The new shield is a completely ridiculous mechanic, you can't be serious

I am pissed of people like this, japs get one thing and complain, americans can keep a rocket continuous rocket spam cycle, a 200 round event machine gun and nobody complain, screwd it


I would accept this, however

NO, I want all those OP thing that you claim all factions got to be nerfed before the devs add even more and more OP nonsense.

you claiming it is fair to get something OP, because someone else got something OP before is the core issue of this game.


keep going, soviets with the as-44 for example ^^=b

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people kept yelling how the normal type hei deals less damage than other select fire weapons - I believed them, so I never argued against them.

just did the math, it still ends up with 13.92 damage - still one hit killing against vitality.
it is exactly the same gun just without the shield.


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Personally if they were gonna add a Paratrooper MG squad I would’ve wanted them to have the Type 99 LMG Para variant

This is why I stay out of BR5, the game becomes a fantasy land of crazy supersoldiers running around with wonderweapons from BO Zombies.



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Yup 110%. The rocket spam has got to stop.

What do you mean?

The only paras that Japan has had so far are BR I bolt action paras which are only on par with the US M1 Carbine paras.

The US/UK has paras with a 100 round machinegun and they were free, as well they have the free British SMG paratroopers. The only premium paras for the US/UK are the 100-round Thompson paras, and they are somewhat matched with the premium Auto-Hei MG paras, as although the Auto-Hei MG is a better weapon at long range, the Thompson has much more ammo and still high damage and fire rate for an SMG, so they could be considered more useful at close range.

Paras themselves are not even OP as they are the most vulnerable class for the first 10 seconds after they spawn–they can be destroyed easily while dropping or quickly after they land and are grabbing their equipment. Although the Auto-Hei MG paras are labeled as BR IV I think that will be changed quickly to BR V as it is a mistake for them to be at BR IV.

So if paras were OP, the US/UK could cycle a max of 4 para squads while Japan could only cycle a max of 2 para squads. If anything Japan should get a mid BR para squad with a semi auto rifle or SMG.

All paras are OP, especially lower than BR5. However having the best gun in the game combined with having a bullet proof shield, combined with it being BR4 finally breaks the straw.

If you argue that Japan needs something unfair because the US was unfair before - then you are part of being the problem that led to those issues to begin with.


What I find particularly problematic is that you get the right to use one of the best weapon in the game at a lower BR by simply paying money. There is not a single BR IV weapon that is equivalent to the type hei LMG in terms of power at this BR.

And I would be reacting equally if it was given to any other nation in the game.


Not true. MG-42 early, MG-45, PPD-40 DSZ…

Plus of them have weird inconsistent gimmick specific to their squad.

MG-42: two engineers
MG-45: more ammo for no reason whatsoever.
PPD: bayonet on BR5 gun that’s on BR4.

Hum, I don’t have these weapons, so I could not say.

Very funny that the PPD DSZ is litteraly a BR 5 gun with a bayonnet and lowered in BR. But at least in BR 5, the soviets have access to better assault weapons compared to the PPD. Type Hei is already the very best weapon available to the japanese.

As for the MG42/45 well, they are MG with movement penalties.

Also, all these weapons are premiums, which does not alter my initial point, and none of them are fighting against the japanese.

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You can check data sheet, those MGs has best stats of all German MGs.
I don’t think lacking 25 in round is good enough reason for them being BR4 in comparison to MG-15.

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I am going to plead ignorance here since I do not have this shield gun, nor have I shot it. I see people somewhat comparing it to the Stinger since the Stinger is a dominant weapon. So, you can only have two Stingers as far as I know, how many shield guns can you have? If people are going to compare the two, then their should only be two shield guns available for each person. If it is an entire squad carrying them, then there really should not be comparison’s with the Stinger.

I have two Stingers, and as much as I like it, two is probably enough and if this shield gun is in the same field as far as dominance, then people should only be allowed two as well. But as I say, I am in the dark about the shield gun. Someone will educate me I’m sure. :blush: :yum:

Doesn’t compare AT ALL

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Movement penalties + not killing in one shot unloke type hei.

Not significant stat for weapon that’s wielded by paratroopers.

Those MGs do kill in one shot.

If anything, you didn’t even bother to mention to biggest downside of Type Hei. And that’s not having option to take ammo bag.
Combined with a pretty high chance your engineer will not survive drop (unless you completely throw away your biggest class advantage and drop outside of threat zone). It clearly shows that you’re not being objective, just anti biased against this type hei.

Literally its only issue is being at BR4 instead of BR5. But since Japanese BR4 line up is extremely uninteresting (you only have good Smgs, meanwhile facing Jumbos, Corsairs, calliopes), not many people are going to play it in pure BR4 anyway :))

Btw. Shield is just gimmick. And I really didn’t find it anyhow significant.