At the end of the previous year the developers said that they are going to give additional ‘silver’ to the best soldiers in a particular battle. While the other three changes mentioned alongside this one in the said dev post have been ‘partially’ realised this one seems to remain unaccomplished. I would request the devs to kindly look into incorporating this change before the Steam release. It would solve two things namely 1. It would help out the players a little bit given the current nature of the in-game economy. 2. It will incentivise players by adopting different strategies while contributing to the overall victory. For instance being the best rally point builder, the best mortar man, the best pilot etc.
Link to the dev post: Even more plans for future updates - News - Enlisted
Do we really need to shower no-lifers like me with MORE resources, when the new players have to struggle with basically nothing (and their chance to get any of the rewards is pretty low anyway?)
I don’t think I get a 1/100 game where I didn’t get a battle hero award and I have 1.55M silver RN…
What we really need is for the new players to have viable ways to earn their way to a Minimally Viable Lineup quickly
Fix silver gain in BP first.
We should. But the reward should go only to top players in losing team. Thus we encourages them stay in match.
50% exp penalty for loss makes staying in obv lost match pretty much waste of time rn.
Oh, I like that, could even help with balancing the pop
EDIT: I actually think it’s a brilliant idea. Ironically, the rewards could even be increased for losing lol (although that could lead to griefing?)
But I just love the idea for rewarding people for actually, you know, playing the damn game and trying, instead of babyraging out at first sight
I 100% agree.
I was thinking about putting together a post for this myself, glad I’m not the only one thinking about it!
Its definitely much needed.
I’ve seen numerous new players outperform veteran players. This suggestion would benefit them just as much as veteran players. Whoever makes a notable difference for their team.
Well… that’s good for you.
Personally, I’m often top of the board (at least top 3) every game, but am still running on next to zero silver. Why? Because I use a lot of different squads on a lot each of the different nations and am still working on leveling them.
This suggestion isn’t made specifically for maxed out veteran players, no its made for the players that push hard and are still leveling their way through the tech trees.
Why first? I think the core gameplay change of silver gain (as the suggestion is stating) is a lot more important than the Battlepass.
I disagree. It needs to go to the top performers of BOTH teams. After all, the winning team likely wouldn’t be winning if not for those at the top of their board.
If you only reward the losing team, then you are saying it is more lucrative to intentionally LOSE the game. If you can’t see the problem with this, you should really sit down and thoroughly think about this.

After all, the winning team likely wouldn’t be winning if not for those at the top of their board.
They are already rewarded by not getting 50% exp/silver penalty for loss.
What else do they need?
Stop and actually think it through…
What you are suggesting is to put the top players on the losing team on par with the winning team, but not presenting a reason that they would strive to be the top players on the winning team.
This means that their BEST option, is ultimately to sabotage their team and proceed to farm kills. As this way they still get the same amount of points or more than if they had been on the winning team.
So as I proposed, the better route is to give the extra rewards to the top players on BOTH the winning and losing team, the winning MVPs getting both the win bonus and top player rewards, so that it is irrefutably the best option to attempt to WIN AND DO WELL.

This means that their BEST option, is ultimately to sabotage their team and proceed to farm kills
No, because the reward should be something similar to 50% exp bonus for victory and nothing else.
It should just prevent good players from leaving the loosing side.
That’s all. I believe that’s more important than anything else.
If we can stop desertion, we’ll end up having way more interesting and balanced matches. That’s my opinion.

but not presenting a reason that they would strive to be the top players on the winning team.
Yes, exactly.
Otherwise, they can desert until the RNG puts them on the team that wins and thus they get the bonus.
If there was a bonus for the top players on the winning team. Literally nothing would change. You’d still be better off deserting, otherwise you’d lose that bonus.
Because being on top of the leaderboard really isnt something hard unless you have no lifer 4 stack in you team. In that case, you would just desert as well
Your view on this is deeply flawed, as you are only considering games where it is an absolute blowout on one side or the other, and prioritizing players that are deserting games in an attempt to get into the blowout games (in their favor).
As far your suggestion for a bonus for MVP losers, but NOT MVP winners,
This means that their BEST option, is ultimately to sabotage their team and proceed to farm kills
I reiterate this, because there is no punishment for team sabotage. Given that they will receive the same bonus as if they had won, it is most efficient to set up wire and such to sabotage their own team so that they themselves can get more kills.
That is a FACT.
Because if they are receiving the same bonus as if they had won, their opponent is no longer the enemy team (that has become the resource), their opponent is now their own teammates, for which they are competing to gain more of the resource (the enemy team).
There would be no reason to actually push for a victory. As that means that you will likely get LESS rewards than if you had sabotaged your team and greedily focused on kills.
If a bonus is given to the MVP players on BOTH sides, in ADDITION to the win bonus, there is a reason for players to play their hardest across the board, with the intention of winning, as then it is the most lucrative.
Especially in fights that are close games, rather than blowouts. The MVPs of both sides will be getting plenty of rewards, but those that worked better with their team and achieved the victory will get more than the other team that likely didn’t work quite as well with their team.
I too agree, but it should not be higher than victors.

I reiterate this, because there is no punishment for team sabotage. Given that they will receive the same bonus as if they had won
I’ve said many times that the win bonus is incredibly toxic and only hurts the game.
But since there are individuals who think that players would then have no reason to try to win (which is utter nonsense, if only because of the classic human ego), they were heavily against my idea.
If both the best players on the winning and losing team get a bonus, literally nothing will change.
And it will always be worth deserting until you’re the one who’s gonna be put by RNG into a better team. And then it’s just a matter of whether you get a double bonus or not. But that’s completely irrelevant. Because it’s never worth stressing out on a team that’s obviously losing from the first moment. And yet for your efforts, the system spits in your face.
Yes, the system is obviously not perfect. But it’s better to focus on the people who are dedicated to the game and trying to actually enjoy playing it.
If instead you worry about a few trolls not getting punished for putting barbed wires around your team’s rally point. Then you’re not helping anything. Literally this behavior is punishable and reportable.
There is no need for such people to receive any penalties in terms of limited resources.
They risk temporary and permanent bans by such behavior.
Then you’re not helping anything. Literally this behavior is punishable and reportable.
There is no need for such people to receive any penalties in terms of limited resources.
They risk temporary and permanent bans by such behavior.
- Have you ever seen or heard of anyone actually being removed for it?
We see a guy on console that does it all the time. We’ve reported it countless times. Yet NOTHING has ever been done about it.
I’ve said many times that the win bonus is incredibly toxic and only hurts the game.
- This is honestly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
What is the point in trying to win if there is no reward?
And it will always be worth deserting until you’re the one who’s gonna be put by RNG into a better team. And then it’s just a matter of whether you get a double bonus or not. But that’s completely irrelevant. Because it’s never worth stressing out on a team that’s obviously losing from the first moment. And yet for your efforts, the system spits in your face.
- So essentially, you are quitting out of games that you aren’t being carried in.
This all boils down to a problem with the player, not the reward system.