The Soviet tech tree is content starved. (Updated)

ah man id love to see this sht.

germut br5 unlock me-262
sovjet counter

just a reminder of beretta v ppsh.

I genuinely don’t see any deficiencies in the soviet tech tree apart from faster CAS planes.

Besides. If every tool is already viable, anything more would just be filler content.

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There’s enough weapons and crap for everybody.

They need to focus on maps, new locations and expanding on the ones we have. They should also prioritize all these bugs, more/better customization for soldiers/vehicles, and update the bots better.

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It’s just small, it needs more garbage like Germany has.
All sorts of tanks like t80 or bt5, all sorts of weapons like French lebel rifles, German rifles, Manlicher rifles, English 7.7 rifles, Bergmann machine guns and Gochkiss machine guns.

In fact, it is the ussr and Japan that have the least content. And the author wants more content on 1-3 br.
I completely agree with him.


In my opinion, Lend-lease equipment should be premium, just as it is in War Thunder. This makes Lend-lease gear unique without surpassing Soviet equipment of the same level and category.

However, what I would definitely add from the Lend-lease equipment to the tech tree is the M1 Bazooka. I don’t understand why it’s missing there.

if you mean BR 3- 4 yes but 5 USSR is covered for BR5
Germany is all good
Japan Needs help all over the place
and US needs help at level 5 as it barley has one

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He means 1-3.
The sssr should have more trash

Imperial Japan: bruh?

I mean if you want to add Reisin M50 to BR2 and move PPS to BR3, rwplace Panzerfaust with Soviet made weapons and even lend and lease you have all my vote

BR 1-2 soviets are just as empty or as full as any other so no

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Yes, the ussr has almost no content there, the US and Germany have lots and lots of content there

They can add whatever they want from the lend-lease as long as it’s added to the Americans first.


Or maybe we should instead unleash a shitstorm in the comments section saying that the Soviet Union would have collapsed like a house of cards if it hadn’t been for Lend-Lease? :point_right: :point_left: :point_right: :point_left:


American Military Industrial Complex

Encouraging and supplying wars since World War 1


idk what is the point of lend lease equipment when soviets have superior everything compared to US… well except CAS…

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Filling the Soviet tech tree to make it more ehm diverse I guess and domestic stuff isnt much beyond couple more BTs, Ts and such. Maybe more variants of the AS and the Fedorov.


Keep up with their insane losses

Soviet union needs diversity.


you will just get more grind for basically lesser weapons than their soviet counterparts…
i would say no to such diversity…

Same sense as the infinite rifles, mp34 analogs and pz3 variants the Germans have. Just diversity, the communist warehouses had tons of weapons from tsarist Russia and civil war, not to mention Polish and Finnish trophies.
I by the way never understood why they gave the mors to the Germans, you could have given the ussr for a change.


Maybe people will learn how to build rallies by the time they reach BR3.