I request that bayonets be added to certain guns in the game that lack bayonets.
This applies to rifles from the United States, Germany, and the Soviet Union
United States
Both the M1917 and its original firearm, the P14,
had bayonets in reality, and there were separate bayonet mounts available
Ross rifle equipped with a bayonet
Johnson M1941 rifle equipped with a bayonet
Sten with bayonet attached
Lanchester with bayonet attached
M1895 had two bayonets, one for regular soldiers and the other for non-commissioned officers
An interesting fact is that the firearms already present in the game have bayonets.
The bayonet is located just below the Gunbarrel
The bayonet of the M1918 was widely used and proved to be very effective during trench warfare at that time
Beretta M38 with bayonet attached
In-game rifles already have bayonets attached to them.
Just need to attach them in reverse to the bayonet mount
The MKb42(H) indeed allowed for bayonet attachment. However, it was removed in later versions such as the MP43 and STG44. There is also a bayonet mount in the game.
Soviet Union
Bayonet attached to the M1895
Bayonets are indeed crucial in the game, especially during reloads when facing enemies. I’ve listed the firearms that I know have bayonets attached, but there may be more. It’s frustrating to see firearms with bayonet attachments not being utilized in the game, such as the Beretta M1918 and FG42
I would appreciate it if you could add it to the game quickly