The yield of silver coins is too low, please increase it

Tonight there was a round where I won first place with a score of 7900+points while having a premium account. As a result, I only received 3900+silver coins, which is only enough to cover the cost of one gun. This is obviously too little. For old players, the situation is so pessimistic. When new players see such low profits, I don’t think they want to continue playing. So, please increase the yield of silver coins.


I agree, the gun upgrade cost should be reduced of a flat 20%


@Euthymia07 Please forward to the official, thank you. I believe the authorities should be aware of what happened after WT announced and began implementing its income reduction plan in May this year. The consequences of the same thing happening on Enlisted are unimaginable.


Darkflow: Dream, dream

Tbh, getting a gun / game if played well is quite reasonable.

Its this

Im more concerned about and price of new soldiers that are way too inflated.
aka assaulter IV 11k silver.


DF is trying to milk too hard


at the very least increase the earnings of the 20 or so first battles for new players (WARNING CLEARLY ITS BOOSTED FOR X TIME) so new guys just dont uninstall after playing 3 games and making some numbers.

It’d be perfectly fine if they had a strong community but we’re anemic to say the least


They dont seem to realize

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And the customer died of being milked too hard


how much we’re getting right now is a bit outrageous and this will not be any better for the new players


I think you’re wrong, even with a healthy community (in terms of numbers) the rise of prices is never well received. Just take a look and at what happened with their other IP, war thunder. Or other IP’s


I guess you’re right so the new players are screwed overall


Man, I can’t even imagine how a new player must feel. I’m happy (at least a bit) with the current silver I have (7 hundred ks), but with little or no silver… Offf.


I’m not too happy because I’ve already had to restart over two times So I can certainly feel the new players pain


Damn man, sorry. I’d recommend premium if they’d had an acceptable customer service, but right now… The only path is suffering.


That’s why I know all the flavours of pain and misery in this forum And I can certainly say the F2P experience is not fun when you have to do it a second time

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Before, you would’ve gotten only 1 silver weapon order for that amount of score. You got the equivalent of almost 8

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Pre-merge if I got enough silvers to afford a new 3 card gun in one game I would have screamed and people are saying it’s not enough lmao

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You also can’t forget you have to upgrade the weapon as well and that’s quite pricey