Thoughts on the addition of the M1944 Hyde Light Rifle?

The M1944 Hyde was an experimental selective-fire rifle chambered in .30 carbine, shared with the M1 carbine. It held 30 rounds in a detachable magazine, and could sustain roughly somewhere between 600–1200 rpm. This weapon would give the western allies an end-game equivalent to the StG 44 and AS-44.



Never heard of it. Do we really need second federov? Meta shouldn’t be made of prototypes. But as GO/event, why not.
I would be even okay in tech tree, just dont make it OP xd

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I’d love to see more of Hyde’s work. Especially the M2 SMG that saw little to no production due to the M3 being developed almost immediately after it


The M2 Hyde is pretty mediocre in Enlisted sadly
Nice heirloom from CBT though


Oh it’s in the game? Never saw it anywhere

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Its the CBT squad for Normandy Allies
The counterpart was an Military Police Squad with MP-28s for the Germans


Aaannnddd I’m assuming this is no longer available? Or is it just hiding somewhere and I’m blind as usual?


And besides, I want one, or several, without having to burn 30-60 bucks on a squad

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It was like $40 or $50 for both squads way back when
Yeah they’re no longer available like the rest of the CBT squads

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Fedorov would mean it is a zombie.
Would be more like AS-44 though I guess even the AS was more common.

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Seems bout right

I’m also assuming this was before they added the game to last gen consoles?

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Normally I’d agree, however with the AS-44 added I think it is only fair for the US to be given something roughly equivalent.

Gameplay wise, it would probably function somewhat similarly to the Thompson .30 cal; only with a slightly slower rate of fire, a little more accurate/better at range, and have an extra 10 rounds in the magazine.


It would be cool if they brought the M2 Hyde back as an event weapon. That and the MP-41(r)

I’d 100% be all for this


Right? My other Campaigns need some Assault love too. My Normandy Assault Squad has nothing but Event and Gold Order SMG’s. Lol

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A more controllable/less gimmicky .30 Carbine SMG? Bet

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NGL I would 100% be an asshole and bring this thing into the Pacific lol

I mean where else would you bring it? Them Japs need to learn their lesson. Lol

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AS is still obsolete to federov, since it’s basically just reskined Stg.
Plus it will never be facing any west allied weapon, sonthe argument is kinda weird.

Look maybe we just want another option to body the Krauts with other than just the M2, M2, and M1919

And yes I mean two different M2’s. HMG Nests are amazing

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Yeah, I wouldn’t be against another option. I just don’t want it to be the strongest one.