The VG 1-5 and some BS

Look, I’ve been playing a lot of germany lately, across all BRs but mostly lower tier. I didn’t before the merge, outside of full access stalingrad, and I did a lot of the kind of bitching you see from faction mains, but since the merge, I have exactly one complaint about german equipment vs USSR/USA that I’d like to see changed, either so the allies can keep up or so that germany no longer has this percieved advantage.

The VG 1-5 is it’s own category of weapon, Volksturm Rifle

Which is equipable by almost all soldier classes

What the actual fuck is that about? If I’m playing USA, my driver can’t equip M1 Carbines because they don’t get semi-auto rifles, but germany gets a 30 round capacity, low recoil-ish, semi-auto AR equivalent at BR 3, equipable by everyone except snipers and MG gunners unless I’ve missed something.

I love it, at BR3 it’s a solid choice, but why the fuck isn’t it just a semi-auto rifle like the inarguably worse in every way M1 Carbine?


That’s because it was previously available for tank crews. So they kept the option so crybabies like me wouldn’t be so overdramatic about this change.

Btw, you can equip tankers with GO garand.



I mean, okay, sure but hear me out

Sub-caliber carbines (m1, m2, vg 1-5. Maybe not M2 for balance reasons) should be available for tankers. Fuck, the M1 Carbine was orignally concieved as a replacement weapon for REMF/Arty/Guard guys who didn’t really need an 8lb battle rifle, but could use more than a pistol, so I’d say the M1 Carbine should at least be equippable by vehicle crews.


I do agree with you. But you should make suggestion for M1 carbines and so to be available for tank crews.
Not half-rant topic in mess room.

Btw. Sadly M1A1 is weapon locked behind event squad. Otherwise I am pretty sure it would follow trend of M1E5 garand and M2A1 carbine and it would be available for vehicle crews.


Sure, that makes sense. Maybe not right now, since I just did this one, and honestly wanted a half-rant half-discussion.

I only have one M2A1 and wish I had more, it’s fuggin’ wild that M2A1 is an SMG while M2 is a semi-auto rifle, gold order or no. The M1A1 isn’t enough better than the M1 for me to give a single shit, tbh.


m2a1 can be put onto a vehicle crew because it’s marked as an SMG not as a semi auto


Calrification: Why the fuck can’t APC driver’s use semi-auto rifles?

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I know but that wasn’t my point.


Do you mean the VG 1-5 that nobody ever heard of? :joy: Let’s consult the historians. They built a few from January to may, 1945. What year are you having trouble with them? :rofl:

2024, bud. The year we’re all playing a game that doesn’t even really try to get WW2 historically correct at this point. :pinched_fingers:

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This weapon was in fact used by the Germans in the final moments of the war.

But in the game, this weapon has a wrong characteristic.

Postwar tests showed that this weapon had a very strong recoil. In the game, this weapon has practically no recoil.


Just ask for M1A1 Carbine? If enough people ask for it, DF usually implements.

Tbf, US can equip M1 Carbine with GL, in BR2, or they moved that?

Still, VG1-5 belongs to BR2

Tbf, Fedorov and AVT40 has less recoil than they should have

It’s been moved to BR 3, with the rest of the rifle grenades

No, it probably doesn’t.

I think you’ve misunderstood my point. I want M1 carbine to be available on more classes for USA. It’s not a great weapon, but it’ll do if I wan’t something longer range than an SMG on some dudes

VG in the name stands for Volkssturm Gewehr (=People’s Rifle/Gun)
VG 1-5 and VG 2 were cheap weapons made to arm german civilians by the end of WWII, so they were crude and rubbish. But in the game, the magazine size for the VG 1-5 is actually what i would give up hit power for

The VG 1-5 needs to be in BR 4. It should swap places with the ZH-29. ZH-29 doesn’t get used anymore because it’s in BR 4.

its the same size as the mp 40

The VG1-5 should be BR2, no Volkssturm weapons should be more than BR2, the BR is decided by performance, not dogshite timeline that the game doesn’t give a shite since Day 1

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You’re completely disillusioned if you think VG performance is bad just because it is semi only weapon. There’s no way it should be on BR2.