The VG 1-5 and some BS

Soviet drum magazine smgs may have been present in 1945, but they were definitely present in 1941. What logic do you use to justify excluding them from early war battles?

The “balancing” that would bring MKBs to early war battles and to counter those, M2s in early war battles and before you know it Tunisia will be a STG and King Tiger shitshow.

No. Br is all about performance, and only performance. Bring them in high br if you want, but keep your “HA” out of the br system, it has no place anymore with such system.


Screw performance. Even the most serious of games have meme guns that are more of a challenge for the user than a tool to pubstomp.

Volkssturm weapons can be such meme guns for high BR.

Tired of sweating with STG and FG? Roleplay as Volkssturm and test your skills with MP-3008 and VG 1-5.

Screw HA. :person_shrugging:
Maybe it will have a spot in customs, one day.

Ppl wanted battle rating, it’s what we got.

Feel free to do so. All you have to do is put a single br 5 thing somewhere in your entire lineup. “Ta daaaa”


Again with “people want X”.

And my people wanted BRs but with history in mind.

I’m prety sure if VS weapons disappared from the game tomorrow 99% of Jimmies wouldn’t even notice.

I can. I literally suggested that above in this thread (or similar one somewhere).

UPD: Ah, here:

What I can’t is unsee MP-3008 time travelling to Stalingrad :face_vomiting:

BR is tied to gear performance, end of the story

Mp3008 is much better, and fun, in Moscow indeed :wink:

Br and historical accuracy are antithesis. You had to pick one, can’t get both.

Or you could have supported the first devs suggestion about map preferences instead, which would have satisfied EVERYONE, but sadly ppl were too… slow… to understand the differences of both systems.


That was an insane test, I would actually suspect deliberately insane, where the same Tigers were fighting against the same Stewarts – basically Campaigns but with a tiny twist.

BRs on top of those map preferences were not even tested (deliberately is my guess).

lol no

I can come up with hot top historical improvements to the current BR system right now:

  1. BR 4-5 removed from Stalingrad.
  2. Every vehicle gets automatic basic camo for the biome so no yellow tanks in snow.
  3. Pz IV J goes to BR4 because it’s late war, long barrel Pz IVs on BR3 are now F2 and G which look good for Snowy USSR, Stalingrad and Tunisia alike, and are basically the same thing.
  4. Moroccan bathrobes and SAS shorts change uniforms according to biome.
  5. VS weapons go to BR5 as “meme weapons”.

Boom. BRs are still there, but WW2 immersion has improved tenfold.

No. The Germans don’t have a more boring and dull weapon atm. Even the 1888 Gewehr is pure fun in comparison to mp3008.
Tbh, mp3008 should have been legacy weapon instead of m93. M93 is at least good looking.
Nobody would miss mp3008.

I basically haven’t even seen any mp3008 while playing low brs anyway.

Tbh, I never thought anyone could achive create weapon less interesting than Sten is… But then I have learned about this waste of pixels. I really hate it with all of my heart.

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Lol, no.

Because br must follow performance without discrimination: ALL pieces must follow the same rule without exceptions, even if one dude keeps demanding some in forums.

“Late war, early war” is irrelevant with battle rating. If the pz4J is equivalent to some t34, they will be same br, because such is the core of the system, and it’s purpose.

I will KEEP using my entire Volks lineup, 9 Lebel riflemen squad included, in Moscow/Stalingrad.

Shush! I’m well aware, I was merely making a satirical remark. No sane player would use it instead of FNAB…

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I always take the opportunity to express how much I despise that gun. It can’t be controlled, it’s a primal instinct.
It’s basically my hobby.

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screw you i use it instead of fnab, infact i don’t think i have fnab equipped outside my 110g-2 squad

I admire you for it tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nothing is equivalent, with all the hidden ingame values it’s all even more subjective.

Someone posted a picture with WT BRs the other day where average US tanks BR is like 5.0 and Japanese like 2.0.
Yet in Enlisted they are “equivalent”.

Cool? Good luck to you lol
Hope you get the kick out of doing something out of spite.

My point still stands that there are very quick and easy steps that can be taken to improve the game without breaking any balance.

Facts over spite.

Shouldn’t be this considered as self harm? Is it allowed here on forum?

I do it for fun, like everything else I do in Enlisted (I like the weapons).

The spiteful one here…

Is you :stuck_out_tongue:

“Put all VS stuff in br 5 because I don’t like it!!! Reeeeeeee I even made it my avataaaar”

Anyway. You can keep protesting for it at your leisure, there’s thankfully almost 0% chances devs will listen to you about it.


I do hope at some point some sort of historical battle mode will be released, like with Enlisted’s dad, WT.

My avatar is different, put some respek.

I’m 100% sure Stalingrad will loose the shackles of damned BR 4-5 as soon as new maps for the Eastern Front are added.

But for now enjoy your lunacy war 2 of cource. Not sure why you got your knickers in a bunch in the first place.

i used the m1 carbine before merger

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Using the BR from warthunder to compare tanks in enlisted is a flawed premise. The tanks might be based on tanks from warthunder, but their stats have been tweaked for the closer engagement ranges of enlisted, among other things. There’s also the fact that warthunder uses a different BR scale than Enlisted.

It would take a comprehensive comparison of all the included vehicles to know if their power differences are relative to warthunders BR system, and as far as I know that hasn’t been done.