The P-51 Mustang needs more bombs

realistically this bomber carried x5 100lb bombs or a single 500lb bomb… x2 100lb bombs is just way too under equipped…

anyways i stand corrected in the capacity of this specific P-51c it would seem it only has 2 bomb pylons on the wings, whether or not they clustered 100lb bombs on the pylons idfk, if it were me id wanna have a cluster of 3 on each wing if i were a WW2 pilot so i could pepper the ground with 6 of em.

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“Realistically” it carried 2 x 100, 2 x 250, or 2 x 500 lb bombs… but all Allied fighters have their worst loads for CAS in Enlisted :confused:

states pretty clearly that 500lb bombs were the recommended maximum capacity even though they could carry up to 1000lbs of ordnance

like heres your 100lb bomb vs 500lb bomb size comparison

srry just noticed that bottom ones a 1000lb bomb gimmie sec to find 500lb

yea :face_with_raised_eyebrow:relatively the same size as the 1000 pounder lol

What states that 500 lb was recommended?

It has 2 underwing shakles - so 500lb would be 2 x 250lb


Here’s hte RAF performance sheet for Mustang 3 (P-51C) - 2 x 500lb listed:


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guess your right they did have a pylon on each wing for a 500lb bomb but from what im seeing they also had 3 smaller pylons further out on the wing

Those are all P-51D - which could carry rockets on those 6 pylons - the P-51C in game didn’t cary those.

Due to copious amount of whining, bomb loads where lightened on all airplanes.

i figured they would carry the 100lb bombs like the 3 tubes on the right hand side in this image

cause i remember seeing images of 50lb bombs being strapped together like that.

Not on axis ones they were not!

I’ve never seen Mustangs with those before!! :slight_smile:

There seems to be only the 1 photo of the bomb + rocket arrangement on the 'net - but there is a model of a Tuskagee P-51C with that arrangement -

However much I agree, I think it helps balance the fact that Germany can only get one plane. And as a whole planes seem to lack their maximum bomb load (which makes sense considering fighters wouldn’t necessarily carry bombs in the first place). If germany gets a second plane give them the maximum bomb load, but until then it’s the only saving grace of encountering A-20s and the other American fighters with good ground support.

109 fighters get maximum bombload in Moscow and Normandy at least, 110 in Moscow get maximum - only allied planes get the minimums, and the 1 plane limit is apparently a bug and only for hte axis in Normandy - so no, that line of reasoining doesn’t wash with me sorry.

So because the lack of a second plane is a bug and not a feature means anything goes to pimp out the American planes?

Giving them reasonably comparable bombloads to their axis equivalents doesn’t equate to “pimping out” for me… but if you want to go down the route of stupid hysterical arguments then the discussion is over from me.

FYI it applies in Moscow too - the Soviets lose out badly there - axis CAS is streets ahead of allied CAS

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Ok but 1000 lbs is double 250kg, it’s not really fair to give the American fighter twice the capacity of the BF-109 when the axis still get one LESS plane.

And for the Moscow campaign that’s because the Stuka is really good, but the Russians get the pitiful 4 50kg bomb load on the IL2 which kinda sucks.

And yeah this is totally 100% a hysterical argument.

Based on what? Like yeah a 500kg bomb is nice but I can kill only one tank unless they are clustered. Even with a 109 I can kill two separate tanks as I don’t have to go do refill. The basic attack plane of Soviets can potentially kill 3 tanks if pilot is good.
The only plane which is imho better on German side is biplane because it’s 50kg bombs are better than rockets of Soviet biplane.
German CAS is just easier, not better.

the 110 in Moscow gets 2 x 500kg, teh 109 gets as much as a stuka, the 2nd stuka gets 1 x 500kg I believe.

I’ve never killed 3 tanks in Moscow with any soviet plane - I think I’ve only killed 4 or 5 tanks with any of them in total since OBT excepting empty ones - so I don’t believe any smug asseertion of how easy it is to kill them with rockets!

I’ve killed a tank a few times with a direct hit from the 50kg bombs of the IL 2, although it is a bit harder since you have to be right on target.

REad my reply above - it is quantifiably better - the soviet monoplane fighters get 2 x 50 kg, hte German ones get 1 x 250kg.

the 8 rockets and 4 x 50kg on the Il-2 are nowhere near as good as a Stuka 250 + 4 x 50, the 110 gets 2 x 500kg.

The Pe-3 gets 6 x 132mm rockets which are certainly better than the 82’s, but not by much - they pack a whopping 1.5kg of HE each for anti-infantry work - anti-tank is sheer luck and usually a waste of a reload to even bother trying.

Plus it is missing it’s 20mm cannon…

the ultimate Soviet plane gets 6 x 100 kg - you can get a good kill of infantry but the lethal radious against tanks is short - I’ve never killed one with it other than empties.

Bollocks :frowning:

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