The semi-automatic rifle's rate of fire has been weakened, yet another bad update that ruins the game experience

if you think AVS is shit, what is ZH29? worse than shit?

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At least with the ZH you can aim, AVS36 you just click and pray.

Or am I the only one that doesn’t run in guns blazing, If I see or hear an enemy SMG, I don’t run towards it. I’ll try and force their hand by grenading the room they are in or tagging them for allies.

lot of player like me have the skill 35% heath increase. one shot is not enough to take down a troops.

Not really. You have a powerful bullet but a much slower rate of fire. You can down or kill one trooper, but the next behind him will annihilate your entire squad with one drum mag from a SMG at close range.

Rifles were never designed, nor practical for use clearing buildings or any form or close quarters combat…unless you’re using the bayonet.

Even more of a reason to not run into a room and try to use a rifle to clear it.
This is what I don;t get, people are upset that they can’t use a rifle for what it wasn’t designed for?

The AVS is still god awful, even if it still maintains its fast fire rate.

Then don’t try and fight them in close quarters?

really, that has nothing to do with this whole conversation though?!

But OP is suggesting that his rifle can’t compete with SMGs at close range anymore in his original post. Or more specifically, the ZH29.
I dont know much about the ZH29, I don’t use it, I try not to use rifles when I can avoid it. But if it’s anything like the SVT-40, then I dont see the complaint here.
At close range, semi automatic rifles arent supposed to compete with SMGs. Which is why I suggested that the problem lies with his play style, not the nerfing of his rifle.

But now bullet spread on semiauto rifles and LMG makes this classes not able to work with on long ranges. Except Pavesi, Vickers-Berthier and Bren Mk. I.

Also I will test last update in a hour.

I hate to be “that guy” But I’m going to be here;

I dont have much of a problem at long range with rifles or with LMGs. When you mount them, they’re great at long range. I regularly hit long range shots with the DT-29 and SVT-40 if I am laying down or mounted. Sure, a couple of rounds will go AWOL, but that adds to the realism. You’re not going to hit every shot, every time. Especially with infantry grade rifles, their infantry grade accuracy, and mass produced ammunition.

OK. but mounting - is a permament butthurt. That is one. Two - mounted Breda is still tragicly not accurate. Also, we have laserguns when mounted - like Chauchat and Madsen; laserguns whithout mount - Vickers and BREN.

How in BF1 mount working automaticly - It is still a kind of magic.

I cant speak on the Breda or the other weapons you mentioned. I only have a lot of experience with Soviet guns and the occasional weapon I pick up from the dead because there arent any ammunition crates around. I just know that the DT and SVT perform well when prone or mounted.

I agree with the mounting system, that’s something that really needs to be fixed. 90% of the time when I am holding a hallway with the DT-29, I can be mounted ON THE FLOOR. A straight, hard, smooth surface, and somehow I become unmounted just…out of nowhere? What?
There are also some surfaces like window sills that you SHOULD be able to mount on, but they won’t let you.

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DT and DP are pretty good for a LMG. If you shooting two-round bursts - it is still nice accurate from the stand and from the hip.

As for both Axis LMG’s in Tunisia - they are garbage. ZB-26 was nice in moscow campaign, when OBT starts. But now - it is Kugelspritz for short distances. As for short distances - I will prefer Beretta M1 or Berretta M34\42.

I disagree. The change significantly improves game experience and it even makes semi-autos more controlable, thus better at mid-close to mid-range distances - the distances a rifle should be efficient at, especially a semi-auto one. Plus, now you can hit more shots while your head is shaking from nearby explosions.

Before the nerf, the semi-autos were too powerful, and also unrealistic. Sure, the rifles actually have higher rates of fire than 200, but if you fire full battle-rifles at that rate the recoil would go through the roof. Semi-automatic rifles like the G43 are NOT supposed to be able to clean rooms and dispatch enemies with multiple shots and accurate mag-dumps at point-blank range. They can pick at groups of enemies, yes, but at at least a few meters range.

The update now makes meleeing more prevalent, something which was lacking in Normandy and Berlin, makes bolt-actions attractive again in those campaigns (for long range and if they have a bayonet) - as they were irl.

If you want to go assaulting enemy positions, you should get a SMG or, at least, an “Assault Rifle”, such as the STG44 - firing an intermediate cartridge, not a full battle-rifle cartridge like the M1 Garand, SVT-40 and G43.

However, the fact automatic rifles such as the FG-42 and the AVS haven’t also been nerfed in their semiauto modes (WHY?) is absolutely unjustified, attrocious and an outright terrible thing for the game-balance.


Whuut? Axis have one single gun that works and you grind it? you put it on every soldier so you have a single chance in this game playing axis? you use it in every campaing to not get fully butchered by allies submachine guns every 2 seconds? NERRRRRRRFF !!!


If you playing RKKA in Moscow, but hate “comissars” - you are doomed. So, I doomed.


Hello everyone!

I dislike new update, but i can pass on full cartridge weapons. But what’s the point of weakening M1 and VG? M1 is, and always were weak, but especially VG feel trash compared to other asllauter choose


Yes. The carbine weapons were already pretty much useless in-game. The update could have redeemed them, as they could fill-in a niche by offering higher fire rates at short distances than the heavier-cartridge semi-auto rifles - which was exactly their purpose IRL, to be “Personal Defense Weapons” (PDWs), as the recoil on them, unlike with the big-cartridge rifles, was much more controllable (you could even mag-dump them). Instead, the update also nerfed them and now they are as good as dead.

Don’t know who told you that, but neither are laserguns. They’re decent, but you can’t see half your screen when aiming with the Vickers.
Bren is meh.

Breda seems fine to me when mounted?
Sure you’re mounting it the right way up? :thinking: