The Soviet tech tree is content starved. (Updated)

The Germans have such a variety, I think everyone should have such a variety. This would prevent newbies from looking at factions based on the amount of content and the number of newbies would be relatively balanced. Now the ssr has an advantage, simply because to the necessary things need to pump less, the councils already have rank 5 and it gives a lot of interesting things. That is to reach a high rank of the ssr to reach the easiest and do not have to play roulette, as with Japan, where it is generally unclear what you will be given.

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I agree here, I thought that the Polish army in the east would make a good subfaction and add useful guns to USSR, but for some reason we keep getting the same guns over and over.

Come to USSR, we have pps42, pps42 but in red, pps42 for gold order and pps42 from 1943.
Very lucrative I must say.


instead of pumping soviets with more grind, they should have reduced germany grind cause most of those weapons are just useless filler with similar performance.

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+Developers are literally fixated on the ussr and internal development, which is very strange, although there were partisan solutions, there were Yugoslav troops in the allies, Polish units in general were part of the red army and united with the partisans Armia Ludowa. It would be possible to add a lot of weapons without creating samples almost similar, which is due to the requirements of the competitions for which they were prepared. After all, it is not surprising that the pps for the gold order will not be too different from the pps in the pumping - they were created for the sake of one contest after all


Given the current position of the developer - no. On the global side - also no, less grind - less decisions to buy bonuses in the form of BP and premium account, indeed they can now only increase earnings, but pumping is now very simple. I have pumped all sides and all old and new units of infantry and vehicles in this game. I must know something about grind in Enlisted.

Title is misleading, I assume your goal was to drive emotions to get more attention. But, the Soviet tree is one of the most comprehensive trees in Enlisted. They feature numerous high-capacity belt-fed MGs before Germany got even one, they have captured weapons, and they even have experimental assault rifles. Giving them all the possible lend-lease weapons takes away from the unique experience offered by the faction. To add to that; the Soviets already have some of the strongest submachine guns in game at both BR ranges. If anything, I would support the addition of; the P-39 due to it seeing extensive use by the Soviets and the M1 Bazooka to support their BR II AT capabilities. As for nationalities; various squads - whether free, event, or premium - would certainly be welcomed.

No, lol. It’s filled at br 5 on small arms, but they don’t have many airplanes.
Br 1-2 has few tanks, few rifles, few machine guns.
They are the third most crowded technology tree, only the Japanese are worse.

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you have premium+you are good player+you play in stacks+you play a lot making grind extremely easy for you.

if you lack one or more of those, grind is painful. if you are average player that plays 2-5 battles daily with premium you can easily grind for 2+ years before you get everything mandatory…

Well literally a year ago, during the campaigns my friend exclusively using a premium account from the links and his efforts completely pumped the Germans in Berlin in 2 weeks of grind.
Taking into account the garbage, some of which is optional, it will probably take a month.

Considering that the campaigns used to be 6 with 2 sides, and now there are only 4 factions - it’s probably better.
It’s enough to literally find the best options on br 2 and sit on them until pumping the necessary on br 5. But again - in my opinion the only downside is the economy. It’s literally lootable. But if you are not chasing perfect bot performance, it will be a little bit cheaper.

That’s what bp + premium was invented for. But you can stay on low br and don’t worry, not everyone plays wt on tops either, although it’s a normal aspiration

germany berlin is ~5 mil xp, so that is some 10 hours or more of daily playing to grind one faction with premium. people have life beyond the game…

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True, but its nice to unlock something from time to time even when you already have the best weapons.


Overall, they come 2nd in terms of the number of aircraft. If you are just talking about BR V, then yes, they could use some more aircraft (and so could the western allies). However OP did not suggest any aircraft.

Fair, they are numerically lacking, but that’s arguably better since most bolt-actions and early tanks are ignored anyway. When it comes to tanks, there are still some domestic tanks (e.g. BT-5, BT-7M, T-80, ZiS-30, etc.) that can be added before the M3. Bolt-actions of minor nations supporting the Soviet Union could certainly be added for some more of the same. As for machine guns, one MG at BR II is enough, although if needed the Bren Mk I or a Madsen with a 30-rnd mag could be added.

I haven’t realized before, but that’s because I felt that it had enough already. They are certainly not “starved”.

No, it’s just because the developers copied themselves a lot. That’s why USSR has only essential, meta content now. The actual variety of content is not there. On 3-5 aviation is shit, of anything normal you only have la 7 and il 10, p40 is clearly getting slow there, if you look at wt it’s literally a retarded airplane for battles with Fiat and g and k series, fw is also better simply because it’s a flying battery for anihilating the US in a head-on collision.
But if you play against bots - probably no one understands. I still hope for a normal online distribution and increased interest in Japan, which will unload the Germans on all br.

i am not opposed to extra grind if it is foldered. but i am firmly against adding it to mandatory tree.

I tried looking for documented sources but found none other than a sentence in a book mentioning this.

So far I am very sure SKS was adopted in 1949 so in 1945 it was not used.



Hurricane and P-40 really sucks, but Yak-1 just conquers the whole tier 1 and 2 part because of nice maneuverability + 100kg bombs. Polikarov I-153 M-62 is also best for rocket attacks. Yes I may not be good at using Hurricane, but I can guarantee you that the P-40 is god awful plane that can’t even recover from dive bombing, but also can’t even dogfight without losing so much speed and less maneuverability to even catch up to IAR-81C until you get shredded into pieces. Trust me I maxed this plane before using just to see its a waste.

So yeah it really doesn’t hurt removing both of them or replace them with better aircraft. Replacement plane idea?

  • A-36 Apache

    Its a dive bomber variant of P-50 Mustang which is good for replacement
