This is the crap that irritates me

Game just starts, my very “FIRST” spawn and the control point is almost taken, and was taken by the time I got to the first objective. I am supposed to be defending, so why don’t I get a chance to defend? This is an “INSTANT DESERTION” by me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: This isn’t the first time I have complained about this. I’m quite sure it won’t be the last either. :grinning: I logged in to play the whole game, not 4/5th of the game. I’m sure the DEV’s can make some adjustments to their game parameters.


You replaced another player who, guess what, deserted… Lol!

That’s called karma. :smiley:


This is another reason I say let the people have what they want. They say not enough players for 0/0 match, but does that matter? Maybe I replaced a BOT from someone else who deserted, but a BOT is going to replace me when I bailed, and I am quite sure if the control point fell that quickly a lot of other BOTS were going to be finishing the game anyway. :joy: I don’t see anything ever improving to be honest.

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there’s some serious weird obsession with the first point among deserters.

especially the ones who joins as second from the first type that they left.

it’s almost as if those people don’t know that after that the first point is lost, there are 4 additional points to defend.

perhaps this posts proves that it can be a shocker to some people.

but you ain’t certainly gonna make a difference if you care just about the first point and not the others.
people would be surprised how many times games are winnable if you just stay till the end outside those rare occasions of having bad experienced player in only one team.

but what do i know.


It’s more a problem for random player, if a random players join late and see the first point captured with the kill feed filled of enemy kill, obliviously he is gonna think the battle is already lost, and he desert

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or could grow a spine and find out how wrong sometimes people can be.

but i suppose it’s easier for some people to avoid the issue and complain.

after all, that’s how most of my and other’s people wins are made. because of said people not actually standing their ground and giving up after the first point.

free xp i guess

P.S. one of the reason why AI are better than most of players. and why PVE should be a thing.
because at least the AI doesn’t leave matches and actually stays on the objective.

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most of those battles are just one side avalanche because of multiple players stack on one team, I can’t really go aganaist deserter until an addition to the matchmaking who force stack of player vs other stack is implemented, no one wanna be free XP and get killed soon at every respawn


That’s not the point. The point is to start people out when the game starts, not after the first quarter is almost over. It’s not that I can’t play the last 4 objectives, it’s that I’m not going to :wink:. Could the team come back and won the game? Maybe, but why should I start off after 1/5th of the game is already over? And no, I probably wouldn’t have made a difference because I am quite sure a vast amount of players probably deserted as well, and most of them were probably there from the start. Maybe you stick around for your honor, but I am quite sure you desert at times as well. :grin: BTW, the very next game did the same thing, started me off late. I took this before I had my first spawn.

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Maybe the game should have some sort of timer when the match load for everyone so the map and everyone else can load in and wait before it begin?

idk they should implement this imo sound logical to me

maybe it could solve late joining and stuff

I don’t usually desert as I will stick around just to meet my daily objectives, but I draw the line when the first objective is taken or near taken. I sit through the vast majority of seal clubbing’s, but they can at least start me off when the game starts, or let me wait till the next game starts.

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cause it indicates quality of team. usually i desert if i am only one building rally point and everyone else that stayed on point got overrun. if i see couple of players building rally points i stay.

also there needs to be lock on cap for first minute just like there is lock in confrontation mode. there would be a lot less desertions if players who went to build rally point actually have chance to defend it before capture starts.

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if only that was the actual meaningful reason on why people left.

kinda like HA advocates, if you ask them what they think, they’ll come up with many different type of reasons.

and 90% of those are personal ones rather than objective ones.
that is, that goes beyond their actual power.

because it’s a down spiral that always begins and will always end because of people leaving.

" if X or Y leaves, why shouldn’t I ".

but it is.

75% match does not get defined by the first 25%.

sure, stacks, as rightfully pointed out or people just like you leaving, of course it’s not gonna be won because of a lack of a spine.

booting up a game just to leave, sounds like you aren’t really there to play it in the first place.

and i’m fairly sure there was a reason why punishment have been considered as valid options for the devs.

ah yes… accountability 1 0 1.

of course the problem are always the others. and your own actions do not count. because “Probably” others do it, or would consider doing it.

i couldn’t care less.

it’s called having consistency and actually there to play.

perhaps something that you don’t partially understand.

unfortunately for you, i never quitted a single match.
and never will. outside emergencies for work, family.

but you’re free to disprove my claims.
i’d be interested to see how it would go.

:woman_shrugging: sorry, no medals to give you.


:rofl: Not even a participation award? :rofl:

Correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t exactly know how the match making rule work for party groups, but isn’t what you’ve mentioned already in the game? When I watch replays usually the team with party groups will battle each other, however the number of stack players on each team is not always equal.

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it does not.

it wouldn’t really solve much beside giving an initial advantage on defenders.

because assaulters job is to capture the point before defenders locks it down, and defenders, avoid attackers getting there and stall their attack through defenses.

as they say, the best offense is defense, and the best defense is the best offense.

which it boils down to assaulters forming up an offensive defense inside the point and or prevent the defenders to reach the point.

and the defenders have to move around and attack the assaulters to stall their lives and rally points.

yet, defenders have the benefit of not having to worries about the lives. but on top of that, most maps layouts are made for some being open, others more for favor defenders, and others attackers.

9/10 times the enemy can be stop in their tracks by the map layout.
and in very occasions, can even be turned around by one person with a rally point.
and the rest don’t even have to be that good as long they can get inside the point in the fastest way and closest as possible to the point.
both for attackers and defenders.

No, it should be soon™ implemented, was just teased in the past, or it don’t work because properly because the issue is still present

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T20 is a rifle not an assault rifle (US does not have AR currently)

so you probably use thomson or something

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On the right under in work in progress


yeah your correct, I used the Thompson but typed the wrong gun down since I normally use the T20. That is called getting old and your memory is taking a dump. :rofl:


yea my memory arent the best as well (tbh it incredible whenever i remember thing)