The concussion effect improving

so much this. the grenade throw perk is broken (pls fix), just refund everyone a 2 silver for each deleted pouch


Allied concussion wouldn’t be an issue if it didn’t go through walls. I personally prefer not to have it at all, because it isn’t fun and dissuades aggressive team play (one player shoots point with tank HE or throws a grenade, the other guy pushes), no to mention that players have started to grief other players with it.

I do not agree, because at that point the enemy is actually pushing so that everyone can have a fight, instead, nowadays they all sit back throwing explosive after explosive at you, which is frankly boring at best and frustrating at worst since even if they are not throwing explosives in a location which would kill you, or missing throws entirely, the concussion still goes through walls. I would rather be bayonetted than concussed for 30 seconds or more, because at least then I can see the enemy and potentially shoot them.

I can understand the reasoning for allies to apply concussion, but sometimes disbelief must be suspended for the sake of having a fun game.


As I said, we will continue to improve the mechanics. And I will be grateful if you share your ideas. Right there.


Agreed. Normandy is a dogshit concussion simulator now.

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Have you played since this update?

We have reduced the radius of concussion in general for all explosives. Not only friends, but also enemies.

Do you play this game? Every second there is much TnT, including Tnt pack, art, motar, CAS, tank HE spam, of all kinds dropping into the OBJECTIVE, both from allies and from the opposite. If I want to play THE OBJECTIVE then I have to live with concussion, totally bullshit


I have played and tested with others already, and the issue still stands. Even with a reduced radius, the concussion going through walls is still an issue. The enemy should be able to inflict concussion as it opens up tactical options for aggressive play, but neither it nor allied concussion effects should travel through walls. It solely punishes players for playing aggressively, which is what ultimately wins matches.


Please tell me more. I’ll check if it’s on the feedback list.


Of course I play. Therefore, we reacted with the first change within an hour after the release of the update.

And we continue to do it. And we make such texts to discuss with you, to find the best solution.


These posts are very helpful. Although we are aware of the effect of concussion passing through the wall, you help to understand that this is a critically important detail for you. Thank you.


Many ppl run with 9 men squad with 27 tnt pack combined with pouch and perk, very broken


explosion packs seem to inherit the throw range of the normal grenade when equipped on a trooper who has the perk. you can throw explosive packs around 70 - 80 metres.

grenade pouches are an issue because having 3 grenades on a squad of 9 guys is just far too much, even without the new concussion. with 2 or 3 squads of these, some players will do nothing but throw grenades, everywhere


you can get them a bit further than that, but your point is correct

Thank you! We will check it as soon as possible. :+1:


It’s not on my list. You helped me understand that this is an important problem, and I can help solve it faster.

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Nerf that perk, absolutly ridiculous. Spam TnT require even less skill than spaming HVAR


Nerf that perk, absolutly ridiculous. Spam TnT require even less skill than spaming HVAR. Espicially when perk and TnT pouch combined you can bring 27 TnT in a squad and spam them 100m away, absolutely broken

This doesn’t sound good. The team and I will check the range and discuss with the developers.


We are pleased that concussions in the game have been reduced. Previously, we were constantly getting concussions on base, which was ruining our game.

Nice! Thank you Keofox

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