The game is unplayable for axis for over 3 weeks now. Axis players are worse than AI

from what I’ve seen inside the forum the Germans are apparently being destroyed so I’ve been hiding in the Pacific to get my event done there instead of losing match after match so I haven’t been there for quite a while so probably be a nice thing to see what’s changed since I’ve been hiding in Pacific.

honestly I dont believe this being a population issue… though I might be wrong here… seriously… what going on with the game population? only noobs left playing one side? how can this be this bad?

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this might be US server same thing happen yesterday (im on US server)

then go ahead and join us, me and Adamnpee are in a lobby right now waiting for more people.

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Germans don’t wanna play with messed up tickets and play nothing but defender 24/7


You’re the squad leader and my username is exactly the same as in the forum

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This game is so fucked
And it seems they keep moving the rally point exclusion zone inward

I’m sorry, but this is fucking insane. On that map attackers have to run through open ground, with basically 3 possible rally point locations (so they are obvious and easy to kill)
Meanwhile defenders are spawning within spitting distance of BOTH capzones, inside a building that has several portholes overlooking huge part of the possible approaches, so dislodging them is an exercise in suicidal human wave attacks.
You can now HEAR defenders rally points from the fucking capzones half the time
How on earth underpopulated factions are supposed to play like this?
And half the time even if you cap you get like 50 tickets back

I don’t want to just go stack an overpopulated faction as it makes the game boring as hell

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i’m playing rn too

Well, I was the first one and will keep being the one to say that! They are lemmings, and some with total lack of social skills lol.
Until they decide to evolve, this will be the outcome. And thankfully, in my case, I don’t main factions, and I have everything unlocked. So, I’m not forced to be somewhere I don’t want to be.

I’m not the squad leader and we’re playing BR5 so I’m not sure if you’re asking if you want to join or not ?

i think I sent you a friend invite


^^^^ THIS ^^^^
Germany is my favorite nation, but its quite unplayable. Nothing but defense and unfair MM killed it for me. i go to any other nation and its 70% invasion attack. Germany never gets attack anymore, or its EXTREMELLY rare, Its seems Germany really does suffer.


I ran out of hearts quite some time ago unfortunately so I can’t heart this but you can have this instead :orange_heart:

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You cant blame DF if you keep quitting match after you lost your Tiger in a stupid way and only then to insta crash with your plane.


play in 2-3 player stacks, that will help alot.
(4 players also possible, but then you get the opposite problem of only winning and games being boring).

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Can you grab me too?

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I have no reason to stay in a match if I’m playing solo but if I’m in a stack I have no reason to quit

Yeah Sure…

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Look I’ll give you one thing, the capture speed and ticket regain needs to be equalized. Preferably slowed down. However, outside of that, I have no sympathy for Germany suffers

DANG you got that upset, huh?