The Stalingrad Tractor Plant

Great news, im just about to have completely leveled all squads, fully equiped and upgraded the ones i plan to primarily use on both axis and allied sides in the Pacific Campaign. So, perfect timing to grind a new map. Can’t wait to try it out!

The map looks really good.

Winter really suits Stalingrad and Moscow, too bad we dont have many winter maps.

Just hope one day we will fight in stalingrad and moscow with K98ks, MP40s, Mosins, PPSHs (And other similar historical weaponry) and not MKBs/AVTs/AVS/Federovs.

Just imagine how immersive this map would be if we had historical loadouts without time traveling equipment

How immersive and importantly fun would that be

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Oh thank god tanker have white paints. Otherwise on Soviet side only the sniper and the Assaulter III squads have access to winter camo. I dont count Moscow winter coats.

Its in customization :rofl:

Pay up

Still no winter camo apart from three squads.

but its fun to play with mkbs and avts…

honestly it is.

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Honestly its not

Its not fun getting prefired

Its not fun getting your squad wiped from decent range in a few seconds

Its not fun having the pace of the game screwed to be really fast objective wipes with no strategy and just full auto spam

No its not fun


it is fun.


It is not

Each to their own i guess

I did provide why it is not fun.

It’s fun. There. Happy? Now give me my money @Shiivex


It is honestly very quite fun, especially for an Urban map. If we had it your way, Snipergrad wouldn’t be a joke name.

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Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

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based on how fast game is, and how movement - capturepoints , map layouts mkbs and avts are fun weapons to use.

and and how easy,broken and boring is to 1 hit kill with bolt actions.

at the end of the day, game is ment to be fun, and the game give me the option to use A b or C, so i choose what fits me and what gets more kills per min . aka mkbs / avts

game is based on grinding, more xp per min → faster grinding. if i can have multiple kills per second for the same time one is reloading a bolt action, i ill grind faster, feel i have accomplish more per match and ofc, have more unlocked / grinded at the end of the day also, more wins coz less deaths for more kills → more points capped.

i mean, historical loadouts are fun for you? go ahead, for me they aint. but i respect ur use of historical loadouts, please, atleast try, to respect others that use items that “aint your preference” coz game alows users to do so. and dont make this game feels like pacific or tunisia everymatch → boring.


It is extremely fun to do this. I agree. Honestly, quite fun.

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I disagree

I already said why

Not a damn tryhard

i disagree.

i m the most casual player here. ! mkbs and avts are fun!

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I disagree.
I am colorblind and need stuff to help shoot.
mkbs and avts are enjoyable.

And i respect your opinion

Its not like i am hoping they get removed

Just hope they add a realistic mode like in War Thunder for the people who would prefer to have it slower, more historically accurate


one can always make a custom match and enforce rules on it.

wouldnt be that hard to fill that room since theres alot of people that dont enjoy automatic weapons/loadouts that aint historical…


Great to see more stuff coming to Stalingrad, I can’t wait to check it out.