The direction of the game's balancing is wrong;

Okay listen I’ll give you that: Select fire weapons are equal to Assaulters weapons - however can be used on all Soldiers.
This is OP - and indeed the recoil is too easy to controll in full auto.

Since we are removing burst from the G43k for historical accuracy - we might as well increase recoil for all those select fire rifles, however accuracy should not change, in small bursts or if controlled correctly they should be as accurate as semi auto rifles.

That being said, for historical accuracy we should change the FG42 II to have 600 rpm so that it is easier to controll in full auto, while we increase the rate of fire of the first FG. Thats how it was in the real world.

One has less DPS but is easier to controll, the other has more recoil but a higher rate of fire in full auto.

Would you be happy that way?

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This is one reason I am always bashing the “soft rule” when it comes to match making. Level 5 needs to be a stand alone level, PERIOD. I love the T20 and I field them in every Allied level 5 squad (including those 9 man rifle squads), but if your playing with a semi auto rifle that is ALWAYS semi auto, you shouldn’t be placed in a level 5 match, and as far as I know, there are no fully auto semi auto’s in level 3 or 4, so they shouldn’t be playing in level 5. I don’t play Japanese, so I don’t have any knowledge about any level 5 weapon they have. Stand alone level 5, then the DEV’s can buff any weapon they want and call it a level 5 weapon since it would be more of an outlaw class where anything seems to go.

Another irritant for me, is when I choose to play my level 3 Allies, it says level 2-5, where if I choose Russia or Germany that shows level 2-4. Level 5 shouldn’t even be an option, and to be honest, level 2 shouldn’t be an option either. I would leave the weapons in level 5 alone, but it would be a stand alone level if I had any say. Which I don’t…Since the DEV’s won’t do anything about it other then lip service anyway.

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tell me that you are ally main without telling me you are ally main…


t20 and type hei AR outperform fg42 II. they either have better damage making it effective on longer ranges, or they have bigger magazine and both have much better recoil. they either needed to buff fg42 and AVT or they needed to nerf t20 and type hei AR. they chose buff.


I would even say they need to nerf all SF rifles far beyond current state of FG-42.
Mainly to significantly increase recoils.

Because there’s so many scenarios in which 9 men with SFs are significantly better than assaulter squad.


Type Hei comes really close

Been playing squad 44…the recoil and reload speeds just feel so right…

well if you wanna be technical about it, then you are wrong.
m2 carbine has V:14 H:4
type hei AR V:15 H:6
mp18 V:14 H:10
austen mk 1 V:15 H:7
m1a1 thompson V:14 H:5
kiraly V:16 H:6

we could take into account ROF, but kiraly has highest ROF out of them all :stuck_out_tongue:


Where are you getting these numbers? For me it says type hei has V:60 H:22

from euthymias datamined table.


Stopped reading there you are a delusional and never played as a br5 Germany in your entire life. Your entire post is a fanfiction of a Soviet/Burger main.

AS-44 completely powercreeped STG44 it also has a bayonet to further lower it’s recoil and let you sprint faster without switching to the axe/sword

And FG42/II is the worst automatic rifle at BR5 and deserves a massive buff, all of them except FG42 also have a bayonet that as previously said decrease recoil and let you sprint instantly without switching to melee

For smgs and mgs there are similar advantages for the both nations while Germany has nothing that is stronger that they have already own. Even at BR2 germany has the worst smgs in the game. And at BR5 Kiraly is way worse than BR3 Soviet smg (that also has a broken dispersion and is more accurate than a stationary LMG).


didn’t count the m2 since he mentioned the ones that kill in 1 hit
But i guess there’s 4/5 exceptions out of ~70+ smg’s

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Not “close”.
Type Hei already have lower recoil than Kiraly.


My recent gaming time has been spent in the German camp, mainly playing in the Axis powers camp. You can follow my ID to check the match.

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The stats are basically the same. The only significant difference is the bayonet. This obviously makes the AS better than the StG.

But the difference isn’t big enough to justify a “completely powercreeped” claim.

Even tho those tiny differences are around 5-10% you can add all small advantages and you have a better gun in all important categories of a gun than STG44

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Well, that’s the problem. Game is providing only false or misleading informations.
And discussions like this are outcome.


Sure could be a good buff

And why should it get reduced fire-rate is it historical reason or for balance reasons as far as I can tell historical reasons matter and dont at the same time Type Hei has ROF of 600 real life in game one is 790 almost 800 in an other case VMP 1926’s drum mag can only hold 25 round while in game it holds 40 and other little stuff so I dont see why we need to lower the ROF of FG-42 II since type Hei is in the same boat, it has its real life ROF altered in any case FG-42 also had ROF around 900 and it doesent fire that fast in game I would leave FG rebalance in hands of devs

Maybe not just adjust its ammo to 20 there was a 20 round mag for it anyway and also there is type 2 with 6.5 mm for assault weapon for Japan

I dont know about AVS but FG42 10 round mags were rare IRL they were there but were rare in fact they were so rare that the Bid for them starts at 1500 dollars anyhow I dont know about this change maybe ,maybe not

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These lines sum up all, whing about Soviet not getting a new toy when Germany finally gets some deserved qol changes. And, somehow, Soviet becomes the weakest faction in almost every aspect. :joy:

As if avt40 is not a noob gun

Why would anyone want to impose an arbitrary penalty on a gun and consider it a good thing? Are you being disingenuous?

The common sense is Soviet will get its new toys as the devs have hinted at the Manchuria front.


Buddy, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Between the Allies, Axis, and Soviets, it isn’t the Soviets who are suffering from the arms race between the Axis and Soviets. The Allies have gotten the short end of the shaft repeatedly from the Axis after Merge brought your arms race to Normandy, and we are finally being brought up to speed with things like the T20 and, eventually, T26E1-1