The defender has too much advantage

It’s goes without saying. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Attack or Defense it doesn’t matter.

I don’t think Defenders are particularly advantaged whatsoever. Sometimes you get match where your team is doing really great at defense, others you’re getting curb stomped by attackers, others you just have a decent match defending and slowly but surely the attackers trudge to victory

I think these threads are made when someone happens to have a a bad match and get salty
“Y U kill me!?! U no kill me! I kill U! gAmE bRoKeN!”

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I personally do not enjoy playing defenders as much as I do playing attackers.
To be good defenders means you have to be extremely fixed to objective, which isn’t that enjoyable to me. And you can’t really speed up the match in which your teamcomplete dominate. You just need to wait until your enemy ran out of reserves. Feels like wasted time imho.


Same for me. In attack you have to be proactive, find ways to go around enemy defenses and flank. In defense, you have to wait in a very static gameplay that might end-up being boring if the opponent cannot break through your own defenses.

Also in attack you can earn a lot of score for capturing points, which is not the case if you are defending.


I would play only confrontation if I could, the fact that you can counterattack, every squad other than assaulters actually matters, games are more decisive because if you’re not attacking other side will, unlike invasion when you can spend literally 25 minutes waiting for attackers that never comes bcs they rather camp,

the reason why people hate it so much is because they adapted to how other game modes are played like, just look what people doesn’t like in confrontation, it’s like “we took majority of objectives and still lose” type of rants, clearly you can tell they’ve been human waving objectives like they’d in invasion etc.

the other complain is about pingpong matches which I agree with btw

maybe if they’d put number tickets right below the bar it would make more clear what’s going on.

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I 100%, confrontation is my favorite gamemode.

I recently experienced the most thrilling end of confrontation match I have ever had.
On literally last second before we would lost, I desperately rushed into objective with enemy BA from the ground and basically reversed the outcome.
But it was last match of out session, and I was pretty tired at this point. So my overall performance during match was pretty poor. Basically just using full autos to desperately counter objectively better team.
So the end is the only relevant part.

Here’s replay for anyone who’s interested:

And thrilling endings of confrontation matches are definitely not rare.


love confrontation!

its not over till its over…


And usually is over between 5-8 minutes

Well as long as every single soldier in the game has access to demolition packs that can kill any tank, no player in their right mind would go anywhere close to the action

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Plus you can build at guns within seconds and destroy practically all tanks from the side or back

The main thing is that the problem is not the tank hiding in the gray area, you can still find a way to destroy it
The most important thing is that it means nothing if you destroy it. Once you destroy one, another one will be deployed immediately.
There are no restrictions on vehicles, you can fill them up anytime you want

In WW2 there could be dozens to hundreds of tanks in a battle. The battle of Kursk had over 6000 tanks, in this game you are limited to two on the field at any given time…

This game can only be 10V10 at most. Even if each person carries a 9-man infantry squad, it will only be 90VS90 at most. Don’t talk about reality. Have you ever seen a battle with only 90 infantrymen participating in the battle?
Compared to a battlefield with 90 people, it is obviously impossible to invest so many tanks and aircraft. This is just an encounter at best.

Theres plenty of such bottleneck maps where the defenders endless supply of vehicles is a massive advantage.
While I agree the person doing kamikaze for example should get penalty, I definitely wouldnt mind defenders having atleast some sort of limit for vehicles.

timelimit to each cap point problem solved.
And eitherway if someone is willing to spend hours in theyr spawn just to exhaust opposing team out of the game, go for it.
I can just quit the game and get another one.


Well those men die don’t they? When the player dies and respawns its supposed to represent new men, that’s why the team gets 1000 tickets, it’s supposed to represent 1000 lives.

Having two tanks and two airplanes seems totally reasonable

There is already a 25 minute time limit on each point.

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