Thoughts on the addition of the M1944 Hyde Light Rifle?

I feel like the reliable M1 Garand and the Johnson LMG body more than enough to earn a spot on that list.

but thats just me

Also one day the Thompson with good sights and Drum mag might show up (Foregrip). Pretty sure it was in Tunisia CBT.


That thing rocks.


Oh yeah the drum one in Tunisia right now that I’m working towards I believe is an M1 Thompson with the straight grip. And yes if they fix Thompson and Carbine sights they’d be pretty much unstoppable


Doesn’t matter. Russians and Germans have Assault Rifles as an option for their assault troops. US should have an equivalent option too.

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That one has the dudd sights (imo)

The m1918 USMC and m1921/28 (i think) have the good sights. But only 20 and 30 rounds. Pretty sure in CBT there was one of these with drum mag.

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This just gives me the urge to export Canadian whiskey to my neighbors south for some reason. But I don’t remember that one in Tunisia cbt :thinking:

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maybe Im getting old. But I clearly remember a Duck aswell, that has gone missing


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Uh… you’re right. I thought it was the premium breda, but no… it was this one…

It was difficult to control in Enlisted, thought. Had troubles gaining altitude if I recall well.

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But unlike alot of others, its cannon worked. It shredded tanks. I really enjoyed it and want it back!!

the mighty duck!


I really want the 40mm hurricane to work, on that note. Never enough canon planes.

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Welp, just gonna have to live with it I suppose. Lol

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Lot of planes with cannons
Few cannon planes in the game
Is a sad reality we live in
Plus from what I’ve been told, US plane cannons kinda sucked. At least in WT

made up for it with large payloads and 50 cals up the waaahzoo

37mm sprays everywhere and ammo isnt great, 75mm works fine on the b-25, but that platform is too bigger target and unwieldly to bother.

Shoot yeah

But explosive .50 rounds wouldn’t exist till a bit later unfortunately. Gotta get direct hits with them to damage/kill soldiers on the ground vs HE loaded cannons, and bombs take a certain skill set to place in optimal spots on the map and not die in the process. One of the reasons I like rockets so much. Lot easier to use, and we get a ton of em

But for shredding enemy planes and armor? Ain’t no other full auto weapon I’d rather have than Muh Deuce

Germans: great another better StG44 with different name

It’d honestly be more analogous to an up-scaled Thompson, but yeah you could call it a US analog to the StG

So would this be a universal weapon like the M2 carbine?

Because at the moment automatic carbines are a universal riflemen weapon

I’d treat it more like an Assault Rifle

I really want that squad. The M2 Hyde looks so damn cool.

And as for the 1944 Hyde, I think it’s fine but I’d rather not have a new precedent of having prototype weapons to artificially balance things (AS44 is bad enough). But it’s still cool, I’d just prefer it be event/premium/gold order. Maybe for an armory event so you could get 4 of them.


But why? Because of its profile?

The reason why I’m asking is because lately we’ve been debating and discussing about automatic rifles, automatic carbines, etc

It’s like I would say the Gewehr 43 Kurz should be turned into an Assault rifle. While the FG42 is an automatic rifle (and at the moment a universal weapon which I think is fine), but say a rare prototype of the FG42 that used Stg magazines would technically be an Assault rifle

So why would the M1944 Hyde be an Assault rifle while the M2 Carbine is a universal weapon even though both use the same round and are automatic