The new shield is a completely ridiculous mechanic, you can't be serious

20 HP shield + vitality + paratrooper vitality

why in the world do you guys keep on pumping out more and more HP balance issues instead of fixing the ones that already exist?

Seriously devs, you have no idea how overpowered such mechanic can be in the right hands.


OMG, it even one hit kills with vitality, while having no dispersion or recoil issues of MGs this is a BR4 FG42 WITH a 30 rounder.

This is gonna be the best weapon in the game even without being a Paratrooper gun or having the shield.

What is wrong with you devs, fix this now, or you will have a lot of explaining to do when you nerf it in a few months and people have already bought the squad with the intend of having something overpowered.


They want to punish f2p players for being poor and force everyone to pay. I will be leaving every single match against Japan now as a protest. P2W and power creep got out of hand in this game.

I’m surprised that they haven’t given them Soviet body armor for additional +10% EHP.


I wonder how many ppl will use this combo and go prone to make only their shield visible. How good will that be?
I guess it’s better to have AT rifle or two ready, just in case. (But I guess shields will simply eat the round and fall off while soldier remains intact.)


Its a step foward since russia enjoys the only 15 % armour in the game, all factioon should get some armours or other exclusive boosters in different ways in my opinion

well, besides that, I question how can this gun be fired at all? Such shield would completely make run and gun impossible.

Seriously, you should not be allowed to ADS with this gun at all, unless laying down.


well the shield is pretty much 2 garand shot so yea do whatever with that info

oh my god, I have just tested out that MG.

it has zero dispersion
it has zero recoil
it has zero problems with aiming
IT DEALS MORE DAMAGE THAN REGULAR MGs, 13.9 damage one hit kills vitality - making it a BR4 select fire weapon.

AND it has the shield.

Okay I am done arguing, this is undoubtedly pay to win.
This needs to change.


even adamnpee will agree with me this time, because it has a bayonet.

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that’s what you get for continuous pay to win rocket spam cycle

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the game will die when power creep gets answered by more power creep.

The devs cant be serious and add the most obvious pay to win squad right after steam launch. This is a huge mistake.

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Why not add this too? Lol.

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should I reminder you all get for free 2 stingers?

This is a whole different kind of issue.

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when american gets stuff and we complain we are called cry babies or skill issue players, when japs get one thing everyone get mad, right?


I neither play US, nor Japanese, 90% of my matches are as Germans.

However non of this matters, as you don’t need to even play the game to know how broken the new Japanese Paratrooper squad is.


remains inferior to the cyclical spam of American aircraft

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again, a completely different kind of issue.


no, it’s not, every nation get “op” things and yet for ONCE we get something you want it nerf, it’s not even OP, I will remind you, even with all those stuff, you can still shoot them down when they are dropping, paras are very vulnerable while reaching ground, so stop cry

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Wasnt the normal Type Hei enough? It was already lazer before the T20 came.


0 sprint speed penalty and 0 moving dispersion penalty as well.