The P-51 Mustang needs more bombs

Yes - like I dsaid - I’ve killed 4 or 5 - something along those numbers… In the entire OBT so far…

It is not impossible - but I would get kiled by a Stuka in my tank every 2nd or 3rd game… it’s orders of magnitude better.

109 gets 4x50kg bombs
110 gets 2x250kg bomb (can’t verify right now)
First Stuka gets 1x250kg and 4x50kg
Last Stuka gets 1x500kg
Only 109 and first Stuka can drop bombs separately.

So games should be balanced according to your personal experience?

Yeah the Stuka is honestly just so much better than the IL2, besides the fact the IL2 can survive getting shot a bunch. They should give the IL2 its stronger bomb load of 4 100kg and maybe take a way two or even just flat out keep its rocket load too.

And that siren sounds great when it’s unfortunately about to murder your entire squad and family lol.

correct me if im wrong. but cant the germans get 2 planes now. a attacker and fighter? Just not many people have unlocked the fw-190.

The mustang does need better bombs or rockets so it can do something to the ground targets. otherwise you kinda feel useless when no german aircraft is there to dogfight. I have yet to try the p-47 but im willing to bet its far better for ground support.

Still only one plane. I’m pretty sure it’s a feature or something the devs are leaving in place,

I mean… although…
I guess it’s possible that the German teams are just so far behind the Americans when it comes to campaign progression nobody really might even have the bf109s etc…

Ah- ok - so it is merely twice as good as the Soviete fighters for CAS.

I note that hte new premoium fighters are the E-7 with cannon and bombs vs I-16 with machineguns and rockets - another situation where the axis greatly outclasses the equivalent allied a/c.

The description of the 110C in the campaign window says it gets 2 ETC500 bomb racks - I’ve always assumed that means 500kg bombs - but if it is “only” 2 x 250’s then that is merely “much better” than Soviet equivalnet, instead of orders of magnitude!

Yep - well they are all better than the Soviet equivalents by a long shot.

Are you going to resort to stupid ad-hominem attacks putting words into other people’s mouths that they never said often? Please let me know so I can not bother trying to discuss things with you in a reasonable manner if that is how you intend to behave.

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in some ways its understanding because the allies had air superiority by that time in the war. and based on my experiance, the 109 can stand its ground against a a-20 and mustang in the air. just a matter of how you approach the fight.

You also gotta admit. the 109’s bombs are like mini nukes compared to the mustang’s bombs which are like chucking pebbles against people in the hope to kill them. its extremely underwhelming.

I cant say anything about the russian campagins because i have hardly played it and dont have planes unlocked.

Also comparing the 109 to the mustang. the 109 has better guns, bombs and a slightly better turning circle. but worse in the speed.

The issue arises when you have a P-47, an A20, and players who also have a fighter they can pull out as soon and right when they get shot down. And if you want to use German close air support and the Americans have a fighter in the skies, we’ll guess I’ll die

but then if you have the fw-190 and me-109 (yes i call it a Me) with premium, you could do the same thing aswell. Having two fighters compared to a attacker and a very heavy fighter. theres more of a issue when you have the bf-110.

Yes it is annoying having two enemy aircraft up at once. but its just a matter of how you approach it.

It would be nice if they gave the germans another plane. but then it becomes even more unbalanced with the me-109 and a bomber having bigger bombs compared to the underwhelming mustang and a-20.

A known bug is not a balance issue.

Oh? is that a bug? i always thought you can use another vehicle right after your other one is destroyed. Or is that only for tanks?

If you use it for CAS, yes, as I’ve said earlier, can kill two tanks on the same load, but it’s worse as a fighter as has only half of ammunition of Yak.

So you haven’t actually played them? If you are accurate in dropping bombs, a higher yield just gives more margin for error and can kill larger clusters of infantry.
But a single drop is just that, drop and go for reload, come back few minutes later. With multiple loads you dump everything only at infantry to get a larger zone of damage. With tanks, you drop 2 at one, turn around and drop at another.

I’m sorry if you felt it as an attack. Just merely stating that if you find it hard to kill tanks with rockets and 50kg bombs, it only illustrates the point I’ve made before - German CAS is easier, Soviet CAS is better in hands of skilled pilot.

Since I’ve been talk,ing about CAS all this discussion, yes, I’m talking about CAS!

Come on - it’s “Easier” but not more effective? So you can be effective at a lower skill level, and you think that isn’t better??

The very most it “demonstrates” is that German CAS is effective for lower skilled pilots than Soviet ones need to be - which is EXACTLY Axis CAS being better because they can kill more and do it more easily.

Killing 3 tanks in a pass with a Il-2 doesn’t require a skilled pilot - it requires a godlike one, whereas any old kraut can kill a tank with a 250kg bomb every 2nd sortie!

That’s the F-1 with 60 rounds - the Axis now gan get the E-7 with twice as much 20mm cannon ammo- 120 rounds per gun with 2 guns, vs 110 rounds for the single 20mm cannon in the Yak.

The equivalent Soviet premium plane is the I-16 Type 18 - with 4 machineguns - good machineguns with bucketloads of ammo - but still just machineguns.

The bug is Axis only getting 1 plane at a time on Normandy. Apparently.

Respawning is not a bug. AFAIK.

ohhh alrighty.

i was for some reason thinking the respawning was a bug. But i dont believe it is as what you said.

I am dreading to see a fw-190 and me109 up at the same time.

Better for noobs, worse for experienced pilots. A 500kg bomb, killing 10-20 people at ones might look impressive but killing over 10 tanks saves a lot of tickets for your own team. The faster you can dispatch them, the less tickets your team loses.

Okay, so you want to balance everything by using level of new or not experienced players? Is it just me who can see a problem with this idea?

So IL-2 somehow can’t kill a tank every 2nd sortie?

Never seen any premium plane in the Moscow campaign. But if you think it is relevant somehow, then sure, sounds like Germans got a better premium plane.

At the end all this will be irrelevant when custom loadouts will be added. Then you can put which ever the biggest bomb you like.

Ok to say the IL 2 is better at killing tanks then German planes is absolute BS, the bf109 has an identical Bob load and so does the Stuka except it also gets a 250kg bomb on top of it. In no way does that make the IL2 a better bomber. Believe it or not it makes it a worse bomber.

Other ppl have way more knowledge about how realistic the loadout for this plane is or not is.

My 5 cents are only, that comparing one plane with planes from enemy team is a bit short sighted in my opinion.

I think more in faction versus faction. If in statistics no faction dominates than it is perfect.
Even if one faction may have better planes or another better tanks.

Played mostly moscow campaign… time to visit france.

It’s not better at killing tanks because it is harder to aim with and has nothing to do with the loadout. Stuka is a king in it’s class. And it has gotten a lot of it’s other characteristics nerfed like the speed, maneuverability, damage model and climb nerfed so that it can be easily shot down by any plane it faces. Rightfully so I must say. Also, if you haven’t noticed yet, the rearm point has been moved further from the battles with this update. This gives IL-2 even more advantage over the JU-87 in how long it can continue using it’s armaments before having to reload. With Stuka, it’s best to drop them all at once because it’s very difficult to climb, turn and find a good spot to bomb with stuka now that rearming is a lot more effective.

Give the 250 KG to the IL-2 and there is going to be very little change because it’s a lot a guess work with Soviet planes. I find the Russian tanks a lot more effective compared to their German counterparts even though they are similar on paper. Same situation as the Stuka and their counters are just as easy as the plane.

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