther should be able to pen the Jumbo anywhere. Ignore the pen indicator, either it is bugged or the Panther has too much pen. Either way, you should be able to pen the Jumbo.

Then thats a huge factor, cuz i can’t pen the front unless i hit the mg port, or like a said a lucky turret shot killing the crew one by one. If i engage in a front to front i will lose my canon (always) so thats why i find it strange… maybe i have sh*t luck.

I’ve played the panther a lot and no, it can’t freely punch a jumbo in the forehead from more than 30 meters away. Aim more reliably under the turret