The next Battle Pass season's new features

sorry man, it’s not my fault you don’t understand the irony. Next time, I’ll put a caption like this (it was ironic)

i highly doubt it was irony considering what you put after that

you said this because you know you’re wrong but don’t want to admit it. but fine let me ask you this what you would you want? a gun that can guarantee damage and can move in any direction or a gun that is wider but can’t move as freely and needs to place shots in the correct spot or it’s going to die

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The guy also forgets the veeeeery important fact that the REAL pz3j counterpart in Tunisia, the crusader, is as armoured as an armoured car… (but with a great gun. Glass canon is right)

Having played alot with this copy pasted version of the 3j in Moscow, I’d say it will be the best tank in Tunisia till new ones appear. The 50mm will pen easily and more importantly, since it’s a turret gun, the tank will be able to “peekaboo” along buildings corners. Crusader has the best canon for now, but has such bad armour that the ab will probably get the upper hand :laughing:

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“i highly doubt it was irony considering what you put after that” LOL
you really have limited intelligence. Was what I said afterwards just a joke or did you really think putting facts in quotes and wearing sad emojis was serious?. “you said this because you know you’re wrong but don’t want to admit it” oh no
I was wrong and now :frowning: what will become of me ( that was irony). Dude, I prefer 1000x the m3 lee which you can get much earlier than the pz III J and it has better armor and 2 cannons that can destroy it.

the difference is that in Tunisia you reach level 18 and you have the fucking m3 lee which, if it were added in Moscow, would be level 32 or even higher, can you understand that? And you forget the fact that all British tanks can destroy the pz III J easily, and the first 2 Italian tanks don’t even tickle the m3 lee. And another thing in Tunisia you rarely see the “counterpart” of Grant 1 which is the “Sememovente” because it doesn’t have mg or HE and that’s why hardly anyone uses it because it’s useless. And as you said, the Cruzado has the best cannon in the Tunisian campaign, do I need to say anything else? and AB needs to take a lucky shot to destroy the crusader, because in his turret he has 32 MM of armor and the weak point that would be his flat part doesn’t reach the ammo.

You misunderstood me.
I’m taking more into account than armour values and gun: I’m taking into consideration the maps and terrain, in wich the pz3j will excel thanks to it’s great mobility. The 50mm it has can also pen the Grant with ease, and unlike Grant shots, only needs a single one to kill half the Grant crew… I like the Grant, believe it, but it’s too slow and big a target. If a plane spots it, it’s done for 100% of the time thanks to the new bomb mechanic creating a “cone” expanding upwards from the blast radius (Grant is “tower” shaped, will ALWAYS get caugh in the blast)… the Crusader on the other hand will be played in an identical way as the pz3j: it’s drivers know their armour won’t protect them much, but they both have great guns and more importantly, mobility. Also very low profiles.
Grant drivers are also overly confident because they THINK they are immune to other tanks, until a wild semonvente spots them or now, a pz3j. And pz3j can pop out from a house corner, something neither the slow Semonvente or Grant can…

It’s a good machine (pz3j). Only weakness I see is pis* poor turret rotation speed.

I agree with what you said but my discussion with the guy above is that the Grant 1 in a 1v1 with the pz III J has an advantage due to the armor and because it has more firepower (but of course the pz III J can destroy it ) and if you consider that this tank is at level 18 the axis is at a disadvantage because of its counterpart o (sememovente) rarely does anyone use it because it lacks mg and HE. In other words, in many matches there is no tank that rivals the Grant 1 since the pz III J needs to reach level 28 and the sememovente nobody wants to use it and having to rely only on the plane’s support to destroy it is complicated.

But the devs thought about this!
What is the gold order vehicle for Axis Tunisia this battle pass?

It will be just like Moscow t50, there will be pz3j everywhere!

Well i grabbed that new axis, tank in Tunisia, and in 1 battle, was wishing i still had the TD in the line up, although, the grant was lucky, he was other side, and had a height drop on me, so 0-1 in new tank

But that Semonvente, is great at what it needs to do, just the lacking HE and Mg is a bummer, but still i use it, and it a pity it runs on same, tanker II, as the P III J, would like both lol
But yeah, between the TD and a Stuka, i take the Stuka first, then TD, may just take the TD back in line up till, its maxed.