The yield of silver coins is too low, please increase it

But still significantly cheaper and faster.
Let’s say you got 30000 XP per battle in the old system.
Which gets you 5 bronze weapon orders (30000 divided by 6000)
To fully upgrade a 3 star weapon (69 orders) you’d have needed 14 battles with that same amount of score.
Now, you get 30000 XP in the current system, which earns you 3190 silver ( 30000 divided by 47 = 638 x 5 = 3190)
You’d need only 4 battles to max out a 3 star weapon( Costs 9992 silver)


That is true but you have to be decent on the scoreboard And if you’ve seen some of our players in our community who are bottom of the scoreboard they’re not gonna be reaching end game anytime soon with their kill score

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But in the past, when I unlocked a new level, I would get it directly without purchasing it, including the vehicle. The amount of newly added expenses is very astonishing, Far from being compensated for by this small increase in income.


Dude I am getting less than 1000 coins with 5k score as F2P… and vehicles now has extra cost


I think people are not yet used to the new currency.
They just see huge numbers on their balance because of all the silver and bronze orders converted.
It also doesn’t help that the current battlepass gives 1000-2000 silver per reward.

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we are forgetting maybe the (removed) chance to get higher stars when buying, reducing significantly the cost?


Yeah the amount of silver you get from everything is honestly a pittance
Especially when compared to the costs of everything
It should be increased by maybe 50-75%


That doesn’t really change anything, you’d still have to play a lot more games in the older system

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i wouldnt have problem with increased price if i was guaranteed max stat soldier. but for shitty rng soldiers i have big problem.

you are also forgetting hidden nerf to xp by removing easy xp gain from newbies and bots and introducing more capable teammates that are taking lot of your kills/xp.
sadly i dont have data about xp gain before and after merge, but from results i would say that i earn somewhat less.

and when buying new weapon you had decent chance of getting upgraded weapon (even fully upgraded weapon). look at this calculation


Doesn’t change anything for me, I earn the same XP in all my matches

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That’s the problem right there you’re talking from your experience not the new players experience


well, let me tell you, for me it did. and for a whole lot of other people, seems like it did too.
but we will know soon enough if the developers think it did. if they stick to their horses on silver gains and expenditure, changing nothing for a month or month and half, we know what it was.


i play solo, so in most of my matches before i had prime pick for kills. now i have lot more capable teammates that are stealing what would have been my kills premerge. and while it is nice to have capable teammates and enemies, i think that i have reduced xp gain cause of that (it is anecdotal cause i dont have data from before and after).

btw can you put weapon upgrade cost in your table and do you have legacy data for campaigns? and if you have legacy data can you put it in table?


would be one way to solve high cost soldiers such as iv assaulter

Actually kind a miss the old rng system, pretty much guaranteed 3star but had a chance to get even 6 star guns / 5star soldiers

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But you cannot guarantee that all players or the majority of players will feel the same as you, the official should consider for the majority of players.

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Already there

Legacy data is this

Btw, it’s still significantly faster, since in terms of XP needed, you need way less than before, since you needed 414k to just get 69 bronze (Not even counting the 75K for buying it)
Even assuming you got lucky and got a +5 gun, you needed 234K XP.
Now, to get a maxed 3 star gun in the new system, you need ~ 122 250 XP


I don’t agree with you much
But this is 110% on point

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I ran out of hearts and we must think about the new blood not the veterans this game can’t survive on just veterans



i dont really understand much that table. cant see where is the case of spending 3 silver coins and BAM!! 6 star gun. thats 3k of the actual silver for a full 6 star weapon or is it 1500? cant remember if weap orders were 500 or 1000. what were the chances? never knew. i guess very low, but more than zero for certain.

didnt went that wide.

i will not go into xp cause i made original calculation in merged silver.

from your data fully upgraded rarity 3* weapon will cost 3000 for weapon and 10k for upgrade or ~13000 silver total.
with my RNG calculations (which are there for simple math cause idk their RNG values), on average you would pay 1500 silver for weapon and 12210 for upgrade making it ~13700 silver for fully upgraded rifle, making my calculated value slightly higher then current one (it could even be same or slightly lower depending on RNG values).

not to mention you could RNG fully upgraded weapon when you didnt have enough bronze weapon orders. e.g. 10 weapons would cost you ~15000 silver, but you had high chance of getting fully upgraded weapon and couple of partially upgraded weapons.

can you put that in some sheet with other legacy data like campaign levels? it would be nice to have for reference.

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