The game need Manchuria

Why we need Manchuria? Is simple follow me

  • Germany fight soviet union and Usa
  • Soviet union fight only Germany
  • USA figth Germany and Japan
  • Japan fight only USA

This is not balanced Japan an soviet players need just fight one enemy, compared to Germany and USA player who are splitted against two foes, all factions should fight two faction for balance and so Japan and Soviet union need fight each other

Historical motivation

Started the 9th August 1945 the soviet invasion of Manchuria and Manchukuo puppet state of Japan, sealed in iron what was the fate of the empire already on the verge of collapse after losing the war in china and in the pacific and was the last big ground offensive of the war in a scenic terrain as the one of the Manchuria

Look here for more info

Gameplay motivation

As I sayed up it would be greath for balance making all factions fight other two, also it would be a great place for all BR map for Japan Vs soviet union because the equipment used from both side was mixed between old and new with BT7 alongside T34 for do an example


Japan and Soviet union can get some new Costumization for match the campaign and some new premium and event squad from Korea, Manchuria and Manchukuo can added to japan (maybe captured weapons from china to)

What kind of map

It was a large scale battle between Japan and Soviet union, the battle itself was spread out from large tench warfare area to close quarter combat between bulding


How fair would be a soviet for Japan battle?

It would be fair thanks to All the prototype equipment added (and equipment that would be added) Japan dint lack fire power for counter soviet forces in all BR

How much map can be done from Manchuria?
Manchuria is huge, Manchuria is big as 3 romania so there is a lot of space for new map and because the invasion was on bigger scale, potentially all the manchuria, Korea and part of north china can be used for map


that picture of gas mask troop are jap? that is cool and it could be premium materiel

Yep jap

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Great idea. Japanese also need desperately new maps so this would kill 2 birds with 1 stone


I agree there is a limit of how many island map can be done without they start look identical each other

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Unless designers are not lazy