The Type Hei Auto's recoil is comparable to SMGs. Nerf it to be more in line with automatic rifles

In the spirit of consistency…

(All stats at max upgrade level)

The recoil modifier is so stupidly low compared to its stats during the testing phase, that it is unironically a Federov rifle you can equip on everyone.


I’m going to do some debate over the fire rate, I believe it’s way to slow but let’s find out together!

Toggle locked/action weapons usually have like 1000-2000 RPM, but varies depending on how far the toggle travels which is also determined by low long the entire cartridge is (chamber length also has an effect)

Now, auto Lugers usually fire 1800-2500 RPM and they use a 19mm long casing, I’d say that the minimum fire rate for one of these would be 900-1000 RPM.

Skip to 1:04

As you can see this toggle action luger fires at about 1800 RPM and it’s chambered for a 19mm long casing, if my calculations are accurate then the Type Hei MG with it’s 50mm long casing would lower the fire rate determined by the following calculation:

50 ÷ 19 = 2.63157895 (that’s roughly a 2.6 times longer distance for the toggle to travel)
1800 ÷ 2.63157895 = 683.999999 (684 RPM Hypothetical RPM calculation)

However the Pedersen action cycles so fast due too being Toggle locked that I doubt these numbers mean anything.


Until we get proper BR5 assaulter weapon for japanese, there’s no need for such nerf.


Isn’t the Tokyo Arsenal already comparable to the drum Thompson?

Lower recoil, lower dispersion and faster fire rate
More damage


Implying Japanese SMGs belong in the tiers they’re in, performance-wise.

Drum Thompson 50 is probably one of the worst tech tree BR5 assaulter weapons.

I’ve said proper.

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Be explicit.

We have the gamut of drum SMGs, assault rifles and automatic rifles pretending to be assault rifles.

Under the 1st category, half the Japanese SMGs can belong in BR5 due to their 50rd mags.

Not to mention, the recent drum mag thompson update made the sights very stable. It’s come to the point I’m genuinely considering replacing all the 21/28s I have with the drum variant.

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Type 1 SMG and Type 1 SMG (1930) belong at BR-2, The latewar Type 2B (Type 2 SMG) belongs at BR-3

Doesn’t change nothing about:

Fedorov has high rof and much more reserve ammo, not to mention that it doesn’t cover your screen when shooting. Type hei auto is perfectly reasonable as it is now.


It is a good rifle as it is, and its balanced because even with a large ammo pack you only get 90 rounds extra. It does chew through this ammo quite quickly and after playing a few games I am noticing a few times I have to switch to pistol cause I am out of ammo.

That never happened with similar M2 carbine setups I have with the Americans I can put a large ammo pack on them and I will always die before I run out of ammo.

I just unlocked the sum bitch and it’s already nerfed, considering it does less damage than both the FG-42 II and the AVT-40 and that it’s chambered for 6.5×50mmSR Arisaka Cartridge, the recoil should be minimal.

What are you talking about? Its damage was nerfed? When?

The recoil was increased by about 4×, no changes to damage as far as I know.

Luckily the Japanese don’t fight the Germans or soviets, so comparing their weapons is academic.

The hei automatic does the same damage as the semi-auto version, it hasn’t changed. It also has a hidden .25 recoil modifier, which brings it’s actual recoil to 13/5. It’s only been buffed since the test server.

It’s a ridiculously good gun; it basically acts like an assault rifle. I’ve already bought a dozen of them and I find them very effective even without upgrades.

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If i was to watch a replay of some one using this new gun.
would i see recoil when spectating?, or is there almost no recoil visible when firing, atm now?

It has more recoil now, we only had a day of the no recoil

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Since when?

I couldn’t play much, and only played before yesterday. Seemed fine even stock (but inaccurate when stock)

I didn’t play as soon as update released.

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I’d laugh my ass off if they gave the Type Hei Auto the Type 4 treatment.

Wherein after the so-called “proper BR5 assaulter weapon” (Clearly not the broken Type 2 or Tokyo Arsenal, despite their performance) gets introduced, they’re going to nerf the performance of the Type Hei Auto to a pathetic level we’ll all regret investing in them.

And naturally, if something that was broken and heavily-invested in by the playerbase is due to be nerfed for the purpose of faction parity, the more the community will resist the changes. Especially with the scuffed economy.

No one is going to just accept a nerf.

And frankly, the situation could have been avoided if they got the numbers right the first time, or in the very least, made adjustments before a sizeable number of players go in with the expectation than the weapon will be as strong as its reputation in the community.

It also sets a funni precedent that it’s ok for automatic rifles to have SMG/AR levels of recoil despite firing full rifle rounds. The M2C, despite being the likely precedent, was at least limited by its hit power and harder-to-use sight even if it ended up being a de facto assault rifle for every soldier.

Whatever the rationale the community cooks up, the Type Hei Auto is either due for a nerf, or other automatic rifles are due for a buff. In either case, for the sake of parity.

I will never understand why they have the audacity to list the weapon recoil, but hide recoil modifiers to lie to players that take the statcard numbers at face value.