The Silver rebalance MUST happen before the Steam release

I know many have talked about this issue already, but only now have I realized how bad it truly is for the new players.

TL;DR at the bottom for those who hate reading cause I went on a bit of a rant.

I have recently played a couple of russian br2 games with some random guys. One guy in particular was new to this faction (he might be new to the game entirely). He was trying to get a certain plane and asked for some advice. I explained to him that, in order to get it, he needed to research and purchase every single plane before that one, excluding the subfolder ones. This response was met with a desperate sigh. “Well, looks like I’ll have to spend a couple of days playing to get 2500 Silver to buy this one first.” (I don’t remember which plane he was reffering to, I think it was the Yak 1). I was like “What? It doesn’t take that long to get 2500 Silver.” He responds with “Oh yes, it does.”

Now, this guy, is completely average in terms of performance (no disrespect). He’s often stuck to the middle of the leaderboard or a little above. Whether it’s due to poor skills, being new, lack of equipment and squads, or the combination of all 3, I don’t know. Point is, this guy is the average new player. Mind you he doesn’t have premium, so for someone, with all of these factors acting against them, maybe it really does take that long to grind out a measely 2500 Silver.

Now comes me. I played on and off since release and have been focusing mostly on Soviet stuff in Moscow and Berlin, and a little bit of Germany in Stalingrad. Without trying to wave my dick around I’d say I’m a decent player. I’m often at the top of the leaderboard whenever I play Soviets, so earning Silver is not really that difficult, especially now that I’ve got premium, but it’s still spent fast.

It wasn’t until I started playing Japan that I realized how bad things really are. I went in with a capital of about 60k Silver and now I’m flat out broke, with less than 1800 Silver to my name. I’m barely into Tier 2 and I haven’t even managed to fully equip any of my squads yet. Most of my soldiers still rock the basic Arisaka Type 38 carbine. I wasn’t even rerolling soldiers trying to get the best ones and selling the rest. The money just disappeared buying and upgrading (not even to the max) the most basic equipment and soldiers. Now, this could be chalked up to the fact that BR2 Japan doesn’t win very often, so you lose out on that +%50 bonus at the end, but still, I’m a premium player +most of these games were played with the +100%XP bonus for 12 battles that you get from Battlepass AND I’M STILL BLEEDING MONEY. If this is the experience of a veteran, premium player, I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone new.

The current Silver gain which stands at about 10% of the XP gained, need to be bumped up to AT LEAST 20%. A new player that feels forced into buying premium is just going to abandon the game, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen if this issue isn’t addressed before the steam release. All the new players that try the game for the first time will uninstall it the next day after they see just how much the game is trying to extort them for their efforts.

I went fresh into Japan with 60k in my bank, went broke after like 15 premium+boosted battles, barely reaching Tier 2. Silver gain should be upped from 10% to 20% or game dead.


yea was literally saying this before merge and yep it exactly what i thought


It took years and years and years of complaints and a huge review bombing campaign to get Gaijin to improve the economy in War Thunder
What makes you think DF will fix their copy economy with a few posts a couple months after implementation?

This economy is made this way on purpose. Pay up or spend the next 2-3 years grinding one faction


I know these complaints will likely fall on deaf ears. But I’m HOPING that DF will learn from Gaijins mistake and fix it before shit’s too late.

Worst thing is I AM PAYING and the game is STILL BUSTING MY ASS :sob::sob::sob:


I said the same thing to Helpers and they said to me that it’s cheaper to buy and upgrade one gun after merge well guess gonna see if review bombing changes anything


Weapons are really too expensive
I have to spend more than the purchase price of high-end vehicles to equip a full communication team
Not to mention having to upgrade those damn guns.
The upgrade cost of all weapons in the later stage is more than 10,000 silver coins


I am assuming the silver gain is so low because they want people to purchase gold with actual money and then use the gold to buy silver through the in game store.

I think this is why they have said they are going to add a free premium squad slot. This encourages people to spend money purchasing the premium squads.

If you think of the game more like a business product, the free-to-play players add to the overall player count, but they don’t really contribute to supporting the development costs of the game. If the developers/publishers do not find ways to make money off the free-to-play game then the game is not economically viable and the development gets cut or stops and the game dies.

So I’m not sure if they will change the silver gain rate so quickly unless they find another way to incentivize people to spend some money on the game.

Maybe increasing the silver gain for people who have bought premium time (more then it is right now), which would add to the impression that free-to-play is like playing a demo of the game, and buying premium time unlocks a much faster silver and XP gain rate who are into the game.


Im totally agree.

Still, I don’t think they’ll do anything about it…yet.

We have to wait until the Steam reviews arrive.

And I’m sure it will be fun to read them


I’m pretty sure they had a stick shoved up their ass and DF told them not to comment about anything and just say everything is fine as everyone was saying this was a bad idea

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You’d think so but when you look at the actual prices of Silver you realize that only a demented person would consider buying those. 7100 gold for only 120k silver? Who in their right mind would buy that? It’s simply not worth it no matter which way you look at it. I might be wrong and there might be a whole heep of people with a lot of money to burn throwing it on silver, but it’s very unlikely imo.

This is already the case, in a way. Since Silver you gain is calculated based on the XP you earn, and given that a person with premium gets their XP doubled - the Silver is doubled also. Further increases are possible though

I already made two suggestions to fix economy via BP, but they fell on deaf or perhaps better said DF ears.


I remember this post. I literally think of this exact post when I get to a point of having to grind to afford silver vehicles. I will have so much silver, but one pistol and now I’m living in a cardboard reichstag :rofl:


Your post is 110% understood. We all agree. For pistols to be 1,000-3,000 silver, small ammo pouches being 500 and grenades being 1,000 is absolutely insane. The cost of soldiers has increased 10fold because now it takes time to earn silver to buy one soldier who won’t have a good start of “gold starts” :star::star::star::star::star:.

The level 3 and 4 soldiers are so expensive and ridiculous that I personally have never bought assaulter IV and I have 6 assaulter III because I got them before the merge. Unfortunately the economy is what hurts the players the most. Silver should be easier to get, and even more plenty for the BattlePass. 2,000 silver for beating 3 challenges or getting a “daily reward” and it’s a challenge addition. 500 silver for destroying 4 tanks.

Look at the achievements in the game. It’s absolutely laughable. 500-1,000 silver for capturing 10 objectives in 1 game. That’s so much work for nothing. (IMO atleast).

Great post my friend!


Even bot farming with premium squads + premium account gets low silver (1.7-2k on average, 4k max) its abysmal.

But don’t worry, once 92% of the new steam players delete the game, Darkflow will go into panic mode to try and keep the other 8% here.


Even with premium, It’s not that good lol


yup, a 2500-3000 silver game is considered “a great game”. the majority of players will not see that much per game in current form

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