The Soviet tech tree is content starved. (Updated)

The soviet tech tree has the least content out of all the tech trees, currently the US and German tech trees offer a surplus of content found nowhere else, whether it’s mutiple nationalities of soldiers, or more weapons.

Now let me tell you about the lend lease program, The US sent the following to the Soviet Union in WW2:

  • 400,000 jeeps & trucks
  • 14,000 airplanes
  • 8,000 tractors
  • 13,000 tanks
  • 1.5 million blankets
  • 15 million pairs of army boots
  • 107,000 tons of cotton
  • 2.7 million tons of petrol products
  • 4.5 million tons of food

As for weapons we sent 140,000 Thompson’s across M1928A1, M1, and M1A1 variants.

Source for Soviet Thompsons: Historical Firearms - Historical Trivia: Soviet Tommy Guns The Red...

The Red Army’s use of submachine guns is legendary with millions of PPSh-41s and PPs-43s manufactured during the Second World War. However, it is largely unknown that the American Thompson submachine gun was technically Soviet Russia’s third submachine gun.

In 1942 the US began Lend-Lease shipments to the Soviet Union to help repel the German invasion. These included almost 15,000 tanks and vehicles such as M3 (Lee), M3 (Stuart) and M4 (Sherman) tanks. These tanks were shipped with a full inventory of equipment including Thompson submachine guns for the crews. In addition to those shipped with the tanks there were also larger individual shipments of Thompsons and ammunition. By the end of the war the US Lend-Lease programme had imported almost 140,000 Thompson M1928A1s, M1s and M1As many of these were produced by Savage Arms. When compared to the six million PPSh-41s produced during the war this was a drop in the ocean.

Unissued Soviet Thompson’s in their original shipping cases (source)

While the Soviets received the Thompsons, they were not widely issued for a number of reasons. The standard Soviet PPSh-41s and PPs-43s were chambered in 7.62×25mm while the Thompson was chambered in .45ACP this meant that resupply of troops issued with them was problematic as Russia had no means of producing the larger calibre ammunition - even if they had this would have been impractical. Another issue was the conditions on the Russian Front, freezing temperatures meant that the Thompson M1928A1s initiallysent didn’t perform well. Extraction became unreliable and the bolts would occasionally seize up.

This meant Thompson’s were primarily issued to rear echelon troops or put into store when sufficient numbers of the PPSh-41 became available. The photographs above show Soviet tank crews with their Lend-Lease M3 Stuart tanks and a squad of Russian naval infantry. In recent years some of the Russian Thompsons have been imported back to the US with many being found in mint condition - unissued.


Now with that being said here are some Thompson’s to add to the Soviet tech tree:

  • M1921AC (20 Rounds) (BR-2) (Fire rate on a 21AC is usually around 1000 RPM Max)
  • M1A1 Thompson (30 Rounds) (BR-3) (600 RPM Max)
  • M1 Thompson (30 Rounds) (BR-4) (700 RPM Max)
  • M1928A1 Early (50 Round Drum) (BR-5) (Early 28A1s were essentially just a M1928 USMC with a horizontal grip) (fire rate is about 700 RPM Max)

I also found a Soviet with a M50 Reising:

We could also get the M1911A1 pistol as well as M1 and M9A1 Bazookas to have as more lend lease but now let’s go on to more Soviet made weapons.

SKS-45 (BR-2) this is the SKS that appeared all over the world under the chinese copy “Type 56” and saw service near the end of WW2, it’d be a great Soviet counterpart to the M1 Carbine and VG 1-5.

The following is the numbers of soldiers from Soviet republics that fought for the Soviets in WW2:

  • 7 million Ukrainians
  • 1.5 million Uzbeks.
  • 1.3 million Belarusians
  • 1.2 million Kazakhs
  • 700,000 Georgians
  • 681,000 Azerbaijanis
  • 600,000 Armenians
  • 538,000 Romanians
  • 360,000 Kyrgyz
  • 260,000 Tajiks
  • 195,000 Poles
    And more.

So we definitely need more nationalities for Soviets.


Most people know that. And most people know that Darkflow has issues with land leasing.

But that is not consistent or at least is only limited to firearms since they did not remove the Hurricane or the P-40.

Darkflow doesn’t like the idea of lend lease equipment!?

Oh but they sure do love the idea of combined tech trees by having 2 nations piggybacking off each other!

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I don’t like lend lease stuff, or captured stuff, because it’s just lazy copy paste.

I want new unique Soviet stuff for Soviets.


These are all great suggestion, someone who speaks Russian should also upload this to the Russian side.

My two objections are:

We already have SKS-31 in game as a premium rifle and SKS-45 didn’t see combat in WW2, besides a 10 round semi-auto for BR2 is way too excessive and would just get pushed up to BR3 like VG1-5.

USSR is already full of BR5 assault weapons, no point on this one unless PPD40 or another weapon gets foldered.

Yeah me too, but all common issued weapons the red army used are already in the game.
The only option left is adding obscure prototypes and rejected weapons similar to recent BP SMG USSR received, I would prefer these protos to stay gold orders and that Soviet progression weapons are gear that they actually used.


BTW, you over looked M50 Reising SMG, that could be foldered under ppd34 for people who prefer.
This would be a nice addition mostly since ppd34 is the only BR1 SMG of the Soviet progression tree.

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There’s nothing left in WW2 to give the Soviets that wouldn’t be a gold order or premium. Weapons like the SKS-30, and SVS-53 would not be tech tree weapons SKS-31: The 7.62x54mmR Predecessor of SKS Carbine -The Firearm Blog

SKS-31 we already have in game that I desperately want to return:


SKS-30: (The mini PTRS-41)


These would definitely be gold orders.


SKS-31 is no longer obtainable, I was on my way to buy it the day it disappeared.

SKS-45 did see limited combat at the very end of WW2, I’ll find the source again.

We already have a 15 Round semi auto for BR-2 and the SKS-45 would hold 20 less rounds than the VG 1-5 while doing the same damage, so I think BR-2 would be good, but the VG 1-5 should be BR-2 As well because it can’t even compete with a SVT-38 as it is.

The Early M1928A1 with a 50 Round Drum appears to be the most common configuration amongst Soviet soldiers, if we get any Thompson, I hope it’s either this or the M1921AC with the 20 Round box magazine.

Thompsons, bazookas, and the M1911A1 are the only options left at standard issue.

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I would also love to see the M1 Garand but only 1 Garand was sent to the Soviet Union under lend lease. How many Reising Smgs both M50 and M55 were sent to USSR?

At least free ones.
Because something with unique and whatever.

Well. That’s more related to a mix of population/ mm, and Italy sucks ass, and Brits probably be too American anyways.

Just have Germany and Italy as separate tech trees but play tougher on the same team: Bring back segregation or bring back Italy and Britan - #9 by WarFrog_935

What about Japan?


Do they also have wood tanks?

So a pointless separate tree?

They have paper tanks

It’s to prevent Britan from invading Japan, etc.

Which I think don’t exist in WT, and even WOT tanks are either poor Italian Panther knock-offs or from the Cold War.

Who cares if they also add wood tanks and paper proto-weapons as usual?

Generally I only want CAPTURED content for a faction if the faction did something to make it unique, otherwise we might as well give Germans M1 Garands. I even accept even the most minimal of uniqueness. As long as it’s unique I don’t mind it. To give a few examples

  • rechambers
  • vehicles that had new guns mounted on them or otherwise modified

If you want to use your enemy’s stuff just capture it in battle. I think AT soldiers should drop their gadget when killed so if you want it go hunt it. I even think it would be crazy if somehow we’d be able to capture enemy vehicles

Now I lean towards the Soviets not having the Panzerfaust in their tree. Like I said I think if you kill an enemy AT soldier you can just go grab a Panzerfaust yourself. I think instead they should get a lend lease bazooka as well as their prototype AT weapons

I think I wouldn’t mind lend lease content in the Soviet tree, or just as Premium and event content, because I think it’s a more unique circumstance and it’s just a handful of stuff.


only italian tank they can add (outside variants of existing vehicles) is their heavy tank…yes they called that thing a heavy tank

“Simonov’s early 7.62x39mm models were quickly pressed into service, and saw action with troops of the 1st Belorussian Front during the final months of World War II . The SKS was still undergoing active field trials when Germany surrendered to the Allies in May 1945.”


wicked info

Japan: :skull: :skull:


The reason I say that is because the Soviet tech tree has a lot of guns that look the same, they may not play the same but still.