For all these time they still cant make a proper matchmaking system. they dont even make a compansation for those who got into a totally outmatched game.
There’s only 2 queues BR 1-3 and BR 3-5 so there won’t be any … for now.
If the player base grows, possibly ?
“The beatings will continue until morale improves”
you cant improve matchmaking as long as nation vs nation MM exists. players will always stack on one side as long as any vs any MM doesnt get implemented. only thing you can improve with MM is to get less bots in matches.
best you can ask is for devs to implement bonus xp for join any to break one nation good player stacking.
- matchmaker needs to be aware of more than just fake BR set by ONE meaningless item
Literally just played a match as BR5 Germany.
Had people running around with crappy bolt actions, PzBs, I saw a P III E get blown up.
If not visible to players, at least internally it should have some magic formula to compute average BR of each player/team and strive to avoid 3.1 teams fighting 4.75 teams
A newbie player with Gewehr 33/40s, PzBs and a single G43 does not equal premium player with thousands of battles and 10 slots, all filled with BR5 gear - just use the damn player rating already - at least try to make sure teams with high player rating do not also have “magic average” BR advantage to boot. I know it’s not the best, but actually using it to put highly ranked people into harder matches will make it harder for them to keep the rating, so eventually it might start to resemble skill better?
- do not let more than 2 people queue for a specific faction (or tell them which specific faction is getting shitstomped at this moment (and use some like, 1-hour rolling average of winrates or something to keep the data current, not update it every damn few months like now)
- even out the attack/defend ratios or promote confrontation-style gamemodes (after fixing its issues though, there are some)
Add some carrots:
- This Feature is 'Urgently' Needed - #4 by Adamnpee
- MEANINGFUL bonuses for playing weak factions (like, IMO flat silver (actual amount, not a 20% booster on 1000 score game where you got spawncamped for 15 minutes) to play as BR2 Germany rn lol, plus possibly free psychological care)
- ability to DEPRIORITISE (not completely remove though) gamemodes or maps - could be used as data to get rid of some stuff if it turns out basically everyone doesn’t want it
Add some sticks:
- uncap the queue timer for the worst overpopulated factions
- send them to PvE instead of clubbing newbies AND nerf their rewards (no rank gain, lower XP/silver gain, tell them to just be normal)
- possibly something less draconian that I’m too frustrated to think of
“No you don’t understand. I should be able to bring my Abrams to 6.7 because my other tanks are reserve”
That’s what this sounds like. If you don’t like Bolties fighting Semi’s then you darn certainly won’t like people bringing in BR V MG’s and Auto Rifles into “low tier”
It’s not about putting you in low tier with a KT, but preveting matches where one side is fully equipped and one side has nothing, which currently happens all the damn time
Absolutely, 100%, a playerbase issue. Not a MM issue. You don’t move up in BR till you have a proper lineup to support it. This is literally common sense
players need to be more aware of MM and devs need to do more to educate those players about MM. people just equip new shiny things instead of thinking that they will be put into higher BR MM.
wont fix a thing. if you have 10 marshals in soviet queue and 10 newbies in axis queue, there is no MM that can magically create 10 axis marshals to match those 10 soviet marshals. like i said as long as you have nation vs nation MM you cant do anything in MM.
like i said join any bonus xp can fix a lot of things.
i agree with this. ffs i hate defending with germany so much that i have been evading playing it lately. there is such a thing as one side overload… playing defenders is more stressful than playing attackers.
there are no weak factions. there are playerbase fluctuations. one faction can have 100% WR in 1 hour than go to 20% WR for next 5 hours. what is needed is encouraging players to play any so that MM can have a chance to make better matches (would need some upgrades)
some kind of control over maps/modes is desperately needed.
well that’s what i meant anyway - weak as in lacking players with gear/experience to push back against the hordes. Im just dumb and speak bad. For me “play all” for past feeks was just 80% BR2 Germany and 20% BR2 Japan, both mostly getting badly lopsided and unfair teams
But it would help if more people play for all factions - currently it’s total randomness, it seems the matchmaker literally just grabs whoever is eligible to fill team 1 and then goes to team 2. Had matches where I was eligible for both sides and ended up on the hyperstomping side anyway. It was…puzzling
it is not about being eligible for both sides, it is about order in queue and algorithm they are using. there are simply lots of ways on how join any could be implemented. there could have been lots of newbies populating one queue, while there was lack of players in other queue even though it was full of veterans, so you were put in that team.
MM doesnt look at skill level of players for join any, but for lack of human players in teams with oldest queue for which you are eligible.
Well, yes, but “matchmaker is currently bad” doesn’t seem like a best argument against “let’s try to make matchmaker not bad in the future”
Making people join all queues would improve the current situation (because current situation is untenable and caused by severe faction population imbalances in some BRs), but it would quickly make the inherent randomness and stupidity of MM grating after a while…