The defender has too much advantage

I have suggested defenders getting their own tickets like Red Orchestra 2 that allows more tactical decisions whether to hold on a losing cap point or retreat to save tickets.

Of course some defend the design promotes camping and stuff but its not and allows both sides to use their brain.


it has always been easier to attack than to defend, depending on the game mode tho ofc

The defender dont have much of an advantage really if you concider how fast some factions can cap those points.
Giving the attacker the chance to win by ignoring the objective in favor of some interation TDM ontop of the messed up cap times does seam a bit unfair.
The attacker could just camp in his base and wait for the defenders to come to them and there is nothing the defenders could do about it.

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Currently invasion is more like a meeting engagement that can only progress in one direction. Defenders are given no time to prepare themselves and spawn as far away from the point as attackers.

Giving defenders tickets would open the possibility of giving defenders more time to prepare and dig in, by giving buffer times between caps before the grey zone moves up for attackers. Having a limited reserve pool would force the defenders to think more tactically instead of endlessly suicide rushing the attackers to drain their tickets.

If the defense has their own limited reserve pool, the attacking side could still make progress by wearing down the defenders, even if they were unable to easily break through hardened defenses.

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but how would you balance this?

both attackers and defenders gets 1000 tickets.

attackers can gain tickets by capturing the point.

how would you give defenders tickets?

every 2 mins they get 20/40 tickets?

surely you can’t expect defenders to hold 5 points with just 1000 tickets which put you at disadvanatage even if the enemy capture one point.


ah… now i remember.

essentially, defenders have way more tickets, but each time attackers would capture a point, they steal some tickets from the defenders.

it wasn’t par on par tickets.

A good while ago I had a similar proposal with Dynamic defender Tickets. The idea being the Defenders have a good portion more tickets available than the attackers, however they dont have access to them all on every point. Makes unlimited counterattack unsustainable, at least on the first few objectives. Also locks Capture points to prevent attacker snowball.


Just give defenders tickets

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your suggestion was by far the best one, I think this is everything that’s wrong with invasion. I’m really curious how much would meta change with this simple change. I assume gameplay would become something more I have been expecting from enlisted to be like.

right now certain play styles, classes etc. are literal burden for the team, this is unacceptable.

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I think they measure attack defender strength by the win loss ratio of defenders and attackers. The problem is that almost always players will attack. People will not always defend the point how many people have had that happen. That is most of the team is farming kills or picking their nose. You know what i mean no one is sitting on the point playing real defense. The attackers playing the game roll up sit on the point and take it without resistance. There may be games where the defenders stop the attackers cold but there are many games where the attackers roll over the defenders.

Because of no tickets limit. You can be reckless as possible since you have infinite resouces as defender.
I really dont understand people who hate confrontation and conquest. Fairest gamemods by far.


I totally agree.
All planes in all campaigns should always take off from the ground and not spawn airborn.
This will discourage suiciders and enhance the experience for real pilots.
Win win.

(I would also like to see that planes in all campaigns can be repaired, why this only is possible in Pacific afaik is beyond me)

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It’s goes without saying. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Attack or Defense it doesn’t matter.

I don’t think Defenders are particularly advantaged whatsoever. Sometimes you get match where your team is doing really great at defense, others you’re getting curb stomped by attackers, others you just have a decent match defending and slowly but surely the attackers trudge to victory

I think these threads are made when someone happens to have a a bad match and get salty
“Y U kill me!?! U no kill me! I kill U! gAmE bRoKeN!”

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I personally do not enjoy playing defenders as much as I do playing attackers.
To be good defenders means you have to be extremely fixed to objective, which isn’t that enjoyable to me. And you can’t really speed up the match in which your teamcomplete dominate. You just need to wait until your enemy ran out of reserves. Feels like wasted time imho.


Same for me. In attack you have to be proactive, find ways to go around enemy defenses and flank. In defense, you have to wait in a very static gameplay that might end-up being boring if the opponent cannot break through your own defenses.

Also in attack you can earn a lot of score for capturing points, which is not the case if you are defending.


I would play only confrontation if I could, the fact that you can counterattack, every squad other than assaulters actually matters, games are more decisive because if you’re not attacking other side will, unlike invasion when you can spend literally 25 minutes waiting for attackers that never comes bcs they rather camp,

the reason why people hate it so much is because they adapted to how other game modes are played like, just look what people doesn’t like in confrontation, it’s like “we took majority of objectives and still lose” type of rants, clearly you can tell they’ve been human waving objectives like they’d in invasion etc.

the other complain is about pingpong matches which I agree with btw

maybe if they’d put number tickets right below the bar it would make more clear what’s going on.

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I 100%, confrontation is my favorite gamemode.

I recently experienced the most thrilling end of confrontation match I have ever had.
On literally last second before we would lost, I desperately rushed into objective with enemy BA from the ground and basically reversed the outcome.
But it was last match of out session, and I was pretty tired at this point. So my overall performance during match was pretty poor. Basically just using full autos to desperately counter objectively better team.
So the end is the only relevant part.

Here’s replay for anyone who’s interested:

And thrilling endings of confrontation matches are definitely not rare.


love confrontation!

its not over till its over…


And usually is over between 5-8 minutes

Well as long as every single soldier in the game has access to demolition packs that can kill any tank, no player in their right mind would go anywhere close to the action

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Plus you can build at guns within seconds and destroy practically all tanks from the side or back