The flag of the German Panzer IV G "Stalingrad" is often blurry in many cases

There is a small issue, as shown in the picture, sometimes the flag on the German Panzer IV G “Stalingrad” is clear, but more often the flag on it is blurry. I hope the official can handle it in the next update.


It’s not specific to just this tank. Flags of premium PZ IV E and GO Pz IV F2 is often blurry as well. And sometimes even completely black.

And this issue is nothing new. It’s a been a thing since I’ve started to play this game. Which mean it’s already like that for at least ±2 years.


The game became self-conscious, and is censoring a Nazi flag.

That’s not a nazi flag.

It’s the marking of the treasure spot on a map, a big “X”.

I’d just remove the cloth entirely.


I just want my old “factory” look for my Stalingrad Pz IV.

I was never a “garbage on vehicles cool” kinda guy.

Then just use the tech-tree Pz4G? If you dislike it then find an optional solution urself. The TT tank has the same armamant & shells as the original Pz4G (before the merge).

I tend to do that now, just weird to be missing out on fancy shells now just because DF decided to make it “cool” (which it isn’t).

Idk maybe it’s just me but I much rather prefer a clean factory look of a tank

To “we put a bunch of trash on top and now we cool” aesthetics

That tank didn’t have “fancy shells” before they made it cool.

So I really don’t see it as proper argument. Just use the TT version if you want the tank exactly like it was before the change.

But I only got this tank with money, so I should receive full service.

But in reality, stacking some miscellaneous items on tanks is the norm, whether in the past or present.

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I’m not saying it’s impossible.

I’m saying I don’t like it aesthetically.

Especially when it’s done lazily and stupidly:

like magically glued plywood

carefully folded uniforms held by the air

sandbags blocking MG ports, vision slits, etc.

Most of all, this should just be optional.

I don’t see why I should not be allowed to remove superglued plywood from my Pz IV “Stalingrad”?

This can prevent the enemy from inserting explosives into the gaps of tank tracks in reality

I think this should be something like a sleeping bag, used for long marches.

I respect your personal preferences in this regard