The Merge made me quit the game ( new player )

The tech tree is utterly confusing as a new player I have no idea what even to invest time in

The matches are more one sided than ever before , we still have people that somehow managed to get a semi auto rifle in tier IV getting completely crushed by people with completely decked out soldiers with impact grenades

I can no longer play the maps I want to play and have played for the first hours of the game , now I have to learn ALL the maps or get completely destroyed by people that have played this map countless times

to be honest , I could probably get the hang of it but by the time I finally get the idea on how to progress , how to play whatever map etc im probably going to be burned out , it also sucks that you always get put in the same tier battles populated with nothing but high level players as soon as you have a bare minimum of equipment

I know this is a Git gud and skillissue problem but I simply dont care to because it feels less like a fun evening and more like a chore or a job

feel free to redicule me , however I think the new merge is not fun


It aint tho, uptier a bitch

Because some are IV.
Dont know of IV makes sense for a SA rifle though.

Imo semis vs BA is a fair matchup in most cases.
But KV1 vs BR1 proves that devs have some masterplan when it comes to balance, that I can not comprehend so I don’t argue.

I think as a new player the new enlisted is probably the most userfirendly. No clutter for 300+ squads to go trhough and manage. You start fresh with a handful of squands and don’t unlock a huge amount of them.

As a tip, just unlock weapons and vehicles. Don’t bother too much for now about researching the right stuff, and play a bit of everything… the knowledge will come over time.

For squad compositions, for beginners I advise for engineer, assault (or medic), and sniper. That gives you a bit of everything, meaning SMGs with the assault squad, Bolt-action with the engineers (ignore rifleman, as engineers are just better rifleman), and a sniper. If you don’t like snipers, replace them with the next squad you unlock (radio or mortar).

Level your rifleman only for the class. There are some personal uses / preferences for rifleman (some of my squadmates like them), but in general I only level the class and don’t bother with the squad.

For vehicles, don’t bother as a beginner, or only use tanks. Planes are harder to use if you’re not a flyboy.

More knowledge will come over time, then you will start building your own decks. Who knows, maybe you like AT’s as a main squad (I only use the class in other squads).

I work 12 hours a day and it took me almost 2 years to get to a good level on Enlisted, si I understand. I don’t think anyone has the right to ridicule you, but if you need help, reach out to Discord. Each country has a channel where you will find many strong players who will be able to direct you and help you in the game. We do this on our server. Good luck!

huh , I actually didnt expect anyone to even reply to this thread ! so thanks everyone who took the time to even read my stupid thoughts !

I would like to mention that the game is not terrible (most of the time ) I just think that the new progression is a lot less streamlined and might scare new players like me away .
The matchmaking is probably my biggest gripe right now , when the battles work , they feel amazing and when they dont I often dont even want to stay in battle to not get the deserter deduction

I will try to improve my knowledge with the mentioned discord channel - I still think the current problems could be fixed relatively easy