
I would like to see runways in all campaigns.
I have been playing the Japanese faction, which I have not worked on at all recently, and I am enjoying the rules for aircraft taking off and landing from the carrier.
The advantage of the carrier is that the starting point is protected by anti-aircraft guns and if the aircraft is damaged, it can land on the carrier and be repaired.

I have become quite familiar with carrier takeoffs and landings over the past week. It is quite fun.

It is also nice to have a safe zone for aircraft thanks to the flak, I have encountered many enemy aircraft ambushing where aircraft spawn in other campaigns.

I would like to see airstrips protected by flak like this in Africa, on the Western Front and on the Eastern Front as well.

I wish @Myrm1don’s this suggestion was incorporated into the game.
Myrm1dons All Nations AIR Balance and Revamp! - Suggestions - Enlisted


You should check out @tommyZZM Big Action Mod if you would like to see runways.


Yeah, I know about his great mod.
But I would also like to see something like that come to the regular game as I also want to enjoy the grind of the game.
Or maybe Tommy’s mod will be promoted to a regular game. :smiley:


A lot of people think carrier planes suck because of the take off time, but this factor is so important. I have landed my zero 5 times for repairs before and managed to maintain air control despite the attempts to take me down. Very rewarding especially when you manage to limp back after major damage


It is good for the team to give more chances to good pilots.


Ive glided from objective to carrier with a bent prop on at least one occasion in my zero…I may or may not have hit my prop on a tree like a nub :stuck_out_tongue:

In other maps it really takes the wind out of your sails when you realise you are going down slowly from an oil leak… haha


This is a very bad idea
The Pacific has perfectly demonstrated the shortcomings of airport takeoffs

Acceleration too slow

Just like when you take off in the Pacific Ocean, the plane on the opposite side will immediately come to shoot you down.
If taking off from the airport
When you approach the boundary of the anti-aircraft guns, you will be destroyed by an ambush aircraft outside the range due to insufficient acceleration.

They don’t even have to destroy you directly
Just put a few holes in your wings or engines and wait for you to crash.
Or it might cost you more time to take the plane back for repairs.
This can at least buy the enemy 3 minutes without any air threats.
And your teammates can only wait for the planes that don’t know when to arrive to deal with the black zone tanks and any targets they can’t destroy.

Not enough height

The bomb delivery distance is 200? So?
Flying at a low altitude below 500 meters is no different than walking on a one-way street facing a heavy machine gun.
You are a plane without rockets. It takes 60 seconds to arrive at the battlefield after taking off.
When you are about to dive, the anti-aircraft fire from the opposite side will immediately destroy you.
The time wasted is enough for the enemy to occupy a stronghold
How long does it take to reach a safe height after takeoff before flying to the battlefield? 3 minutes? 5 minutes?

High-altitude vertical strikes are like paratroopers, which can effectively reduce the chance of being discovered in advance.
The most important thing is that you can drop bombs in enemy areas even if you are under fire.

Do you want to waste time and increase your chances of being destroyed?
I think most people don’t agree with this idea

Yeah, mostly suicide bombers who doesn’t care about repairing their plane.

All they do care about is how fast they can get to battle zone.

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Not all are great
Being taken over by parasites is the majority of cases
2 parasites with low bomb-dropping and air-combat abilities captured the plane.
This is worse than the enemy’s black zone tanks

Yes please.

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A player who spends a few minutes ambushing an enemy aircraft won’t care if the ground troops have a way to advance.
Because they just want to play whack-a-mole regardless of the war situation.

I don’t mind opening the respawn point at high altitude and adjusting it later.
Because that would just increase the risk of normal cruising
There is no doubt that he is encouraging everyone to commit suicide.

If you read the argument, you will know
The risk of destruction is highest during takeoff
Slower speed and lower altitude
Take the time to face the risk again after repairs
As long as the enemy is good enough, you will never be able to use the aircraft.
What could be worse than this?
Your enemy would rather commit suicide than be intercepted by you?

in addition
Under the premise of increasing the risk, there will undoubtedly be more suicide planes and parasites.
Because the risk of being shot down is very high, it is better to just self-destruct.
Because it can be repaired, even the most selfish parasite can watch on the plane wasting the lives of his teammates.
Could it be worse than this?

What is really needed is time limits and time rewards for aircraft
(Professional) pilots will not be affected in any way
Because their performance is enough to keep them going
Rather than letting parasites who claim to be professional flying to frame teammates in the sky

This begs the question.
Because the AI will fire 40mm anti-aircraft guns with frightening accuracy when approaching the carrier. So if the raiders want to attack the carrier’s aircraft, they have to use HVAR or other means from out of AA range, but will they succeed often enough?
They would have to fire the HVAR at the slightest moment when the aircraft spawns on the carrier and takes off, and that would be difficult. You have to be in a position where you can aim at the moment of spawn.

It is true that immediately after takeoff, the aircraft does not have enough speed and altitude, and it is dangerous if an enemy aircraft tries to dogfight with it. However, if you fly around the carrier for a while instead of heading for the front line immediately, you should be able to gain altitude and speed while being protected by AA. I do that and so far I haven’t had any problems.

I admit that there is a problem in the Pacific at present.
That is that aircraft that are not on the ship respawn in the air.
It would be faster to reach the front line by all accounts, and with the fact that there is no delay in aircraft respawn because of the carrier’s use, P-47s and others can fire HVARs at the initial respawn at the start of the match to farm the kills.
However, as Myrm1don mentions in the suggestion thread, this could also be solved by having a runway on the side of the carrier where aircraft other than ship-based aircraft can take off and land, and take off from there.

I would Say, let plane spawn in air and resupply in air but add to aiefield for repair and ammo, so everyone is Happy

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My solution would be to move air spawn even more away from battle zone.

  1. First flight to battle zone would take much more time (meaning, cycling suicide bombers would no longer be effective, since get back to refill point which would stay more closer to battle zone would take way less time)

  2. carrier/airfield spawn wouldn’t be in so big disadvantage, since this spawn should stay closer to battle zone.

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resupply what in air, fuel do enlisted planes run out of fuel
if you mean bombs or rockets no way, or is that covered with bullets and cannon shells under ammo

I would accept this…along with pushing air spawn back further. (or air spawning at speed just above the runway)

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Then it becomes what is mentioned in Article 2
You have to spend a lot of time circling
Then your teammates have lost their opportunity to need fire support.
The stronghold was lost, the bomb exploded, and the tank suppressed it.
they will thank you

when can i see it
Don’t forget to limit the timing of the initial high-altitude respawn point in the Pacific Ocean