The new season of the Battle Pass!

No, they don’t exist anymore. What we have nowadays are "centers of re-education, where they teach you to be a good Russian citizen, with the particular help of the FSB :blush: (Soviet style?)

Now the real question remains, since I have 3 gold orders for weapons, what campaign to put all 3 Assault rifles in…

First world problems.

What will you do during spring?




no this is him in spring


Hope the mkb 42 w come to enlisted full like in Tunesia or so

Rare photo of the 3rd reich REAL masterminds. They plan their revenge to this day.

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Muh immersion

Plz darkflow cats on tanks or no realism!



It would be great if customization orders are included in repeating part of BP after finishing main sequence which won’t last long for me anyway.

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Why gold troopers with ugly faces?

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HAHAHAHA these spineless losers removed the japanese and the german general from the BP

This sorry game really turning into “my team” “enemy team” tier bfV/cod garbage

Escape while u still can


it’s very good news
I don’t waste time this season for play this game

MKb 42(W) in Tunisia? Hell no!
We have more than enough German weapons in Tunisia, we don’t need any more of them.


I do :sob:

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No Keofox update? Game officially unplayable

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How about N O

what is the Axis gold weapon for moscow this season?

PzIII against Kv1 and T70 and T34 in Stalingrad, try it!

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Close range T-34

Medium range T-70

Close range KV-1

Medium range T-34

The only one is difficult is the KV but it’s a level 13 vehicle vs a starter one, by level 13 germany gets a long barrel 75mm that i am sure has no issue dealing with it.

So, from what I’m getting, certain gold order weapons and soldiers will be removed from the store.
I’m not happy about this at all.

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