The VG 1-5 and some BS

VG 1-5 is a great weapon. It should be BR 4 swapped with the ZH.

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Is pretty much a M1 Carbine with larger mag and shittier accuracy is not comparable with M1 Garand or SVT38, so yes, it absolutely belong to BR2

You are out of your mind if you think a M1 Carbine with larger mag can compete with AVS36, and as much as I dislike the Zh 29, is better than the VG1-5 and VG2

Funny that more people don’t share your opinion than do. I wonder why is so, lmao.


And what you think that doesn’t apply for you?

Sorry, but that doesn’t make any sense.

however it would absolutely curb stump br2 and it’s 100% better than the armaguerra so it resides in br 3 and it’s fine there


Hot take: all VS weapons should be on BR 4-5 to only appear in late war maps, regardless of their performance.
This is the right thing to do.
Keep them for the roleplayers and out of early war time travelling.

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BR isn’t related to historical timeline. By that logic all the Soviet drum mag smgs, the federov and the 1928 variant thompsons should go to low BRs since they were available early war.

The whole point in a BR system is to group like weapons by power. Forcing players into BR5 fights with inferior VS weapons is antithetical to the point of the merge.

I’d prefer a game that hews closely to historical reality, but Enlisted is less and less that game. Maybe one day they’ll give us the historical custom battles they suggested in the past.


I am aware. But while it is technically possible to see a 1941 weapon like PPSh-41 in Berlin, it is impossible for VG 1-5 to time travel from 1945 back to 1942 Stalingrad.

That’s why if it was up to me I’d put all VS weapons to BR5 not by power but by their whole concept – late war.

Collectible, but still usable, side unlocks.

BR is tied to gear performance, not fricking Timeline that the game doesn’t give a shite about

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You want timeline BR so bad? Fine then, move PPD34 at BR2, PPS at BR4, while Axis gets KP31 at BR1, same for MG34 and MP38 in BR1, and Tiger I in BR3, and all soviet Panzerfaust at BR5, so they stick with the PTRD/PTRS until BR4

And just wait the game dies

Soviet drum magazine smgs may have been present in 1945, but they were definitely present in 1941. What logic do you use to justify excluding them from early war battles?

The “balancing” that would bring MKBs to early war battles and to counter those, M2s in early war battles and before you know it Tunisia will be a STG and King Tiger shitshow.

No. Br is all about performance, and only performance. Bring them in high br if you want, but keep your “HA” out of the br system, it has no place anymore with such system.


Screw performance. Even the most serious of games have meme guns that are more of a challenge for the user than a tool to pubstomp.

Volkssturm weapons can be such meme guns for high BR.

Tired of sweating with STG and FG? Roleplay as Volkssturm and test your skills with MP-3008 and VG 1-5.

Screw HA. :person_shrugging:
Maybe it will have a spot in customs, one day.

Ppl wanted battle rating, it’s what we got.

Feel free to do so. All you have to do is put a single br 5 thing somewhere in your entire lineup. “Ta daaaa”


Again with “people want X”.

And my people wanted BRs but with history in mind.

I’m prety sure if VS weapons disappared from the game tomorrow 99% of Jimmies wouldn’t even notice.

I can. I literally suggested that above in this thread (or similar one somewhere).

UPD: Ah, here:

What I can’t is unsee MP-3008 time travelling to Stalingrad :face_vomiting:

BR is tied to gear performance, end of the story

Mp3008 is much better, and fun, in Moscow indeed :wink:

Br and historical accuracy are antithesis. You had to pick one, can’t get both.

Or you could have supported the first devs suggestion about map preferences instead, which would have satisfied EVERYONE, but sadly ppl were too… slow… to understand the differences of both systems.