The Soviets keep asking for IS3 so when can we expect the storm tiger or Maus

I think the Sturmtiger would be cool to see especially because it was actually used to some degree but me personal opinion I would not want to see the Maus (because it was never used) in game except for an event or something like the mech tanks and moon mission I think that would be cool

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Maus would just get stuck in berlin rubbles lmao, even me as an axis player don’t want it.

This is a infantry game, not warthunder, having 2 Storm kitty and 2 allie equivalent of it spamming at the objective will just make it cancer for both sides. This is why kv2 was never added despite in the file, cancer to infantry, if they add that we will have cancer kv2, another shitty brain dead @Greyparrots suggestion

What counter? The Vicker MMG? The M1919A6 MMG? Hell the Japs doesn’t even have a proper tank to begin with

M2 Carbine got buffed not long ago… while Type 4 Garand gets nerfed out of nowhere

Stomping Allies? Dunno son, I think people just doing what the Devs does but actually playing the game, is not that the germans has all the advantage but the Ally didn’t even try, there is a time where the Japs stomp the US for 6 months, and there is the Time where Soviet was dominating all 3 of the Eastern Front Campaign, there was turning point for Tunisia Axis and Normandy Ally, maybe their playerbase just suck and being too comfy farming bots? Well except the soviets, once they lose a campaign they just can’t get it back

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Vicker MG is event

M1919 has much slower rof than mg42 belt, mg42 belt will just dominate

It arent fun playing the game lossing 9/10 battles, and it arent fun going low tier and switching faction because they are the “winning side”. Try playing 10 rounds of T5 allie and come back and tell me how much fun you have, if you aren’t having fun or don’t even bother to play it, then I don’t think they have fun getting stomp either.


So we are talking about skill issue now? If we have so much better players than the allies, the dev should definitely nerf us more to balance shitty allie skill issue.

Player population disparity shows the imbalance in the game, there should be equal amounts of skilled players on both side, devs should look at why arent there any “skilled players” playing allie as said by yourself.

If not, we shouldn’t bring up skill issue.

Again if we are discussing skill issue, we have a fair amount of bot farmers of our own from berlin and Tunisia as well.

wild assumption, if you are talking about Berlin, devs physically nerf their ticket and capture speed, most notable of this can we see in train mode where the soviet bleed so fast it isnt fun for anyone, map nerf is still in effect now.

Stalingrad was flooded with 717 grinders, we have so much dedicated little ones right before the merge that it change the campaign balance.

It’s more of a population issue, we have much more players on our side comparing to both allie team combine, and this is not good balance for the game.

German only have to grind one tech tree, and is the most complete one in the game compare to all factions, Western Allie and Japan are incomplete and need more contents. Allie need to choose between two and are stuck with new players especially for western allie saving private bands of brother watchers. Play the Soviet to counter T5 Germany Tiger2s? Nah no one have time to grind another tech tree and forced to play a faction they don’t like.

According to what you said. Here is a much better suggestion, remove all allie factions since they play like shit and is a waste of oxygen, add enlisted PVE mode with German being the only faction, now no one have to suffer because we will all be on the same side.

Why bother have any other factions if they are not balance against German and not fun to play as.

All I want is a healthy and competent T5 Allie player base with equal equipment for fun and balance match instead of straight up stomping and seal clubbing, is it that hard? How is T5 Germany even fun anymore.

Well you do you, the next update seems gonna help the ally again while germans only get a focking truck


Don’t worry we’ll kill them with Map knowledge and pray that their weapons will jam or they forget how to use it

At which range, a high rate of fire means high recoil which means it will only be viable on short ranges while holding the trigger at long ranges it has to be fired only a few rounds per push of the trigger while M1919A6 you can hold the trigger even in long ranges

Dude (I’ve said “buddy” too many times today)

The frick you mean? I own lobbies in Tier V Allies

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TheUnclaimedOne he’s right when the allies players know what they’re doing they can kick ass They just need better iron sights and maybe a tank to fight back but that’s about it

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if they get those Japan gets the O-I



So it is IS-3, Maus & O-I while i think the O-I is a fictional tank theres nothing besides paper documents not even photos of the hull turret or interiors.

If they really add the Maus it needs to be Rank 6 it cannot be used in normandy aka rank 4 at all.
and the IS-3 goes straight to Rank 6 as well, not because it has a powerful cannon more like it has a very good armor, while still being quite manouverable.

In addition to that there needs to be a new class for these tanks MAUS & O-I(i still doubt it existed) and should not count as regular tank spawns they need to be super heavies and be limited to 1 for each team, so 2 regular tanks are still possible for others to be used.

@ Greyparrots

Sturmtiger wont be coming for sure, unless you want to wait 5 minutes for reload)) It would be better to add the Jagdtiger at some point, USA will cry tho.

@ TheUnclaimedOne

There are alot of tanks which were ready in WW2 but havent been used for example the soviet T-44 tanks in multiple variants.

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It was reported shipped to China for combat testing so its either was sunk in rout or siting in the jungles rusting if the Japanese didn’t blow it up

Does china has any information about it ?

If they did they burned it or buried with all history before communist mind rot took over

This is quite sad as it buries the idea of having a super heavy for japan as well.

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I hope none of these things come to pass but where we’re going at this rate it’s gonna happen

recards say the test unit was built and it was shiped out US found the paperwork of that

Thats not enough, there are technical plans already that proofs there was some sort of concept, i wonder what happend to the tank if i actually existed in the way the people think it could also been just a parts delivery of remainings.