"The moderators are sleeping"

Good joke guys.

Also this guy has broken forum rules more blatantly than I have ever seen before.

Why must you folks feed the troll, when the discussion at least had reason to exist? Now its all gone…

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it was pointless topic. KT didnt need nerf, it just needs good counters in all nations.


::slight_smile: moderators is on the way!


I guess there are hidden mod after all (I know that of course but obviously idk their name)

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Well okay, but the cause for the topic had a legitimate reason.

Also, I am not super sure if something like ISU 152 would destroy Tiger II H with overpressure. How does that work in warthunder?

No, it was rant topic with obvious intention to cause flame wars.

Apparently it won’t iirc when I suggest it some time ago

But then again I’m kinda trusting blind without research so I’m probably wrong

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I didn’t find the clip of him encountering KT grayzone camp, what I’m sure of is that he does have IS-2.

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Even Kv2 could destroy KT by his 152mm.of couse ISU152 could do it.

I would guess so, though I can’t really find a source for such specific case

such topic might have had reason to exist when they introduced KT to berlin, not 2 years after.

  1. you can destroy KT with any bomb
  2. you can destroy KT with plane rockets(with some luck cause it can be random)
  3. you can destroy KT with BR4+ tanks(some require pixel hunting on commander cupola)
  4. soviets can destroy KT with panzerfaust

what is required is infantry frontal counter to KT, but we should be getting that with high caliber AT guns. also US needs better AT rockets. they should have also introduced high pen shells for BR3+ tanks like APCR.

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Discussing moderation acripns is against the rules so…



My reaction to the situation that happened


well you gotta admit that most fun topics are made when moderators are sleeping :rofl:

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Some guy suggest reducing KT2 armor because it too hard to pen in the front or something like that

Then proceed to insult against other people and using re word

Something like that

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Don’t worry i saw it all and u pretty much guessed what happened after that



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The English+ word for this is “different intelligent” :+1:

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so I tried using my firefly again, and it has zero chance against Tiger II H.

6 times penetration 0 vehicles kills. while my tank blew up in one shot every time right after hitting my target first.

I havent unlocked Pershing yet, but I bet post pen damage is also irrelevant on those.

Man US tanks suck. I really don’t know if I even want to grind though 6 tanks that all cant deal damage to German BR5 vehicles.