The direction of the game's balancing is wrong;

The current method of balancing continuously strengthens the weapons of a particular faction, leading to enhancements that surpass previous performance. This direction is unsustainable.

The German faction’s various equipment is already extremely powerful, and I don’t need to elaborate much. The STG44 and FG42-2 are already the best weapons in the game, along with the best tanks and the JU188, which is one of the best planes. The current weakness of Germany is not due to its weapons.

The main issue lies in the severe bugs within the U.S. faction’s mechanics. For example, the endless cycle of kamikaze planes, which can launch 300 to 600 HVAR rockets per match, and their almost limitless manpower far exceeding other factions. They also have an exceptionally fast point capture speed, which, despite being nerfed, still grants them significantly more manpower when attacking capture points. On top of these flawed mechanics, you’ve added even more overpowered weapons to the U.S. faction, such as the T-20.

The U.S. faction’s dominance is almost entirely due to the current bugs with aircraft, which create an almost terrifying level of suppression against infantry, along with their greater manpower. The correct approach should be to nerf the planes, move the aircraft resupply points further away after adding anti-kamikaze measures, and remove the U.S. manpower advantage. This would naturally achieve balance

And what are you doing? You’ve enhanced the German faction’s weapons, further buffing the already powerful FG42-2 and giving the STG44 faster reload speeds. Have you considered the consequences of this? You’ve created an even stronger faction. Have you thought about how this affects Soviet faction players? They are in a faction that is weaker in almost every aspect. What’s your next move? Are you planning to give the Soviets even more overpowered weapons and equipment? Is this endless cycle of creating imbalanced factions your plan?

Have you forgotten the discussions that once surrounded the FG42-2 and how overpowered it was? Now, you’ve introduced the T-20, which has almost no recoil and faster reload speeds. This weapon, with its full-power rounds that can take down enemies with a single shot, has virtually no recoil and minimal damage drop-off.

These automatic rifles, which can take down enemies with a single shot, make other weapons look insignificant…

can’t even begin to imagine how you designed the T-20, and Type Hei—automatic rifles with less recoil and spread than submachine guns. How on earth did you come up with these?

They have virtually no TTK and almost no spread, so the game is just flooded with these weapons, and you’ve completely blocked the possibility of future weapon balance. You’ve rendered submachine guns practically useless…

The correct approach would be to increase the recoil of these full-power rifles to the level of the AVS36 or AVT40. This would diversify the game’s weaponry, rather than continuing to enhance them and create more NOOB guns and laser weapons.

Machine guns already face penalties for movement speed and shooting spread while moving. Submachine guns also have penalties for shooting spread and damage drop-off (and perhaps even the delay that causes bullets to disappear). Meanwhile, the T-20 and Type Hei automatic rifles are incredibly strong at any distance and even have the advantage of being usable by a 9-man squad…

(The FG42-2 defaults to semi-automatic mode and requires manual switching to full automatic, which can be considered a form of penalty…)

These high-damage automatic rifles that can kill with a single shot should have recoil that matches their power as a balancing measure.

This would not only align with the game’s weapon balance design but also match common sense.


how come you are writing this now and not when the Type Hei, Type Hei Para or T20 were dropped? I believe AVT was the first default Auto SF. You Missed the train

I agree with Select fires are too powerful and better plane mechanics. but thats about it.


I might just be speaking for myself here, but the prevalence of auto rifle spam in high BR is very tiring. It is one of the reasons I generally stay away from it.


Dude, BRs exist for a reason.

Of course Assault and Battle rifles are better than SMGs, what are you complaining about?

Here is what should actually change:

AVT 40 should get a 20 rounder mag.
FG42 II should get increased damage and reduced rate of fire.
Type Hei should become a Assauler weapon, and get a damage nerf, because it used the same ammo as the Fedorov.

All BR5 selectfire rifles should have 20 round mags,

While they could add BR4 select fire rifles with 10 round mags.
AVS36 and FG42 had 10 round mags in the real world.


Personally i think riflemen should have stopped at semi autos. Selectfires for a rare specialist (honeslty probably just assaulters)

But thats just me.


Im afraid you got it backwards. The Fedorov should be a Battle Rifle. And the Type Hei should have its mag capacity reduced to 20 and its recoil should be increased.


I disagree, Federov should became SF Rifle instead.


And the worst part is I’d like to use some high BR gear but I don’t want to play high BR.

Like really, swaping my one MP40 for one StG in a squad with 7 BA rifles won’t make a huge diffetence in my BR3 lineup.


For me, it’s exactly the opposite. Full auto gameplay is one of the reasons (not the only reason) I’ve been playing mostly BR4/BR5 lineups lately.

I, on the other hand, think it’s absolutely great that the game allows people to play games that they enjoy. And that’s without any penalty.
Low BR games give you exactly the same amount of resources as High BR matches. There’s no artificial bonus/penalty.


I guess looking at the caliber, you guys are right.

T-20 FG42-2 and Hei are much more powerful than any weapon. Please do not compare assault rifles to automatic rifles, as they are not worthy.

You shouldn’t take it for granted, a large number of SMGs are also on the BR5, but they are a joke in front of automatic rifles.

At the same time, I explained how unreasonable this is. In this game, these weapons that can kill with one hit have lower spread and recoil than SMG, while in reality, the M14’s automatic mode is notorious for being almost impossible to hit anything.


I pick a STG over a FG42 - because thanks to body armor and Paratroopers extra HP both kill in two shots.

That being said, without this HP issue, I think both weapons are equal.

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Tell me one SMG that has more recoil than select fire rifles. Other than Kiraly ofc.

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If we don’t consider authenticity and simply measure them based on game balance and BR, these automatic rifles without dispersion and low recoil should not be included in the BR5. They should be given a separate BR6 7, or you should make all BR5 weapons capable of one hit killing with low damage attenuation, and can carry 9. Of course, this is too foolish. It’s better to directly weaken them and give the T-20 the same recoil as the AVS36, so that we can have more diverse BR5 weapon choices.

No instead SMGs should move out of BR5


This is just bait.

These aren’t even in the game anymore.

Its literally just unnerf since all SF rifles had been buffed years ago but FG series “forgotten”.
You can still check the stats of FG42-2 it’s not even funny how literally all of its hidden stats are worse than standard SF rifle values.

AS-44 is literal copy of StG44, hell even better a tiny bit but best Soviet players still use Fedorov instead for it’s extra damage and better dispersion.

They used to have insane recoil, they were all like current FG42 so the idea was attempted but still didn’t solve the issue. The solution are BR levels.


None of the automatic rifles have less recoil than smgs…


they don’t.
It’s only while hipfiring, and automatic rifles are the same

they only have ~10 less vertical than the AVS/AVT, so it would make zero difference
(and even then, this is generous, T20 only has 4 less vertical than AVT, and only 2 less horizontal)

Maps stopped being balanced like this months ago.


If it’s recoil, then of course it’s Kiraly. Why bother removing it?

You won’t find support here my friend.