The missing bayonets of Enlisted

As some of you may know, there are several weapons in Enlisted that have the capability to mount bayonets, but are currently lacking them in game. The purpose of this post is to list them all along with visual evidence of their real life bayonets, if I can find them.


  1. Winchester Model 1895 in 7.62x54mmR

As you can see, the one in game matches the IRL example as both have a bayonet lug, meaning the one in game is fully capable to mount a bayonet.

  1. Avtomat Fedorova M1923

Same with this model.

  1. Berdan No.2 M1870

Unlike the previous two, I don’t need to show the one in game as the Berdan bayonet is a socket one, meaning it doesn’t use a lug but uses the front sight as the attachment point. What stings about this one is that they even mention the bayonet in its description.

  1. Degtyaryov KB-P-135


5. Sten Mk II
Like the Berdan this is a socket bayonet, and in all fairness isn’t that important to add.

  1. Pattern M1914 Enfield

  1. M1917 Enfield

  1. Ross Mk III Model 1910

  1. Lanchester Mk. I*

This would work for both the regular one and the one with the 50 round magasine.

  1. M1941 Johnson Rfle

  1. Farquhar-Hill Rifle

I couldn’t find any pictures with the rifle and its bayonet together but I think I managed to find its bayonet on its own.

  1. T1E3 Pedersen Rifle

(Thanks enlisted for the really bad weapon inspection outside of the store)

  1. M1903 Springfield with Pedersen Device

Since they didn’t change the barrel on the Pedersen conversion, they were actually made to be able to switch between the original bolt and the device in the field, they should just add the normal Springfield bayonet to this one. It’s already in the game.

  1. Turner SMLE


It should use the SMLE Mk III bayonet since the Turner SMLE has the same bayonet lug.

  1. (Carabine Berthier modèle 1916)

(Since it’s no longer available for purchase I may be wrong)

  1. M1A1 Carbine

Since the bayonet lug is identical to the M2A1 and the M2 carbines, it stands to reason the M1A1 should simply get the one that’s already in the game. Namely the M4 Bayonet.

Germany & Italy

  1. MP 34 (ö)

The Japanese counterpart already has a bayonet, the same one used by the Mausers by the way.

  1. Beretta M1918

This one just needs to be folded out like on the Beretta 1918/30

The 1918 should also be altered to make it more mechanically correct, as in make it properly open bolt and it should also be made semi-automatic.

  1. Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 Short Rifle

This one should also be mechanically fixed to work more like the M93 Mannlicher with how the clips work.

  1. Armaguerra Mod.1939

It seems like the Armaguerra Mod. 39 should be able to mount the standard Carcano M1891 bayonet, as the distance to from the lug to the barrel seems to be very similar, and the lug looks to be the same as well.

  1. Király 39M/43M


  1. MKb 42(H)

  1. FG 42/FG 42 II

These bayonets kind of work like the MAS 36. Meaning they shouldn’t be too hard to implement.

  1. (Kbsp wz. 38M)

I haven’t found any confirmed examples of the bayonet, but since it did have a bayonet lug it stands to reason it should have had one.

  1. MKb 42(W)

Haven’t found any confirmed bayonets for this one either, although since the one for the (H) version seems to be the standard Mauser bayonet, it would make sense if the (W) version would be able to use it as well.

  1. (Beretta Model 1931)


I think this is the same as with the Armaguerra.

  1. Breda PG (Both)

Haven’t found any bayonets for these ones, but they may be able to use the 1891 bayonet as well.

  1. Schmeisser MK 36/III


As you may notice, that bayonet is the SG 84/98 which is the same bayonet that most of the German weapons use. Meaning very little work needs to be done on this one.

  1. Mondragón Fl.-S.-K. 15

This one would have the option of two, a knife bayonet and a trowel bayonet. Personally, I think the trowel bayonet would look funnier.

  1. Scotti Mod. X

Would also reasonably use the 1891 bayonet.

  1. Pavesi Mod. 42

Couldn’t find anything, and I’m very unsure what kind of bayonet this one would have. Maybe the Beretta M38 one?

  1. Gewehr 1888/05

This gun has had a lot of bayonets through the years, so there are a lot of options.

Japan seems to have no bayonets missing from any of the guns.

Thank you very much for reading and please tell me if I missed something. This took a while hehe.
And thanks to these two posts and their posters for inspiring me to make this comprehensive list.


There are no bayonets on any sniper rifles ingame, just saying.
Might as well make them useful, right?


They should also correct the bolt positions on many of the guns.

All blish lock Thompsons except the M1928A1 100 in game:
How its supposed to be:

PPD-34 in game: (They fixed it for the 34/38 but tried to hide it for the original PPD-34 by making it appear as closed bolt in the in game menu)
How it should be: (PPD-34 through 40)

Type 100 early in game: (don’t know if the Type 100 late has this issue)

How its should be: (This is a late model but it’s the same position for both)

MP-38 in game:
How its should be:

MP-40 in game:

How its should be: (3D model is all I could find, but it matches the bolt handel position you can see of an MP-40 firing from on YouTube)

Many other weapons have this issue such as the LAD and PPD 1929, but we will never know their position, however we know logically, that it’s definitely not pulled all the way back to the rear of the gun, because that would make the gun impossible to fire since pulling the trigger on an open bolt gun causes the bolt to move rearward a few millimeters and if the bolt is so far back it can’t move then the gun cant fire!

A bit off topic don’t you think…?


This is why I brought it up.

Fair, but I mostly mentioned that for gameplay authenticity

Me too, but it also bothers the hell out of me whenever I look at my M1928 USMC

No trench gun again? Unless the US shotgun in game aren’t trench gun then that makes sense I guess but I can’t remember rn

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M1912 shotty we have in game is a riot ver - not bayonet lug.
There is a trench version available in editor, its M1917 bayonet was also recently added as well, so we might see this one soon tm.


NGL if we ever get a squad that only use shotgun that might be fun but it probably gonna be br2

Hope they add that bayonet version sometimes soon cause I really want it

Yeah, I didn’t include the M1912 for the same reason why I didn’t include the Beretta M38, because the in game versions are the ones without bayonet lugs.

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I think they should add this but as a joke;

the joke being that it will come off in the first person you stab with it, and then you revert to clubbing with the stock.

repeat this joke with the FG-42;

JUSTICE for stabby sticks! It’s a major reason I choose one weapon over another.

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