This is the crap that irritates me

Just like everyone hopes not to enter an environment full of idiots
No one wants to encounter an environment where they have to help an idiot clean up the aftermath as soon as they come in.

it does. whether it is quality of your team or your enemy team.

it would solve initial push that can overwhelm defenders cause actually smart players went to the back to build rally points. also it would solve people parachuting to second cap point after first one was captured.

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Maybe you should think about why they would rather quit than stay

Maybe I can win on my own or be effective against the enemy
But this will make me very tired
Especially every time I see that except for me and 1 or 2 other possible (human) friendly forces, they are idiots who only commit suicide or are bed bugs hiding in the dark like cockroaches.
I’m tired
I’d rather quit the game or go on a demand-ignoring suicide attack than spend more effort on these idiots

Do you know how I became a fan of suicide tactics?
(To date I have performed over 3000 game suicide tactics with or without planes)
When I find that there are only 1 to 3 players working on either offense or defense
And those 60% to 70% of idiots have no positive functions except voluntarily dying, hiding 100 meters away, or ineffectively parasitizing vehicles.
In order to make up for the incompetence of my teammates, I started to use suicide to quickly change the team so that I could do more work in a short time.
And change the team composition to a configuration more suitable for one-time assault or quick suicide
Later, I discovered that just relying on rebirth points and tactical equipment could not guarantee the survival rate of those idiots.
So I began to use suicide aircraft to try to destroy enemy reinforcements, tanks and fire locations with higher efficiency, and continued to use ground teams for support under appropriate conditions.
Based on all experience so far
Reasonable use of suicide planes can indeed reduce the pressure on the other two teammates and improve the survival rate of 7 idiots (especially when the enemy also has a large number of idiots)

couldn’t care less. and no, i don’t have to think about people being selfish.

which i guess it’s ironic given me having to repeat it.

but, for the quality of the game, in order to have healthier matches, punishment for desertions should absolutely be a thing.

dunno what future y’all can expect to have for this game if you can’t even be bothered to play more than 1 or 4 matches without at least leaving one.

it just affect everyone. some more than others.
and as much i’m indifferent to what you or the next joe in his matches do, for the game that i like, makes nothing by a down spiral of people leaving matches, and escalating to leaving the game because it’s un fun how people just leave because too afraid of pulling up a fight.

there’s a clear distinction between playing the game, and not there to play to begin with, but feel instant gratification of numbers going up.

those are two very different things.

why do i bring this up?

because feels like people just want to get xps with little effort.
and the answer would be PVEs.

at least as said, bots do not leave matches.

sounds to me someone can’t handle defeat.

and there are way too many people than i’d like to admit.

as much i dont apreciate my teammates as being dead weight either. it’s not an exscuse for those who are legimitely trying despite the skill gap.

and no " skill based matchmaker " in the world will ever gonna fix that. because we don’t have numbers to begin with.

and so the rest of your kind thinks alike, and makes the overhall game much worse than it would be.

i don’t see how relevant that is, because as much i despise suicide bombers, i can at least respect the effort of staying in the match and trying to make the best out of it.

which it’s not about honor.
but consistency, and decency.

i mostly spend my time on enlisted on the editor, and customs against bots because i’m getting burned out of pvps.

and as said, as much i don’t care about quitters as they dont inherently affect me in the short time, it will in the long time because no one wont play this game no more as it’s more of a " find an easy session and leave difficulty ones ". making the experience worse for everyone.

and as i have grinded everyhing, i still believe PVE should be the way to go.
time and time over has been proven that sometimes balance isn’t there, or the players to begin with that aren’t afraid to lose, but still pull up a fight.

call it what you want, but i believe the AI could furfill such role if properly implemented.

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I don’t care about failure or even being massacred
But the premise is that all my teammates have the most basic thinking ability
Instead of forcing me to take bullets for the remaining 70% of idiots who can’t think and then have them waste 25 minutes of my time and good mood.

I play PVP games to pursue confrontation and battle, not to be a volunteer who takes care of a group of idiots while also dealing with regular troops.
If you like, take care of those idiots yourself and don’t ask others to have the same moral standards as you.
Because no one has ever had the obligation to protect idiots (only the official will listen to those idiots cry and make the game more boring)

As long as the government can solve the problem of the proliferation of idiots, this problem will not exist.

I don’t need honor and don’t care about other people’s mysophobia or excuses for incompetence.
I just want a more normal game
But the reality is that after those idiots force other players to learn a bunch of things, there are mysophobics and idiots who use extreme and unfounded arguments to say that this behavior is immoral or smear them to justify their discrimination or to cover up their own incompetence.

I’m tired
I don’t want to keep helping idiots who can’t think.
So I chose to be a deserter or give up the game directly
As long as the environment is full of idiots
I will always support military desertion


10 instances of “idiots” in your post. I think that’s a new record! Congrats, I guess… :no_good_man:


I originally wanted to use animals to describe it
But I discovered that even animals have the ability to learn
So using animals to describe a certain group is very rude to animals.

Most of the directional nouns I typed are related to (stupid)
But after translation maybe it sounds like something else
Words frequently used by certain groups can continue to be used without penalty even if they are insulting or misleading.
Then there shouldn’t be any problem with the words I use.


punishing deserters is treating the symptom without curing the disease
what is the cure and what is the disease
the disease is bad match making
people playing game modes they do not want to play
playing on teams with different objectives
flaying on teams with too many bots/console players
people joining games already lost
people playing one faction over others
people playing a favored BR’s over others
so bad match making

the cure, the cure might be worse than the symptoms,
desertion sucks but chopping the pie into enough pieces could break the game
you can not punish people for playing a match if they have littler say in what they play
its the carrot and the stick if you only have a hammer every problem becomes a nail

eliminate the reward for winning, let me explain
reward only the best players on each team
gold, silver bronze
bets players 1/3 on both team get the gold reward
middle 1/3 get the silver reward
and only the bottom third get the worse reward

simply punishing a person on the loosing team will mean punishing deserters will only cause them to leave the game
rewarding good play and not luck will mean bad players will equally leave both teams
this will slow now the desertion snowball
where on teams begins to loose and player after player leave the loosing team

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I appreciate English isn’t your first language, and that you often use a translator, but instead of using the term “idiots” for everyone who plays the game, why not use the term “players” instead?

That way, your posts won’t be so easily misconstrued as aggressive, argumentative, or obnoxious by other forum dwellers. Which often seems to be the case.

Just a thought. :slight_smile:

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This… :+1:

Short of suspending or banning people who desert, punishment is not going to do anything. :joy: And of course, if Enlisted is already short of players, I somehow doubt suspending or banning people is going to help the games longevity. :rofl: NTM what happens when they start suspending people who pay for premium squads and content? Loss of revenue in my opinion. No, they would not go to that extreme to curb deserters, but is anyone going to stay because of loss of experience points or something in that realm? And what happens when people lose power, or internet, are they going to be punished for desertion? I live in the Philippines, my power goes off on average at least a couple times a week, and I lose internet a couple times a month. Personally, I am going to laugh when they start punishing for desertion, and people are still coming to the forum complaining about people deserting. That will sure be an “I told you so” moment. :rofl:

As Keiegerfaust007 said, fix the problem first, then worry about punishment. However, you’ll get better results incentivizing people to stay, rather then punishing them for leaving. :wink: Anyone who has ever run or managed a business knows this.

and it could be avoided…Ill probably get to post a Year 3 and 4 version


Just hop in a plane and fly around until your team loses. Keep all bp, xp scaling and it ends fast since it’s like 9v10, shoot down random plane.

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I’ve been playing for over 2 1/2 years and pretty much played all infantry all that time, until a couple months ago when i started flying. So, yeah, when I’m on the wrong side of a real ass kicking, I now jump in the plane and practice my dive bombing until I get shot down

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I have 2nd monitor, just watch a tv series while mucking around running down the clock.

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I have my laptop close by and watch south park while I play. :rofl:


Since we’re talking about desertions and penalties, this just happened to me a few moments ago. I lost internet and was booted from the game. Living in the Philippines, this happens to me a lot where the power on average goes off a couple times a week, and the internet a few times a month. I didn’t have this problem in the US as the only times I usually lost one of the other was during a severe thunderstorm or a Hurricane as I was living in Florida. You know that DF is not going to have a way of determining who quit on purpose and who was booted by loss of power or internet. This was not the first time I have posted a screen shot of being booted, in fact that was just a couple months or so ago. So on average, if I continue playing this game I can expect to be penalized at least half a dozen times a year because of lost internet or power. :thinking:

well there are lots of reason on why someone doesnt want to play something and a lot of them are valid. that is why they need to introduce mechanism to remove most of those reasons from list of why people desert(soonTM). for the reasons that are not in control of devs they need carrot and stick method.

Some time the first point is the crucial point to defend so when it been taken right from the start you will loose the game because you didn’t have the time to be on the point.

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