The level matching system needs to be changed again

To be specific, ‘One man can control the situation with creativity’. In this game, you are not a single infantryman but a Squad Leader, which should have the authority enough to change the tide of the battle if both forces have similar condition in hand.

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This ‘Claim’ is truly narrowminded. ‘bRiNg ThE bOmB’ can hardly change the background neither the tide formed by that one-sided background. If the opposition have better infantry with better infantry weapon, supported by better armor with better range and capability, with better aircrafts vulturing the skies then your team, there’s nothing you can do but just leave, uninstall the game, and never return. This goddamn game is ‘Combined Arms’ FPS. Too lazy to search for ‘Airland Battle’ Tactics? Justifying the one massacres others with just ‘hIsToRiCaL aCcUrAcY’ and ‘sKiLl IsSuE’ is too selfish while high on self-esteem which both what he don’t have or can’t be recognized by ordinary sane men.


Now this right here is a wonderful message if only half of the form could actually see this way then we wouldn’t have so many problems


So how can we make the official and more people pay attention to this news.

In a common way in this forum so far i saw was : @(dev/helper) mentioning then directly to the helpers or forum moderators to look into this matter to consider implementing it.

I hope they have noticed and will make changes.

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Become famous in making videos for enlisted or making machinimas for enlisted

Suck it up and deal with it or have an AT weapon with range buddro

So do you think newcomers will choose to stay after experiencing all of this frequently? Is this what you want to see.


Oh yeah cause the super specific situation that guy pointed out happens every single match

You can’t squad wipe with a boltie? Sucks to be you

Just use an SMG dude. Even basic LMG’s can clear a room if used right

Ayo whoever reported this and got it hidden, you’re a butthurt idiot who deserves to be bodied by cheaters and gray zoners every match. Argue with me like a man instead of hiding behind Daddy Mods like a little kid

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One thing might become an issue if these changes are not implemented is more leavers, I bet most people who q as tier 3 will quit the second they see they have been tiered up because the gap between 3 and 5 is just so great


The problem with this assumption is thinking this game is War Thunder

It’s not. An M3 and M1903 kill just as effective against fleshbags as an early M1 and M2

This isn’t like WT where if you got an American 75mm and get into a brawl with a Tiger II, you’re just kinda SOL

Entirely different game. Even a basic M1918A1 can run a match if put into the hands of a competent player. Even if they’re fighting MG42’s

“Balance” by BR is not necessary to have fun in this game. All it does it make every match the exact same dang thing over and over again with nearly no variation

yeah yeah

and uptiering wasnt a problem before? this was avoidable problem that devs stupidly decided to introduce.

you have been saying for weeks? ffs 90% of the players on forum have been saying this for weeks. you can see this from numerous topics and posts on forum.

±1 BR is probably impossible cause of number of queues and small playerbase. and you can see best mid ground solution here

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It may seem beautiful, but in practical operation, it can be very complicated. I don’t believe the authorities are so diligent. Moreover, overly complex mechanisms are not conducive to attracting new players. As for the current shortage of game players, I would rather choose to join some AI teammates to achieve BR±1.

what beautiful what practical? your machine translation is all over the place.

did you even check the proposal. you would basically have queues for 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 tiers. nothing complicated and you get basically either +1 or -1 queue.

you would maybe like that, but other players wouldnt like that, specially if they are the players with lots of bots in their team vs full human enemy team.

typical game now is - my lvl is 7 i don have artillery bomber mortars ive more rifles no heavy mg and maybe a 3 sub mg allied or axis i face general lvl 30 major gen 25 colonels high ranking playes who with one burst of mg fire wipe an entire squad out artillery and bombers wipe entire squad’s even in buildings they get killed i not completed a battle since the up date im out of squads these guys get 150-189 kills i get 11 so no interested in continuing the game at all for now BERLIN was , my last game this week 3 players wiped the entite rusisan team out in 11 mins why bother even trying i got 7 kills 8 sqauds killed by bomber artilley and mg fire whgy even pay a cent to play this game it so oen sided u cant even get to capture bases for poitns they hit it with artilley or bombers and our russians sqaud or german have no defence aganst artilley or bombers unless we have ahigh value engineer squad whc can bulit artilley or ant tank guns yoru just canon foder for the winners and im not longer playing until its fair at least balaced out
iii ----iii teams soe a few of these guys wipe out squads witha singlle burst then people wnder why players quit