The level matching system needs to be changed again

Yep. Welcome to the newest level of Gamer Hell

So scared about the big bad tank? Bring a bomb. No armor can withstand ordinance raining from the sky

Otherwise your complaint is moot. Never had an issue with “aahh their gear too good” in this game. Only braindead teammates


Very good, so if the opposing tank is in the gray area and your tank cannot penetrate his tank, and your teammate is occupying the plane, please provide your solution.

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Because both in games and in reality, better fully automatic weapons have significant advantages.

Yes, so I need a weapon that one person can control the overall situation.

I made a post trying to spell it out with a picture the moment it was announced.(weeks ago)

What BR looks like

Im certain there are many players that dont understand what they are getting. (or very slow on the uptake)

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they dont care same shit differbt day

YES while I think the update could be shipped without these changes I do still think they are necessary for balance

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The update should be released with these changes, otherwise the consequences for this game will be catastrophic, we have lost too many players due to imbalance and cannot continue like this.

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So true. One of the main point of doing the merge and implementing segragation of BR via weaponries capability is negligent if we do this quene of BR seperation. This shouldn’t be the way towards WT kind of monetization model even this ‘early’, even in this FPS MMO game genre. What you pro-campaign, pro-sealclubbing guys are saying is just give up on the games commercial future just for your own fun of shorter present. Immersion could be created while having some ahistorical factors included like Post Scriptum and Hell Let Loose. Actually, Enlisted presents more content when it comes to guns and vehicles then those games. Why Enlisted cannot be commercially success with wider playerbase then those? Some guys on the forum with double standards on historically accuracy calling what ‘historical accuracy’ which favors towards their advantage in-game need to be implemented while neglecting factor of others against those claiming those complaints with reasoning of double standard, ‘skill issue’. Yes, AIs are huge part of the game that still needed to be polished, it needs to have ‘more reasonable human errors’. Players and AIs should be given more authority of movement trying to survive from enemy attacks while attacking the enemy(Addition of more ‘movement with cover’ actions). Progression is priority in playability factor with ‘acceptable mood’ and ‘acceptable balance’ should be included.(sweatlords will cry in tears if their super-automatic smalls arms be restricted to the dirt like ‘in real life historical accuracies’ except americans which were only armies out of WW2 actually distributed and issued automatic arms to almost all of their personal. Fedorov Automat shouldn’t be exist in game at all and PPSh-41 didn’t really appeared on eastern front at all until late 1942, Soviet SMGs were too low on numbers even NVKD policemen didnt had enough of them to arm themselves renting rifles from red army reserve to arm themselves etc.)

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Better then current system which only grind-addicton sweatlords prosper. Even i’m the one who grinded hard on all campaign hardly login the game and play it since i had no fun on the gameplay only grind, frustation, exhaustion was the experience.

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To be specific, ‘One man can control the situation with creativity’. In this game, you are not a single infantryman but a Squad Leader, which should have the authority enough to change the tide of the battle if both forces have similar condition in hand.

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This ‘Claim’ is truly narrowminded. ‘bRiNg ThE bOmB’ can hardly change the background neither the tide formed by that one-sided background. If the opposition have better infantry with better infantry weapon, supported by better armor with better range and capability, with better aircrafts vulturing the skies then your team, there’s nothing you can do but just leave, uninstall the game, and never return. This goddamn game is ‘Combined Arms’ FPS. Too lazy to search for ‘Airland Battle’ Tactics? Justifying the one massacres others with just ‘hIsToRiCaL aCcUrAcY’ and ‘sKiLl IsSuE’ is too selfish while high on self-esteem which both what he don’t have or can’t be recognized by ordinary sane men.


Now this right here is a wonderful message if only half of the form could actually see this way then we wouldn’t have so many problems


So how can we make the official and more people pay attention to this news.

In a common way in this forum so far i saw was : @(dev/helper) mentioning then directly to the helpers or forum moderators to look into this matter to consider implementing it.

I hope they have noticed and will make changes.

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Become famous in making videos for enlisted or making machinimas for enlisted

Suck it up and deal with it or have an AT weapon with range buddro

So do you think newcomers will choose to stay after experiencing all of this frequently? Is this what you want to see.