Third Person Vehicle Mode - How to effectively nerf?

Binos in the pistol slot when?

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But back to the third person. Donā€™t you think that would be a little unfair for infantry players? Right now tanks are blind (like they should be) and require infantry support to protect their back or need to risk getting destroyed by det pack thrown from behind.
In third person surely, you risk your commander getting shot in the head but until he dies you get unnaturally wide field of vision, that counters any attempts to sneak to your tank.
Possibility to turn 360 as commander (his 1st person view) out of the hatch would give you enough situation awareness without taking advantage from infantry.

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Well, we are going to have ā€œequipment slotsā€ or medkits/tools/others. So binoculars should rather go there.

The main topic is not to discuss whether or not it should be done, but how it should if it is done.

You canā€™t directly wield that equipment, it would make more sense in a weapon slot like the hammer is.

Weapon slots would have aiming functionality. Equipment slot items do not. From a technical standpoint, making them a weapon makes more sense.

Okay, I see your and @8383908 point. That makes sense now.

I could accept one or the other reasonably. My thoughts there is that it would mimic real situational awareness. Tank commanders may be looking a direction and focused on a point. In that case the current open unprotected is fine. Third person is a more general battlefield awareness. I know tanks are big and bulky but I think third person would better mimic a commander focused on terrain and the general land around him.

To consider this though what if we made the Third person a condensed view. Enough to see just behind the tank when viewed from a 30 degree angle. But not large enough of a view to give a large view area. Again focused on allowing to see terrain for navigation not on combat.

To be honest that would not fully satisfy me either, because like I said at the beginning - I really like the realistic approach to tanks that devs made by only making them in first person view.
I will stop my disscussion now, because like I was reminded by Shanghai_Shrek, I left the original topic of the thread. IF 3rd person view would ever come to Enlisted then limiting it only to commander being outside and making the field of view more limited than for example in WT (to not make it that much unfair towards infantry) seem like the only options to somehow nerf it enough. Cheers :slight_smile:


Nice thought - good luck with it tho ā€¦

I might be over doing this (comparing games), but i think its appropiate.

I used to play a lot of Heroes and Generals and they had a very fair system with tank optics and 3rd person, like many stated here, want to 3rd person? command pops out. That game had another consideration, you might block a high % of the view, like a soldier in first person, if you press the ā€œcrouchā€ button. That button gives the tank commander a ā€œcoverā€ outside of the tank with the hatch door.

While this game had more punishing and arcade mechanics. Someone might stole the tank and fire back!

Another consideration on tank nerfs/new mechanics, reminds me of Wolrd of tank, another game i used to play a lot.

When a soldier inside was wounded, another took his place, but he did will never do the same task with the same efficiency. If the gunner is dead, radio man will jump to take its position, but it will lower accuracy and radio coverage will be reduced. Same interchange could be with a dead loader and the commander taking his place. Slow reload (instead of no reload at all) and no 3rd person view.

A combination that a like a lot on Enlisted, is the fact you might oscure the vision of the tank with a molotov! Imagine the tank commander with his head out and the molotov actually spreading fire inside, not a total destruction of such tank but it stop totally from working untill soldiers turn the fire off!

That also reminds me of Company of heroes Tanks mechanics, when they ā€œdieā€ (Health reaching zero) they go ā€œOut of control!!ā€ sometimes, and they might stomp the aceleration and ram randomnly what ever its on his way. Maybe fire on Enlisted could make a tank fully stop or go ā€œout of controlā€ for a short time.

sorry, but i disagree.

althought, insthead of nerfs,

we could use tweaks.

such as, a proper free camera visual in the observation points:

while, for the planes.

i might suggest to include rear-view mirrors.

as those were a thing as well:


not to mention, those are present in war thunder as well ( on a couple of planes )

Well, Honestly make first vechiles behave properly instea of trainwreck they are now then consider 3rd person. Current handling reminds me more about Asteroids than tank or plane arcade/ refering to WT Arcade!

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Yeah the damage and flight models are considerably inferior to war thunder.

Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t just copy them directly from War Thunder, as they have done with the models and textures. How could they get it so wrong, when it already exists in that game?

To be honest 3rd person would be super immersion breaking. And tanks are already hard enough to kill imagine them being able to see 180 degrees in 3rd person.