The yield of silver coins is too low, please increase it

Considering the days of scoring 10000 points and saving up for just one silver order, it is much easier now.
Well, if dev is willing to lower the cost any further, that would be welcome…

Pretty sure the point is:
Old system: you get 1 free sample per unlock, free vehicles, all sodiers cost 1 silver, pistols can cost 1 silver, some mid-late gear can cost only 1 silver in late campaign such as MP40s and G43s, match is easier so you can farm more exp and orders

Now: nothing is free and Vehicle cost are expensive as hell, the cost doesn’t scale properly, pistols is back to full cost, so many other weapons costing more, match are fast and not easy to play for the most time due how meta or optimal people need to be due afraid of getting the end of the stick

Honestly, I dunno how new players can even buy a vehicle at all, and when they do it, gets uptier to BR3 and torn apart by vets, and when they manage to reach BR3 somehow they will desert their matches every time they get uptier to BR5

If, and a big if, they can last in this game more than a week


I mean when I started Berlin as my First Campaign, in Berlin as Axis during Burning Sky update, as crueless as I was, I still get free stuff to test how effective they are, now you need to pay for them, yeah even piece of shite like MP3008, I could get the Pz IV J for free despite what piece of shite they are in Berlin, when I get that MP40, G43 and Panther for free in the first time, it just fuel me for the next level…

Now the best course of action a newbie can do is unlock some linear crap and go to the forum asking people if that thing they just unlocked worth using or not before they dump a dozen match worth of coins on that thing they can’t even test if it doesn’t come with a squad by default


There is no doubt that the income of silver coins needs to be increased, otherwise it will be too difficult for newcomers. A game without fresh blood has no future.
Nowadays, it is difficult for newcomers to obtain new equipment and personnel, while veteran players are sitting on huge wealth but do not spend it.
To be honest, it’s hard for me to imagine seeing the projection of the real world in an FPS game, lol.


Generally speaking, high entry barriers and low returns make this game unfriendly to newcomers.
After the merger, enlisted accounts for all of these two items.


I think the silver I earn as a f2p is okay. It’s the upgrade costs which is sky-high. They need to reduce the price of weapon upgrade cost lower. The final upgrade cost of sig1920 is 5100 silver.


double silver, we need new players.

If you get new active players, they will stay if they unlock stuff fast, and if they stay they will soon or later buy premium stuff.


I guess a flat 25% increase in silver earnings and a flat 25% reduction of upgrade costs will be useful.