Thanks to some fools that I noticed while reading a Suggestions just now It gave me an idea and we can choose to keep this in the Mess Room or Suggestions

AT soilders sähould be the only class with detpacks/ tnt because tank hunting is their Business. Aütm every soliders is usefull to destroy tanks . If this doesent change the most tanks stay in the greyzone.

that’s still somewhat modest.

believe it or not, it can be worse :skull:

remember not so long time ago, 34 tanks from the enemy team across a 30 mins game.

pure agony.

ah yes once again you cower this statement because you are not actually able to disprove or counter argue what i just said.

and… you expect this thread to go where exactly?

I would prefer the AT weapons become more common than explosive packs

I don’t expect anything from this thread I’m just bringing it up to challenge the lunacy of the other thread

34 tanks…. Doest that even make sense? Feels like it ridiculously high. Having the ability to spam so many should cost way more on tickets? Like per brackets. 0-5 tank x cost, 6-10 tanks cost ect ect. Its heavy mobile armor….

well… i’m afraid both of you will have to get comfortable around here.

because this game will not slow down for just a few.

as i told him, if he, or you, just like anyone else, if he or she wants something different from the arcady mess has been provided, should focus on mods.

but i don’t see any of you two actually picking up said editor, or make suggestions about it.

unironically, mr @guardianreaper0 don’t even believes in customs. and demands pretty much experimental features that will be most likely played by 4 " dogs " to be in the main matchmaker.

i’m afraid it quite doesn’t work like that.

granted, a bit of a shame that customs don’t work like they should on console. nor they have access to the editor.

but i recon someone could make what you two always chant about.


i mean.

you’re not gonna change their opinions with your… own argument or this particular suggestion.

you can sort of see that, right?

well, part of why spams happens, it’s because the game sort of allows it, and it’s the main selling point.

do whatever you want with the least ammount of restrcitions as possible.

cool, but at the same time, it has it’s other side of the coin as one might say.

which brings to these odd scenarios where it doesn’t feel " realistic " at all, but arcady .

which it’s what appeals more to the casuals in todays dayonage so… as much i don’t rock with it, i’m okey with it.

because allows more money to be used for more toys, and upgrade mods and customs too ( hopefully )

to… a certain extent.
relatively limited, but maybe things get better… if only people would actually show more support and interest to customs.

so we could gain xps from mods, have more tools, more options for everyone ( instead of having to resort to modding which it can be painful and challenging at first ) or even just basic options like selecting how many players if you want 1v1 your friend or… have different parameters that shouldn’t require an editor.

but… guess we’ll see :wink:

They do explode most tanks on BR1-4 though. So imo it’s a quite bad argument as it’s based on exceptions to the rule.


That’s why it’s kind of in the mess room and if you’ve seen some of my posts in the past I did preach about the big action mod so technically a custom game thing

i mean.

it’s still a suggestion at the end of the day.

Which one my post or the post I linked ?


that is appreciated.

but… that’s like, only one mod.

which the overhaul picture should be more towards customs and mods, rather than a single mod.
to bring more " on the table " and allow to do even more ( and just basic things ) onto customs.

this one

This was not a suggestion this was a mess room topic and it was not exactly supposed to be taken seriously

well, it’s an idea.

but… idea = suggestions most of the times.


i still was right though

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I would not really say this is a Pearl of wisdom it’s more of a Pearl of insanity

That’s true but I prefer to use a silver bullet and ones I know and here’s some things which are not exactly focused on the big action mod

We need more support for custom games especially sponsored ones by the devs which appeared in the dev post - Suggestions - Enlisted

This was featured quite some time ago in mod digest - Suggestions - Enlisted

Det packs gone?
i track you with a AT, then i can run around side,
jump up and use TNT, which is different to Det pack,
so you going to nerf TNT, Next?

Nope it requires effort and unlike the explosive pack you only can carry one.

and I’m not the one you should be worrying about you should be worrying about the other ones because this one’s not gonna get through.

Oh please explain?
as if i be worried about 20 people at max,
whining in forum, when there’s thousands who play, and don’t whine at all?
About what you carry on about?