The new shield is a completely ridiculous mechanic, you can't be serious

I mean yea they are mg42 but more fire rate so it an obvious improvement

Almost all MGs kill in two shots, stop lying.

And the Type Hei specifically has enough ammo, stop lying.

Probably because this road never ends well, P2W is quite guaranteed way for f2p game to kill it self.

Even a soviet bodyarmor that blocks 1 bullet ( Low br ) causes a justified argument of how ridiculous it is.
Now, they add a gun with shield that blocks 2 rifle rounds.

Its irrelevant for who such broken mechanic is added, its still broken.

Well you can shoot planes too.


You can also stack 2x Vitality and turn yourself into a demigod with 37HP. Nice LMG you got there that has zero penalty for movement and super strong shield. That gun should be added for the AR engineers in the future event not p2w paratrooper squad. And that shield should have had only 8HP to protect you from a single bullet.

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While you will be shooting at their shield they will shoot at you and kill you because they have much higher HP than you (37HP), your head is always exposed with no shield while they can go lean and make you not hit their tiny head but their shield.


By the way, sad to see that almost no one cares about the G30R with incorrect 10 round magazine.


Im actually more interested in that one.

But thats at the right BR with 10 or 20 rounds i think. See what happens

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2 AA and 1 SPAA working together not is enough for down tanky american planes…friend

You need just 1 AA and shoot to head of pilot.
Much like what you have to do with tanky paras.

kk,you can do yes but with 8 rocket planes gor use (usually people have 2 or 3) its no use

Can be done, just like you can shoot paras mid-air.

But lets be real here, when ppl is fighting over cap point avoiding mine spam, artillery and enemy fire in general no one is watching at the sky for paras.

So your justification for this ridiculous squad that you can shoot them in mid-air is pretty much plausible as headshotting every kamikaze hvar spammer with AA.

And anyway, everyone and theyr mom know more than well that the kamikaze hvar spam is broken as fk.
That how ever is no justification of anykind for this ridiculous para squad.
This para squad wont decrease the hvar kamikaze spam the slighters, infact adding such idiotic squad to ground fight might just enhances people desire to do hvar spam rather than play infanty.
2 shitty things wont nullify each other.



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Every nation should get Armor I’m going to make a suggestion about it


Nice. Looking forward to it.

See Szep idea is perfectly sane and normal then there is me:


Several suggestions were already made about it. You should check and quote these as well.


Honestly they should just remove all armor effects from any sort of cosmetics, sure it will screw over event and premium squads but people will finally stop crying that cosmetics are P2W.


Cosmetics or armor is not behind a paywall.
Stalinium Troopers are OP, but not pay to win.

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Head on that works but shoot at it diagonally and you die.