The Founding day of Rheinmetall AG

134 years ago, on April the 13th, 1889, Heinrich Ehrhardt founded the famous German industrial concern, which managed to survive two world wars and remain safely up to the present day — Rheinmetall.

In the 1930s, the group of companies, at that time called Rheinmetall-Borsig, began to rapidly increase production of firearms, anti-tank and artillery weapons, and as a result became one of the main suppliers of heavy weapons to the German army during WWII.

From April 13th (13:00 UTC) to April 17th (13:00 UTC), a premium Axis squad armed with the MG 30 is available in the Battle of Moscow campaign for Gold. Also, a 30% discount on the Axis squad armed with an MG 13 with drum magazine is available in the PC player’s store.

478-й пехотный полк в кампании «Битва за Москву» с MG 30 — австро-немецким пулемётом с «линейным» расположением приклада и магазином на 25 патронов. Примечателен удобными прицельными приспособлениями и комфортной скорострельностью: 660 выстрелов в минуту. Сам отряд носит уникальную форму голубого цвета. Имеется слот для инженера.

The 478th Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Moscow campaign with the MG 30, an Austro-German machine gun with a “linear” stock and a 25-round magazine. It is notable for its comfortable sights and comfortable rate of fire: 660 rounds per minute. The squad itself wears a unique blue uniform.

There is a slot for an engineer.

Available for Gold in the game.

343-й пехотный полк в кампании «Битва за Москву» с MG 13 с барабанным магазином — немецким пулемётом с боковым расположением магазина со скорострельностью 660 выстрелов в минуту и удобными прицельными приспособлениями. Оружие укомплектовано вместительным 75-патронным «барабаном» — можно не беспокоиться, что у вас быстро кончатся патроны! [Купить]

The 343rd Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Moscow campaign with the MG 13 with drum magazine, a German machine gun with a side-mounted magazine with a rate of fire of 660 rounds per minute and comfortable sights. The gun comes with a roomy 75-round “drum” — no need to worry about running out of ammunition quickly!



We want new devs, not spam ads.


Both of this squads and guns, are more than worth.

Amazing ones,and since both can have engineers, like every squad should… Even more worth.




Stop spamming people with premiums and give us some juicy news


Only I have a strange feeling that devs spam discounts to milk more monney before campaign rework?


Both MG-13 and MG-30 were not widespread during WW2 because they were obsolete/not so good.

The only reason why they are godlike laserguns in the game is Pay To Win.

Clear as day.


I dont mind posting history related contents. But the way you are doing it is like using those historical people/weapons/events for pure ADs.
This game need a way to promote history to players. But not in this way.


Meanwhile MG 34 and 42, produced by Rheinmetall, shoot air in the game (ammo belt neither enters nor exits both mounted and infantry mgs).
Thanks for the attention to details, DF!


I’m willing to say devs don’t care or even hate MGs. They are in need of rework since day one.
But hey, at least we got wind.


This is definitely not the first place where I go if I want to know more about WWII.

And why should it be?

Will there be an update by the end of April or this century?


Can you confirm the MG30 squad can get an engineer. Only says 4 MG gunners?

I passed on these initially waiting for discount. I dont usually use mgs, but i like unique weapons. These are cool

*edit my bad…the write up says slot for engineer. Just doesnt say it on squad preview page

Thank you for the sale of something I already have, they are fun squads, but I do think you are discounting the fact that people were uncertain how premiums will be used in the new progression mm, ie. what MM rating will these be, will it make it more likely to play Moscow if you have mg30 in lineup? Will number of available slots change which will reduce chance to use them?

Anyway, hoping update fixes my stukas and that Paras are fun, might not get them soon as update, not enough info on them for me…

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They have a fifth soldier aka engineer but he has no MG (need to separate buy him though).


Thanks. As long as theres an engi for rally and ammo these guys look good :+1:

WTF, this game of course do not have first hand information about WW2. But as a WW2 game, of course it’s their job to keep player immersive to its content. Including spreading related info/knowledge to its playerbase. Why not go play CS… Nope, even CS does a good job at spreading modern weapon info to general players.


Because this could be an advantage of this game over other competitors to attract specific group of players. Unlike War Thunder, you know how FPS game market is saturated, if the developers do not try to make it special, there is so many competitors with much stronger development team, then Enlisted will definitely not going to be the first place for a lot of current Enlisted players to play.

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you keep saying it like if it was bargain of a century… not for 35,50… if it was 25 bucks then i might think about it

MG13 is better deal but with recycled gun

You see, devs? You added engineers on those squads and it was easy.

Now do so with all older ones.