There should be a 10 minute Early Leave Penalty

I think this “suggestion” below says enough about the exact toxicity that’s hurting a lot of real players.

Please institute a 10-15m penalty for leaving battles early. Making players unable to join games or manage their squad inventory for this period of time will make it so players don’t leave unless they really need to.

If you implement this penalty you can remove the .7 score penalty because it’ll be a punitive measure.


Then please shoot all those useless sniper players, carrier players, low scoring players who don’t fix spawn points, and players who take up airplanes and look at the scenery. I’ll just agree with you.

90% of the games are filled with these useless players and you’re telling me to leave?
Still hoping to ban me after I leave?


I play games for my own enjoyment, if I’m not entertained I leave. No penalty will stop me.


Then leave. If you’re not having fun go ahead. This is directed at the bot-farm shoppers who are ruining games by joining and quitting 10 games in a row to play easy mode.

You had 5 disconnects. 1 of which was a Gold rank.

If you look at my other forum posts I don’t discriminate against the useless sniper players either.

If the game is THAT bad then you should be able to leave. But your refusal to help your team because you weren’t happy shouldn’t be a rewarded behavior. 10 minutes is enough time to prevent people from lobby shopping while also not being so long to completely ruin a play session. War Thunder does it without any issues so I don’t see a reason to not adopt it here.

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I disagree. if I want to leave a shitty game then let me. this isn’t WT. Nothing like leaving a game of dolts just to get punished for 10 minutes? That’ll make people quit just through frustration.


Nobody is stopping you from leaving a shitty game. But this is a measure against lobby shopping and will affect a minority of the players and at most be a minor nuisance for the vast majority of players.

Apparently, most leave, because of maps, cant see a way to fix that, untill a tick which maps you want to play.

But i think now, with all mix matching stuff from diff campaigns into 1 load out, this cant be achieved.


I think it’s important to note that this problem of leaving is made worse by the fact that the maps are seeded from the BR brackets so if you play one game on Tunisia you’re just stuck in a Tunisia rotation for the next 2 hours it feels like.


the weekly “i dont understand the game and demand penalties” post.

people leave
a) because many maps/game modes suck and they dont want to waste time on them
b) they are thrown late in a game and want a complete experience
c) want to play newly release maps but instead get 90% old maps
d) are stuck with egoistic idiot team mates who dont play the objective/build rallies and dont listen to you when you tell them to stop being egoistic idiots.
e) the merge fucked up map pools and now in “early war low BR” we get 60% stalingrad, 30% tunisia
(both mid war) and 10% moscow (actual early war). if someone wants to play early war he literally needs to leave 90% of the matches to get into a proper early war map.

all these problems are due to bad team mates/bad game design and no reasonable persons time is worth being wasted on that nonsense.
i wont even go into how nonsensical it is to demand penalties for everything someone doesnt like/understand…


If you hate 80% of the game why do you play it would be my first question. That aside, if you’re going to accuse me of not understanding the game you should check my profile. Started playing this game before you did.

My pet peeve is useless players, and I’m even forced to be willing to learn the Israeli way of thinking.
Instead, you’re calling for me to be banned simply because I might drop out of such battles multiple times - from the torment of 19 people against me.
So, you should control your viewpoint regarding each variable and different scenario models

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Yes. You should get 10 minutes of free time for refusing to help your team because you want to play bot farm. Useless players are incidental to the skill issue you’re dealing with.

you started before me and despite that you are posting stuff like that? lol
i expect much deeper understanding of the game and its problems from people playing it for long.


Quite optimistic, are we?

You see how “balanced” the player population is now? What do you think would happen, if to add to all that, you implemented a penalty?

Then just everyone would join popular factions even more, and the brave souls still trying to play the underdogs, would just leave completely, as to not risk enduring shitty match they could not leave.

What a wonderful solution!


Here’s a deeper understanding for you then. The game clearly intends to punish players who leave games early and currently does so by reducing your XP and silver gain by 70%. This clearly, as indicated by many players on the forum and in my experience, failed to produce such results.

A better economic solution to the issue is a timeout for leaving games early. Indicated in the linked thread to the original post people are willing to leave 10 games in a row just for a preferred mode. This post doesn’t address the issue of bad modes like conquest, it addresses players leaving 10 games in a row for a preferred game mode, map, or to bot farm.

10 minutes is enough time to ensure players are not leaving to lobby shop but not so long that you would be afraid to leave a game that’s legitimately shit.

There’s already a penalty for leaving early genius.


Which is why, adding a 10 minute time out one weither in complement or replacement, is quite simply the opposite of genius.


It’s astounding you are here since CBT, with those illuminated ideas of yours…


It’s a miracle that you take so little time to actually understand an argument that you post ignorant replies this consistently.

Or we could just NOT add fun-killing nuisance feature.