Allow players to remove the new Pz IV G Stalingrad "decoration"

I enjoyed my normal standard Pz IV G from Stalingrad campaign which looked like a normal tank.


I never used any “decorators” and never put any items/garbage on my tank.

Now it’s automatically changed and I’m forced to “enjoy” 8-bit fake “German” flag and a bunch of random backpacks and magically glued plywood?

But I never asked for any of this and I’m not enjoying it at all.

Please let players remove all the newly added “decoration”.
Those who like it can keep it.


What tanks in Enlisted really need is not garbage and plywood but this


I agree, I prefer all vehicles to have the default standard appearance. If you want to customize them further then its up to you


also agree, I bought camo for that tank, then its visuals got changed, kinda feel like I was screwed over.


I like the additions but the flag is consistently super low resolution like it has not rendered in, and I have seen other people with this issue, in fact I have not seen anyone in game with a HD flag on top of their Panzer G.

They do also have a tech tree Panzer G now if you want the default standard appearance. I think the point of the additions for the Stalingrad Panzer G is to differentiate it from the default tech tree version.


Meanwhile, Pz II N from Stalingrad campaign doesn’t have any of that stuff nor does it need them.
Just having different camo and removed sidescreens is enough.
So Pz IV G should be fine with just different camo and tracks bolted to its frontplate.

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imo, there should be an option to enable / disable decoration on vehicles for those that you cannot change.

i too would enjoy the m8 greyhound without beach palms in the middle of the ardenne…


Yeah but it has different shells now iirc.

I am simply campaigning for the ability to remove the plywood and garbage they added without asking me to the Stalingrad version I kind of bought with my real money.

Very true.

Same goes for the Pacific twitch drops M3A4 covered in palm branches.

In fact, I would really really love to see a general “disable vehicles customisation display” in settings so I’m not forced to look at “funny” decals from other players either.

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You can use it on TT version. You just need to unequip it on Stalingrad version first, then you are going to be allowed to use it on TT version.

Camo is not binded to specific tank, just to specific tank type. If you understand what I mean.


Well yeah, but the Stalingrad version is the better tank now, so I am obviously gonna keep using that one instead. So you are actually right… its more like my tank that I used got obsolete.


It’s not that much better, the only difference are heats instead of HEs IIRC.
You have more than enough penetration with your AT rounds.

The only huge negative is need to purchase upgrades again, kinda meh.

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I like the HEAT alot, because it allowes you to keep shooting anti infantry rounds, while if a light armored vehicle approaches like a APC or a BR1 troll, you take them out very fast without switching.

Personally I still prefer the top mounted MGs of Panzer IV J, but since I only have two of those, that one needs to be enough.