Third Person Vehicle Mode - How to effectively nerf?

To begin this discussion is not a debate on third person mode for vehicles but a discussion on how to effectively nerf a potential third person mode for vehicle movement.
This can include arguments over when third person is and is not warranted, with supporting reasoning, as well as how it should be used.

Tanks: I think the obvious time for tanks to use a third person is when in the Open unprotected mode for the tank. The commander is exposed to direct fire and can easily be killed from this position. It is, I think, reasonable he would be able to look around more effectively as well as have an awareness of his surroundings.
I think this is good enough but post what your thoughts are below.

Planes: This one is much more controversial and arguably is the main reason I submit this topic.
I think third person should be useable here when flying to view and identify targets. To nerf this I suggest a few options.
First: Nerfing explosive armaments on planes against infantry.
Second: No flight controls when in third person. The pilot in theory would be spending so much time looking around he would be flying straight not making any maneuvers.
Third: Non-Toggle. Functions like the C key to look around and must be held in the whole time. Release of the 3rd person view button immediately returns to standard flight controls.

Please refrain from making arguments around “Git good” or realism. I made this topic deliberately to suggest nerfs and the appropriate use of third person not to argue that people, who aren’t Wehraboos or Hardcore gamers, should just deal with it or get better.

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Shoot the commander in the face when he pops out.

Seems like a good nerf to me.

No 3rd pilot for planes. 1st person is good as is.


I was going to give the argument about realism but I’m not trying to start argument - this is just comment for devs if they look into that thread. I want them to keep realism in that matter.

But you can pop out with your tank commander to get more situational awareness and get shot in the face. It is not full 3rd person view, but like I said - realism. Being blind to the surrondings is the tanks greatest weakness and shouldn’t be taken away hen they face infantry.

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The current commander view, in my opinion, already gives you plenty of view and works exactly the same otherwise.

I have to agree here.

That said, higher FoV would fix any visibility issues you may have, without favoring one thing over the other, or breaking immersion for the sim-oriented players here. So maybe just bringing up the old “increase FoV” posts again?


This is how I see 3th person tanks

Memes aside: I disagree


My only counter for tanks is that the commander is extremely vulnerable. It’s basically just to allow for better movement and is basically useless for an actual engagement. The meta I imagine is using 3rd person to get to the fight then realistically dropping to inside the hatch for engagements so your commander doesn’t lose his head in the first 30 seconds.

I know whenever I see a tank I pot-shot the commander, which thanks to respawn mechanics delays the tanks retreat by a solid 10 seconds. Enough time to TNT the tank.

Just… like… the current commander view does?

Not if the tanker presses Y to instantly swap.

The current commander view, at least to my experience requires you to rotate the turret to look around properly. If I’m wrong and C allows me to free look then I clearly didn’t research enough. Also the current commander view does have, alebite limited, combat uses. This wouldn’t change any functionality there but I do think would be more enjoyable for actually getting to the battle or navagating terrain.

Still takes time for the animation, unless you can disable that and in my experience when you get shot Y isn’t always reliable.

If devs implement ability to order gunner to shoot when you are commaner even inside hatch, then those abilities would increase greatly. You would be able to fight properly and quickly pop out of the hatch when its needed

It does, afaik. Gives you plenty of view to navigate with.

In my experience it’s an instant swap whether you are alive or dead.

If they implemented that I would be against this suggestion. obviously even I wouldn’t want that.

I mean, you can order to fire when you are out of hatch as commander. It seems a bit unreasonable to not do that when you are inside. Those shots are not as precise (no zoom) as when you are in the gunner position but can be more immersive.

Just checked and sadly the turret still rotates when you use C. So this is a thing to change and allow looking around without rotating the turret.

Then that is a bug that should be in the bug report section ^^
I’d prefer seeing that fixed over seeing a 3rd person system implemented.

Then again, I’d use neither. I don’t like to expose my commander in tanks.

How about limiting 3rd person in planes to planes that have copilots and navigators?

So if the copilot or navigator dies, your 3rd person goes.
Similar in the sense that the T-60 has no commander view because it’s a 2-man tank.

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If I’m being honest I’d get rid of the crosshair. It’s basically useless anyway. And I think you can’t order from the inside because on say the Puma you have a very off center view periscope.

I could get on board with that actually.

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I know that and personally would like to see it changed. Crosshair in commander mode could be replaced with some kind of dot that would just show where you are aiming. And no penetration indicator then, as it is gunners job to aim in such precise way.


I agree. Similar to the WT circle crosshair. Just a rough indicator. I’d get rid of the penetration indicator if it was up to me but I’m used to learning Pen’s from WT so maybe it’s fine for new players in the gunnery position.


Really I miss the War Thunder binoculars, where your turret won’t traverse until you click somewhere to tell it to traverse onto that spot.

Enlisted commander view feels too much like you’re aiming with your feet.